"It's glass. Don't you think the glass of ocean audience is frightening? I always feel like I'm in a bubble. As long as the fish in the sea slightly move their fins, breaking the bubble, they will be flooded by tons of water. Drown alive in the water, if you're not lucky. It's right under the shark. Is it really frightening to think about it? " Su Mu Nan said excitedly.

"Ha ha." Meng Ke smiles awkwardly for Su Mu Nan's thinking. He really does not dare to compliment, always think that this woman is a neuropathy when she is abnormal, this idea as a normal person should not have good? Meng Ke really wants to pry Su Mu Nan's head open. What's in there. Is it because her brain circuits are different from normal human beings.

Su Mu Nan Tu straightened up and took a deep breath. It's like a big decision. Make up your mind. Looking at Meng Ke firmly, he said, "I'm ready. Let's go in. "

Meng Ke shrugged, Su Mu Nan tightly grasped Meng Ke's arm. Try to enter the aquarium, at the beginning, or a trembling look. Meng Ke felt that he must have been with Su Mu Nan for a long time, even his IQ was affected, because he couldn't understand why he would come to the aquarium with such a neuropathy. Two people who are afraid of the aquarium are the same. They even come to the aquarium to play.

This kind of thing will definitely be regarded as neuropathy, but Meng Ke has seen it with his own eyes. He has to admit that Su Mu Nan's adaptability is amazing. After a while, he has been used to the environment here. At first, he still grabs Meng Ke shivering and looks around like a thief. However, he finally dares to look up at his head and look at his head Swimming through the fish will also have a moment because of surprise and let go of Meng Ke, drunk fish run past.

But after two steps, I suddenly realized that after leaving mengke, I would still quickly run back to catch him, just like catching a straw. Meng Ke looked at Su Mu Nan's appearance, silent smile, unexpectedly some hope, the time so stopped, he can keep the side of this girl who regards him as a life-saving straw, just watching her mischievous, accompany her crazy, slowly is the past life.

Su Mu Nan looked at Meng Ke and asked, "Why are you so calm? Aren't you afraid of fish?"

"You're afraid of fish. I just don't like to eat fish. What's more, there's nothing to be afraid of in a place like the aquarium. Do you think everyone's thinking will be just like you?" Meng Ke disdained to ask.

"Then why don't you dare to come?" Su Mu that is unconvinced asked.

"I don't dare or don't want to. I've met a lot of women and asked them where they want to go. Their answers are usually shopping malls, cinemas, theatres, concert halls and so on. It's the first time I've heard people say they want to come to Haiguan, a boring place like this. " Meng Ke shrugged and replied.

Su Mu Nan seemed to suddenly have something in the world, but it didn't arouse her any idea. Her whole attention shifted from fear to the magical marine creatures in the aquarium. She suddenly felt that the world was really magical. She was amazed that there were so many things she had never seen before, and that there were so many creatures living in the ocean.

They have their own protective colors, and in order to survive, they cling to the shells of various creatures, or in the rocks of reefs. They have their own way of life, they may need to communicate with each other, may not need to, but they still live their own life, has not changed, will not change.

Su Mu Nan suddenly laughed. She thought that when her life could be like a sea creature, she could have seven seconds' memory, then she could forget all the unhappy things, and she would not feel stupid to make a mistake repeatedly. It was really a happy thing. Only, she knew that she did not have such a chance. Her destiny had already begun and would never be It's not going to stop. Until the day she dies, she can't control herself to forget or remember what happened. She's the most common person in the world. She won't be so lucky.

Far away in another city in this country, a girl stood in front of a mirror and looked at her face wrapped in gauze. Her eyes looked bright, but she was very indifferent. Her hands went around the gauze on her face, and removed them from her face layer by layer. Her face became more and more clear on the mirror in front of her, until at last the gauze scattered all over her feet. She slightly turned her neck and looked at her brand-new face. There was no trace of disharmony in her face. The corners of her mouth gradually aroused a mean evil and sycophantic smile.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened, and a middle-aged man came in from the door. He didn't know it belonged to the military uniform there, but it looked too much straightened. The man was not good-looking, but he looked very sharp. He was no more than 40 or 50 years old and had some stubble on his mouth. His eyes were polished by the years. He looked at the woman in front of him and asked, "are you ready?"

The woman nodded and said, "the enchantress is ready and waiting for the order."

