Ding, the elevator suddenly stopped, breaking the tense silence. Su Mu Nan seems to have caught the straw side, whispered: "we are here."

Mengke no longer talks, in fact, he also understands. Su Mu Nan will never understand what he is talking about, but give her time. She always knows something on her own. He nodded and said, "follow me."

Mengke opened the door, again surprised Su Mu Nan's eyeball, this place decoration antique. It's not like all the luxury of this apartment at all. It was more comfortable and safe. Su Mu Nan didn't know that he was hypnotized, so he forgot what happened just now. Or did not come back from that surprise at all. Find out what happened.

I have to say. See Su Mu Nan's reaction, Meng Ke or some disappointment, think he is also a world famous. She capsized in such a ditch. I always feel a little unwilling. But love is such a thing, it never cares if you want to. If you're not happy, it's like a tornado. I can't escape, but I can't stay.

"Find any room you like and I'll go up first." Mengke said feebly that he took off his suit coat and was still on the sofa. While unbuttoning his shirt and walking upstairs, Su Mu Nan looks at his back. Until Meng Ke disappears, she just looks like a doll with broken thread. She sits on the sofa dejectedly, her heart beating disorderly. She even feels suffocated. What happened just now? Is Meng Ke confessing to her?

Su Mu Nan covers his chest, like a whole heart does not listen to want to jump out of the same.

Meng Ke went back to his room and went directly into the bathroom. The hot water poured down from his head. Meng Ke slowly closed his eyes. He had never been so flustered. He didn't know how to face the situation that he was retreating into Weigu. Su Mu Nan's words reminded him that the most important thing now is to return to the shadow army and rescue grandfather, violet and seven masters, Instead of being jealous of someone here.

I don't know what's wrong with him. I thought it was so hard to touch a heart. It was so easy to be involved. He couldn't calm down for a second. He never felt this kind of uneasiness. He was never so afraid that he could not make a woman.

The restlessness in the night is gradually extinguished by the cold wind, the moonlight is dim, and the lights are moving. Everything is the same as before.

When Hua Jinxi woke up, he still felt some pain in his head. Did he frown, gnash his teeth, and the flame in his eyes was ferocious and frightening. Su Mu Nan, you dead woman, dare to collude with Meng Ke to eat inside and out.

He looked at Jiyu and Yaer, who were still in a coma. He gasped helplessly and exhausted all his strength to calm himself down. He carried him upstairs. This period of time was also exhausting for them. He just took this excuse to let them have a rest. After Hua Jinxi tossed ya'er upstairs, it was dark.

This Meng Ke, is really not good hearted, and Su Mu Nan that dead woman, don't you know that Meng Ke has no good intentions? Suddenly, he felt a little confused. Hua Jinxi went back to his study and took out a bottle of red wine from the cabinet. The room was not turned on. Under the shadow of the moon, there was a light moonlight. The red wine hit the wall of the glass and made a pleasant sound. In the night, the crystal clear red wine was like fresh blood just flowing out of the human body, with attractive charm. He shook the glass slowly.

Meng Ke, you've done your best. I don't know if you've counted it. What's your role in this long transaction.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, he whispered to himself, "Dad, I will double your revenge. I want the whole shadow army to bury you."

Hua Jinxi takes out a diary from the talent drawer. The edge of the kraft paper cover has begun to curl. It looks a bit old. There is a line of beautiful regular script on the cover, which says, Hua Tianming. Hua Jinxi's eyes gradually became murderous.

Oriental fish white, the sky is approaching dawn, only vaguely woke up, found himself in the room, immediately felt that his brain must be a problem, yesterday clearly did not drink, why still feel a bit broken?

Her first reaction was to find Yar, and she cried out, "YAL YAL YAL... "

Ya'er was still discussing with Hua Jinxi what to do with the next plan. He was startled when he heard the voice of Chuo. He quickly ran back to the room and found that he was sitting on the bed and yelling. He was a little relieved. Some pet asked, "what's the matter?"

"YAL, what happened? I remember I didn't drink a drop of wine yesterday, so why did I break it? I can't remember what happened yesterday. I just looked at the time. I thought I had crossed it. I was scared to see you not around Only Yao suddenly threw himself into Yar's arms and said in surprise.

Ya'er held her in her arms, sighed and said, "it's inevitable that the fragment is broken, because her sister-in-law gave her an overpowering drug in the meal. As for the passage, did you steal to see some domestic films?"

"Ah? What do you say "You said Su Mu Nan gave us the medicine, then she people that, who gave him courage?" she asked"Of course, people left with Meng Ke." Yar shook his head helplessly.

