Hua Jinxi was stunned, then showed a pair of indifferent expression, and said with a smile: "everybody continue. Don't let this madman spoil his interest. " Give Li Qing a look, Li Qing nods. Look ugly to leave.

"Let's keep dancing." Hua Jinxi smiles and takes Su Mu Nan's hand.

"Huajinxi, you bastard." Zhang Zi's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he was sent out by Li Qing without a few words.

Yue Jiangshan said two words to the bodyguard behind him. I don't care. This episode was soon forgotten by the guests, except Su Mu Nan. Hua Jinxi's expression makes her feel like walking on thin ice. That kind of not angry but awe of the breath of Su Mu Nan, afraid that he made a little mistake. Although Hua Jinxi has been smiling, his eyes are extraordinarily penetrating.

"Pretending to be ill." Huajinxi low voice.

The reaction of Phoebe thunbergii was extremely fast. As soon as Hua Jinxi's voice fell, she immediately looked miserable and covered her abdomen tightly. Huajin River supported Su Mu nan to the side of Yuejiang mountain. Su Mu Nan frowned and said, "Dad, I have a stomachache, which may be gastroenteritis."

"Ah. Go to the hospital Yue Jiangshan said he was going to pull Yue se away. Hua Jinxi took Su Mu Nan's shoulder and said, "Yue Bo. I'll take Yuese, and you'll be in trouble. "

Yue Jiangshan looks at Su Mu Nan. Su Mu Nan nods. Hua Jinxi held Su Mu nan to the outside of the banquet hall and pushed him away. Su Mu Nan bit his lip. Hurry up, don't want to know, just that woman is very important to him.

Hua Jinxi turns the key and takes out the phone. "How is Zhang Zi in China?" he asked

"I asked you how Zhang Zi came back."

Also do not know what the other side said, Hua Jinxi slapped his mobile phone to one side, and the car flew out with a whoosh. Su Mu Nan looked out of the window at the street lamp that had been twisted into a thread, and suddenly had a kind of ominous premonition.

The car was driving towards the outside of the city. Suddenly, the mobile phone that was still on one side rang. Su Mu Nan picked up the mobile phone from the seat and handed it to Hua Jinxi. As soon as it was connected, Hua Jinxi was stunned for a moment, and then the speed was faster. Seeing the speedometer needle swish across the scale, Su Mu Nan held the handle tightly.

The car stopped next to an abandoned factory. Su Mu Nan almost hit the front windshield. Hua Jinxi quickly got out of the car and rushed in with a heartrending roar. Su Mu Nan quickly got out of the car and followed him.

The warehouse was in a mess. She was the woman who had just appeared in the banquet hall. Her clothes were in disorder. There was a pool of blood under her. Her face was scarred. The most terrible thing was that her stomach was cut alive and blood was blurred. Su Mu Nan looked at it and her legs were soft. Sitting on the ground against the cold iron door.

"Zhangzi, Zhangzi, wake up, wake up." Huajinxi's voice has a strong nasal sound, which sounds heartbreaking.

"Zhang Zi Zhang Zi... " Hua Jinxi screamed hysterically, but no one would answer him again.

Zhang Zi is like a rag doll that has been discarded and worn out, lying in the arms of huajinxi. No matter how warm he is, he can't stop her colder and colder body temperature.

Hua Jinxi's eyes are like a red flame, and his veins are suddenly rising. He slowly puts Zhang Zi aside. He turns around and looks at Su Mu Nan, who is shrinking to one side. His eyes are full of resentment and cruelty. He looks like a wild animal looking at the prey that is about to be torn up and swallowed. One step, two steps, three steps, he goes to Su Mu Nan.

Su Mu Nan immediately felt the terror around her. She stood up and was about to escape.


Hua Jinxi blocks Su Mu Nan's escape way with an arrow step. His eyes are red like a demon beast, staring at Su Mu Nan's approach. Su Mu Nan slowly retreats, bumps into the wall behind him, nowhere to escape.