The man laughed, sat down on the sofa, poured a glass of whisky, and said softly, "in fact, I'm not worried. Your face has just taken off the gauze. It's still a few days to recover. During these days, you can get an accurate understanding of the city you are going to, B, and the people you may meet in the course of your mission. ""Yes." The woman nodded and solemnly replied that the face was too beautiful, but it was a little stiff and strange. Maybe it was because of such a pair of smiling eyes, but the whole face did not have a smile, so it looked too strange.

"Hua Jinxi is a very difficult person, so you must try to restore the character. If you can't restore the character's character as much as possible, we can only start the standby scheme, which is to create a person with completely opposite personality to that person, so as to deceive him. Remember, your character is not to please him, but to make him fall in love with you, or to have a feeling that he can't give up Love, limit his action. " Said the man, frowning.

"Why huajinxi? Isn't our goal Meng Ke? " The enchantress asked with some doubts. She originally thought that her plan was to use beauty to kill Meng Ke, and then kill him unconsciously.

But I don't know why, the plan seems to have changed suddenly. The enchantress asked with some doubts, "and who is huajinxi? Who's my face? Was my face not pretty enough? "

The enchantress is a man who never disobeys this man. However, she still can't understand this thing. Before seeing her face, the enchantress once believed that few women in the world could be more beautiful than her. Therefore, after being arranged by the master, she had one expectation, or curiosity, in her heart After all, there are many beautiful women in the world, but when the operation is finished.

After removing the gauze from her face by herself, the enchantress still has a moment's incomprehension. This face is obviously not as delicate as her original appearance. Why should I have plastic surgery like this?

"The owner of this face is a person who is very important to Meng Ke and Hua Jinxi. If you take it with you, it will be easier to attract their attention. As for huajinxi, I didn't expect that this person would have such a great influence on my plan, but since everything has already happened, I can only kill this person with one or two things. " The man took a sip of whisky and said with a sneer.

His eyes were infected with the burning flame, as if to devour something, and as if something was growing wildly.

"Why not go to Meng Ke first? Since we are for the shadow forces, it is not more secure to get rid of Meng Ke directly. Why should we make such a fuss? " The enchantress asked.

"Get rid of Meng Ke?" The man frowned at the enchantress, as if looking at an ignorant and naive child, and said with a light smile: "do you think it is such a simple thing to get rid of Meng Ke? All the killers in the shadow army are counted. There is no one who can kill Meng Ke. Even if it is me, I may not be able to kill him. Therefore, we can only take advantage of Meng Ke, not fight hard. I have no way to make such a bad strategy, so you must remember that you must make sure that Meng Ke has feelings for you before you can act. Otherwise, you are looking for death by yourself. "

"Master, now we have the whole shadow force. As long as we find a chance to kill violet, seventh master, Ninth master, isn't the shadow force ours? Why is it so troublesome? " The enchantress asked.

"You really didn't make any progress. Now we just grasped the control and intercepted Meng Ke's contact with the shadow forces, making him think that something had happened to him who had been planted in the shadow forces. So he did not dare to come back rashly. How long do you think this situation can last? Violet is a genius. She doesn't find any trace now. Once she finds something, she will contact Meng Ke. We'll see straight through our plans The man said helplessly.

The enchantress frowned and couldn't speak at once. Originally, she thought that her master in the shadow army was a very powerful role, but she didn't expect that there were so many complicated attributes in the things he was facing. Their situation is not as optimistic as they think.

The enchantress had to pay more attention to this action, because she finally realized that this action is the last stop of their life and death. If they can succeed, they will have a chance to continue to survive. If not, they are only waiting for death, or something more terrible than death.

"Who is huajinxi?" The enchantress frowned and asked.

"Hua Jinxi is the son of Chen Yun, a defector of the shadow army. Chen Yun not only gave him all he had learned in his life, but also studied in the mercenary school and achieved remarkable results. He is comparable to Meng Ke in personal strength. So if huajinxi really bites us like a mad dog, it will not be good news for us. " The man frowned and said with a long focus.

Although his plan is accurate, he did not expect Hua Tianming's son to be so powerful that he can only use his own ability to destroy his whole plan.

"But that's not the worst news yet. We have a more intractable problem." The man's brow is locked, he put the cup on the tea table, instant no interest in drinking.

It happened so suddenly and so intractable that he didn't even have time to deal with this sudden trouble.

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