"What?" "What about the boss?" he asked with a shocked face? What's the reaction of the boss? Isn't he supposed to go to Meng Ke and fight hard? "

"That also has to find to just go, now is thinking about how to find Meng Ke Na, the result is you such a shout, I ran here." Yar said helplessly.

"Oh, I can't see. Su Mu Nan is so brave. If the eldest brother sees her alive, he will torture her. If he is lucky to see her dead, he will have to whip his corpse. It's terrible and terrible." Just as she said it, her expression was a little twitching. They were too clear about Hua Jinxi's character. She was like this in her own home. She was set up by her wife. She was still for a man. It was a great blow to China.

"It's as if you didn't say that. The boss looks calm. It doesn't look like it was stimulated at all Said yall, frowning.

"You are stupid. Such a disgraceful thing, you mean to show that you are very hurt, very stimulated appearance? Besides, the boss is a Muggle. Don't you know that? The more calm, the more turbulent the heart, this time it seems that the boss and Meng Ke's four Liang Zi is married Only a face hate iron not steel said.

"What is the boss doing now?" He continued to ask.

"It's strange that he's working on a map of an abandoned factory, and he's starting with sewers." YAL replied.

"Sewer?" "I'm sorry, the boss is looking for a place to dump his body. He's dead. He's dead. Su Mu Nan is dead this time."

"You're OK. Don't be here. The map of that factory is not in B city. You're OK. I still have something to do. I don't have time to be here. I'm afraid." YAL said with a smile.

"You don't go." He suddenly stopped him and called out.

"What happened?" Yar asked helplessly.

"I'm hungry. Think about it, I just ate a few mouthfuls yesterday, I was put away, dinner, breakfast are saved, and now I have been hungry heart to back. You can get me something to eat. " Only a face of grievance said.

Ya'er thought about it, nodded with a smile and said, "then you have to let me go first. I'll get you something to eat. You'll come down when you get up."

Only after thinking about it, she reluctantly let go of ya'er. The little eyes, the hook's ya'er was hot, chuckled, turned and left. There was really no way. For such a girl, he didn't have a little temper. In this world, some people stumbled to find a generation, but they couldn't find the one who could let themselves live or die, but some people did That is, they are so lucky, they are so casual that they found the most important person in this life.

Chiu quickly got up, changed his clothes, and went straight to Hua Jinxi's study. Of course, this kind of fun can't be missed. He also wants to know what kind of expression and mood Hua Jinxi is now and whether he has a deep sense of frustration.

But it's funny to think about it. I've been through the big wind and big waves. I capsized in such a small ditch, and my reputation was destroyed once. Ha ha ha ha.

When Hua Jinxi heard the noise from the upstairs, he knew that it was the only one who woke up. He frowned and looked at the map he had just got, and it was in one fell swoon that success or failure was at stake.

Sure enough, she put a weird smile on her face and poked her head through the door. Looking at Hua Jinxi's expression, there was no difference. She was a little disappointed. She pushed the door in and asked casually, "boss, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about how to find Su Mu Nan, how to chop her into several pieces, put them into some woven bags, and throw their bodies into the sewers respectively." Hua Jinxi raised his head slightly and looked at him earnestly, calmly said.

Only Xuan immediately realized something. He was in a cold sweat and ran out of the room. He was afraid of huajinxi. Every time he was in a bad mood and wanted to find sandbags to be beaten, he was calm. He could always say all kinds of cruel things without emotion. In the contrast of these emotions, people felt the greatest panic and pain. In the past few years, he and he have recruited countless times, and the most sensitive radar has been formed in his body to detect and resolve this embarrassing situation.

However, as a person who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos and has a little Schadenfreude, she is very happy to see this situation. If this situation goes on, who will su Mu Nan choose? It is still an unknown number. This kind of love triangle is the best. It is much more fun than the dog blood scene in the TV series. Think about it, she feels that life is suddenly beautiful Much better.

The panic about vultures, and being watched, at the center of the plot, vanished. She is such a person who is easy to be distracted. As long as she has a little happiness, she will become optimistic. I don't know whether this is the freedom and relief that every person who has experienced life and death will have. If there is wine today, what will happen to tomorrow? Whatever?

"Just come and eat." Ya'er stood on the stairs gently, looking at only a spoiled smile, just nodded, a happy face ran toward ya'er.What is happiness? Happiness is that the best friends are around, the most loved one is not far away, he loves you more than you, no one cares whether you are happy or not.

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