Father Qin sighed helplessly. Although he didn't want to tell Su Mu Nan what happened more than 20 years ago, in order to prevent her from acting rashly, he went to seek revenge on vultures. I have to tell them all about the past.

His voice was vigorous, with some regret and unwilling to say: "son, do you know your father Yue Jiangshan. He used to be a member of the shadow army, and he still has a certain position in the shadow army. Even your mother-in-law. Hua Tianming, the father of the Little Wang Bazi. They are also talents with high position and weight in the shadow army. "

Su munan was not surprised that Yue Jiangshan was a shadow army, but he was very surprised at the fact that both Yue Jiangshan and Hua Tianming were shadow troops, and that all of Weigao were members.

Master Qin shook his head and said, "it was Lao Meng who sent them to look for this treasure map decades ago. However, it was strange that Yue Jiangshan died inexplicably in the operation, so Lao Meng suspected that they had received the information of the treasure map at that time. Hua Tianming was recalled in a hurry. After a while. Hua Tianming is also dead. No one mentioned the treasure map, and it disappeared for a while. "

Qin frowned and said, "until I saw Yue Jiang Shan for the first time. I knew that. This man will not be an honest scholar. My Qin family has a big family and a great career. I don't have a son, so it doesn't matter what kind of husband Qin Huai is looking for. But I hope she does not like her mother, with me, * the heart of a lifetime. I hope she will find an ordinary person to marry and live a good life, so I don't agree with them. Even shut up Qinhuai

"Ah..." Mr. Qin closed his eyes and said in a sad voice, "after all, it's a woman who doesn't want to stay. Qinhuai, she doesn't understand my pain. She ran away in a rage. I looked for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. None of the people I sent out had ever come back. I understood at that time that I didn't read the wrong person. Yue Jiangshan was not an ordinary person."

"Then, after a while, I received an anonymous letter with a picture of Yue Jiangshan holding Qinhuai and a little baby in Qinhuai's arms. I was relieved to think that Yue Jiangshan was reporting to me, and they had a good life, so I would not send anyone to disturb them. Ah After a long time, I was relieved. My children and grandchildren have their own good fortune, so let them go. Qinhuai has no mother since childhood, and I know that she hates me. As long as she has a good life, I can rest assured. " Qin said slowly.

Looking at Mr. Qin's appearance, Su Mu Nan's eyes suddenly become a little wet. Maybe it's because his image is too strong. When talking about such trifles, he is particularly heartbreaking. Su Mu Nan even began to sympathize with the old man. Pity the world's parents, the world's parents, what to do is not for their own children. However, there are several children in the world who can understand their parents' painstaking efforts.

Only when the son wants to support him and he doesn't stay, can he know how to regret and regret, but it's too late. Su Mu Nan now finally understand why she would occasionally see her mother standing in a daze at the window, that kind of expression, very much like the appearance of Mr Qin now. Now Su Mu Nan finally understood that it was the expression of homesickness, that was the expression of missing his family.

There are too many things in the world that you have to do. If you choose to get one, you are doomed to give up the other. This choice can't be regretted or changed. When Qinhuai chooses to stay with yuejiangshan and Liangxiang, she has already given up the responsibility of becoming a filial son. She knows that in her life, she is right If you can't afford this father, you will have that expression on your face.

How sad it is, I'm afraid only she can understand it. But Qin Huai always laughs at people. He is afraid that Yue Jiangshan knows that he has never regretted having followed him all his life.

"Until a few days ago, I received a letter from Yue Jiangshan again. He said that he hoped that I could take Qinhuai and tell you that he might be dead, and let me get to B city as soon as possible, but I came, but I could only find you."

"Do you mean that my father, who left the shadow army, had something to do with this treasure map?" Su Mu Nan frowned and said, "at that time, it was Hua Jinxi's father who was on a mission with my father. Then he must have been to the treasure map. Maybe, maybe Hua Jinxi would know about the treasure map?"

Mr. Qin nodded and said, "it can also be said that I have asked mengke. Laomengtou is his grandfather. He has never mentioned this matter with Meng Ke. I think Hua Tianming has not told huajinxi about this. It seems that there must be something strange about this treasure map. Therefore, yuejiangshan and Hua Tianming will leave the shadow army one after another, but never mentioned it I've worked on this treasure map

Su Mu Nan nodded. This thing is really unimaginable complex. Every time I feel clear and close to the truth, there is a clue that is more deviated from the main line. The farther they are pulled away from the main line, Su Mu Nan knows that his brain is not enough at the beginning, but he does not think that a treasure map suddenly appears.

But this explains why, at the beginning, someone turned her house upside down, why the vultures didn't kill her together, and even more, why the strange old man said she was the best bait to attract the vultures.Mr. Qin said without hesitation: "you son of a bitch, it's not that I don't want you to go, it's I'm worried about you. Now only my side is the safest. Besides this yard, even those two stinky boys can't guarantee your safety. You're the only one left in my old man. Your mother's revenge, I will naturally revenge, but your safety is more important

Su Mu Nan heavily nodded. After listening to Mr. Qin's words, she also reflected on her own. She left the green hills and was not afraid of no firewood. As long as she was alive, she could find a vulture to avenge her parents. She really could not act rashly. He must have talked with Meng Ke about the current tense.

