"Li Qing, be careful. Yuese is aware of it. There must be no problem. " Huajinxi low voice.

"Yes." Li Qing nods and exits the room. Just walking through a corridor, yuesser just turned the corner. Suddenly, Li Qing rushed out from behind. Drag it into the room behind you. The waiter quickly followed in and closed the door.

Su Mu Nan is scared, Li Qing pulls Yue se to the bed. Take off the shoes under her feet and throw them to Su Mu Nan: "put them on."

"Ah? Oh. " Su Mu Nan quickly picked up the writing and put it on his feet.

"Come out, come on." The earphone begins to make a sound, Su Mu Nan also does not attend to ask more. Hurry down the stairs. Fortunately, I was familiar with the environment of this hotel before.

"Yuese." Just walking down the stairs, a voice came from behind.

Su Mu Nan suddenly Leng, afraid of what to come, most afraid of this time someone said hello. She frowned and did not turn. Yue Jiangshan came up to him and asked, "I didn't feel relieved just now. I followed up to have a look. I didn't see you either. "

There was something wrong with Yue Jiangshan. Suspiciously asked: "your necklace that?"

Su Mu Nan's small heart beat in a mess, really bad luck. I forgot to see yueser was still wearing a necklace.

"Yuese, your necklace." Hua Jinxi came with a smile. Wearing the necklace around Su Mu Nan's neck, he chuckled: "you forgot in the room just now."

Hua Jinxi winked and Su Mu Nan nodded.

"The party is about to begin. Let's go to Yue Bo first. " Huajinxi light voice channel.

Yue Jiangshan nodded hesitantly. Has their relationship reached such a good level? Then he shook his head helplessly. It's really a needle in my daughter's heart. I hate it a second ago, but now I'm getting closer.

Su Mu Nan was relieved and his legs began to tremble. Hua Jinxi said coldly, "it's over. I'm going to clean you up."

Su Mu Nan bit the corner of her lip and stood beside Hua Jin Xi slowly. Hua Jin Xi looked at her and Su Mu Nan quickly stepped back to the side. Hua Jinxi said impatiently, "won't you take my arm?"

Su Mu Nan took Hua Jinxi's arm. The banquet hall suddenly went dark. The art spotlight hit Hua Jinxi and Su Mu Nan. Applause and blessing were heard around.

Su Mu Nan secretly looked at huajinxi, and his beautiful facial features were set off more perfectly by the illumination of the chasing light, like a bright star, which became the whole scenery in Su Mu Nan's eyes.

"Watch the way." Hua Jinxi disdains the low voice.

Su Mu Nan just frowned and came to his senses. He followed Hua Jinxi's steps up the steps. Cheers rang out. Under the microphone, Hua Jinxi's voice was even more *: "thank you for your busy schedule to attend the engagement ceremony of Yue Se and I wish you all a good time."

The waiter brings the red wine. Hua Jinxi smiles and hands the glass to Yuese. How wonderful it is. If only time could stop at this moment. Su Mu Nan took the glass and said with a smile, "so, Jinxi didn't dare to bring Zhangzi back with him. We prayed that his plan would be completed quickly and the divorce procedures would be completed before Zhangzi found out." Ye Gucheng sipped a mouthful of champagne, showing a smile like expression. Ye Guchi asked suspiciously, "brother, what dirty things are you thinking about? The expression is so obscene. "

"What are you talking about? No big, no small. " Ye Gucheng glared at Ye Guchi and said: "the sooner he divorced, the faster my Xiaomu Nan can be put into my arms."

"No, brother, you are really more and more despicable, such a silly little girl, you do not let go?" Ye Guchi's disdain in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Gucheng chuckled and said, "silly? You're really stupid when you say she's stupid. "

The lights suddenly went dark. The spotlight in the banquet hall hit Hua Jinxi and Su munan. The elegant and soothing music sounds. In the twinkling of crystal lights, huajinxi and Su munan took the lead in the dance. The guests all danced in succession, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Hua Jinxi mouth with a light smile, Su Mu Nan slightly frown, a scene she has never seen, even dream, one day she can become the focus of attention.

"Watch your expression." Hua Jinxi whispered a warning.

"Ah? Oh. " Su Mu Nan's eyes twinkled and her mouth began to smile. Her face was perfectly over polished by the exquisite craftsmanship of the makeup artist. There is no doubt that none of the guests in the hall is qualified to dance with Hua Jinxi. Everyone knows that their marriage is a perfect match in business. Only Su Mu Nan understands that all these belong to Yue se. She wants to snatch them over. She tells herself that Su Mu Nan is Yue se, and you are the real Yue se.

"Ah, a question came to my mind." Su Mu Nan low voice exclaimed.

Hua Jinxi kept smiling and looked at Su Mu Nan without expression. He squeezed out a word from his teeth in a low voice: "say."

"After the party, am I going back to my wife's house?" Su Mu Nan asked nervously.

"So, after a while, after the opening dance, drink a few more drinks until you are drunk and unconscious." Hua Jinxi answered softly.

"Ah? No way. If I drink too much, I'll talk nonsense. What can I do if I'm exposed? " Su Mu Nan asked uneasily."Can't you pretend? If you have a drink, you'll be drunk. I'll take you back Hua Jinxi added.

"Yes." Yi Kewei suddenly understood something and nodded heavily.

"I will arrange the marriage as soon as possible. These days, you will go out early and return late at home. You will see less people and talk less. If you have any different habits, you will be said to be influenced by me. Do you understand? " Hua Jinxi asked in a low voice.

"I see." Su Mu Nan, the corner of the mouth slightly raised, can smile to reply.

Su Mu Nan took Hua Jinxi's arm with a graceful smile. Facing this strange environment, it seemed that the safest way was to hold huajinxi's hand tightly and give him all the trouble.

Yue Jiangshan came slowly with a red wine cup in his hand.

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