Therefore, Meng Ke will say, don't worry, first live for a period of time, and then think about it from a long-term perspective. It's also right to think about it. This matter can't be too hasty. Su Mu Nan nodded and thought, since it is a treasure map, it should be a piece of paper.

If Yue Jiangshan had this treasure map in his hand, where would he put it? If the treasure map is not in Yue Jiangshan's hands, it must be in Hua Tianming's hands. Yes, Hua Jinxi, we must ask Hua Jinxi about this matter.

Su Mu Nan didn't have time to explain, so he ran out. Looking at Su Mu Nan's rash appearance, he shook his head helplessly. As soon as he saw Su Mu Nan, he couldn't help thinking of Qin Huai in those years. It was really like a mold carved out.

Su Mu Nan quickly walked through the corridor, looking for the shadow of huajinxi in every room. Sure enough, he found huajinxi in a room full of wood carvings. Hua Jinxi is studying a wood carving on the ground. It seems that there will be a long time of precipitation, and the quality of the wood carving will be so natural.

Su Mu Nan patted Hua Jin Xi from behind. Hua Jin Xi pressed Su Mu Nan's arm and threw his backhand over his shoulder. Fortunately, Su Mu Nan cried out: "ah It hurts. "

Hua Jinxi quickly closed his hand and turned around. He looked at Su Mu Nan with a face of displeasure and asked, "who gives you the courage to act against me?"

Su Mu Nan didn't say much, and asked directly, "huajinxi. Have you heard about the treasure map? "

Hua Jinxi frowned and glared at Su Mu Nan. He asked scornfully, "Su Mu Nan, have you seen too many TV dramas with brain damage? Treasure map. Are there tombs and Zombies? Do you want to ask the black donkey's hooves.

Su Mu Nan frowned and said, "I really didn't joke with you. Didn't your father mention the treasure map to you?"

Hua Jinxi looks at Su Mu Nan suspiciously. Su Mu Nan's expression is serious, but it doesn't look like a brain drain. What treasure map? Hua Jinxi has never heard of any treasure map. He looks at Su Mu Nan and asks, "what treasure map?"

Su Mu Nan looked at Hua Jinxi's expression and knew that he really didn't know anything. He said dejectedly, "it seems that my grandfather guessed right again. You don't know what the treasure map is, and your father has not mentioned it to you."

Hua Jinxi thought about it and asked, "why do you suddenly ask about this? Is it what boss Qin told you? "

Su Mu Nan nodded and said, "yes, my grandfather suspected that the death of my parents had something to do with the treasure map. Twenty years ago, your father and my father were partners to look for the treasure map, but later nothing happened. They pretended to be dead and left the shadow army one after another."

Huajinxi frowned and raised his eyebrows and asked, "so that is to say, those who have never known their origin are looking for this treasure map in your home. They think the treasure map is still in the hands of Yuejiang mountain?"

Su Mu Nan nodded and said, "it should be, but my father never mentioned the treasure map to me. I thought your father would tell you something. It seems that your father did not tell you anything. Even if the treasure map is really in my home or your home, we can't find it."

Treasure map? What's this? Hua Jinxi seems to suddenly think of something. Villa is the house that his father would take him to when he was a child on vacation every year. When he was a child, Hua Jinxi was not willing to go. As long as he got to that house, his world seemed to be overturned. There were endless fights, being knocked out, waking up with a water gun, and continuing to fight. Those inhuman days and darkness Night has become the reason why Hua Jinxi resists the holiday, but Hua Tianming has said such a meaningful sentence.

"This house is a gift from me. Everything here belongs to you. But whether it really belongs to you depends on your ability."

Hua Jinxi frowned and fell into deep thought. Hua Jinxi didn't understand the meaning of Hua Tianming all the time. Now it seems to be a hint that if the so-called treasure map really exists, it must be in that villa if it is not in yuejiangshan's hands.

"Hello..." Su Mu Nan looked at Hua Jin Xi's meditative manner, reached out his hand and shook it in front of Hua Jinxi and asked, "what do you think of? Do you remember something? "

Su Mu Nan asked excitedly.

Hua Jinxi just came back to his mind. He lifted a smile and said, "do you want to know?"

"Mm-hmm Su Mu Nan mang nods, Hua Jinxi smiles more to be beaten, pick eyebrow way: "beg me.".Su Mu Nan frowned and glared at Hua Jinxi and said unhappily, "you..."

"You what you? Do you ask? " Hua Jinxi asked with disdain.

"Well, I beg you, please." Su Mu Nan blinked unhappily.

The corner of huajinxi's mouth draws up a faint smile and signals Su Mu nan to extend his ear.

Su Mu Nan happily extended his ear to the past, but Huajin river opened his thin lips and slowly said four words: "I won't tell you."

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