"You... You What are you going to do Su Mu Nan voice dry, nervous asked.

A hiss. Hua Jinxi tears Su Mu Nan's dress as soon as he tears it. The diamond embedded in the dress falls off and makes a trivial protest. Su Mu Nan covers his chest and pushes Hua Jinxi aside.

Hua Jinxi grabs Su Mu Nan's hair and throws it hard.


with a scream, Su Mu Nan fell out along the strength of huajinxi, and fell on the concrete floor, which broke her skin and pricked her pain. She moved back a little bit, and Hua Jinxi rushed up and pulled hard. The original tattered dress was pulled down and thrown aside. The skinned Sumerian is scared.

"What are you going to do? You said you wouldn't touch me Su Mu Nan cried for mercy.

Hua Jinxi pressed Su Mu Nan's body and pulled her hair. Hawk like eyes stabbed in Su Mu Nan's eyes and said: "don't talk, or I will really kill you."

Before Su Mu Nan had time to speak, Hua Jinxi bit her thin lip fiercely, and the smell of blood was instantly diffused in their mouths. It was so strong, with the pleasure of killing. Hua Jinxi pushed with brute force, ignoring Su Mu Nan's feelings and pressing her on the ground.

Hua Jinxi quickly tidied up his clothes, picked up Zhang Zi's body on the ground, took two steps, and said coldly, "get up quickly. Or die here. "Su Mu Nan looks at the back of Hua Jinxi. Her tears have already run dry. She slowly supports the wall to stand up. Her abdomen is killing her, and her shoulder is covered with countless wounds. As soon as she stands up, she falls down again I can't walk because of body pain. I've never been tortured like this. It turns out that there are more terrible things in this world than death.

He looked at the pieces of the dress on the ground, looking at a mess of naked Naked self, want to cry without tears. Slowly step by step to the door, every step seems to be dead once. Hua Jinxi, the animal, * is not as good as a pig or a dog. Even if he curses in his heart, he can't play a role.

Hua Jinxi put Zhang Zi on the back seat, got on the car, lit a cigarette, and closed his eyes in pain. His father, his unborn child, and his favorite person in this life all died. He had to revenge. He wanted to make the murderer pay an unimaginable price.

Yuejiangshan, yuejiangshan, yuejiangshan and huajinxi punched the window of the car angrily. The glass window broke into pieces of glass. Su Mu Nan, who had just gone to the car, was frightened to look back. She looked at the body of Zhang Zi behind the seat and opened the door with shaking hands. She walked out of the car with nothing on and got on the car of huajinxi.

Hua Jinxi didn't even look at her. Turning the key, the car swished like a wild horse running out of rein. The cold wind poured into the sharp cold of the lathe. Su Mu Nan was tight in the corner of the carriage. He was so sad that he couldn't breathe. His eyes were red and swollen like walnuts. He couldn't tear any more. Sobbing in a low voice.

"If you make any more noise, I'll kick you down." Hua Jinxi roared fiercely.

Su Mu Nan trembled with fear. She tightly covered his chest, violent ups and downs, so that the spread in the chest wound began to flow blood. The lips were swollen, and the smell of blood still remained in the mouth. Su Mu Nan was shaken by the cold wind, and the car suddenly stopped. Su Mu Nan realized that he had arrived at the villa in huajinxi.

Hua Jinxi smashed his mobile phone on Su Mu Nan's body and said in a cold voice, "call yuejiangshan and say you're ready. Let them not worry."

Su Mu Nan has not yet eased from the sad atmosphere. Hua Jinxi glared at him and said in a sharp voice, "hurry up."

Su Mu Nan picked up the mobile phone and pressed the call button. Soon, the voice of Yue Jiang Shan came from the opposite side. Su Mu Nan called out wrongly, "Dad."

Yue Jiangshan's heart was tight, and he asked with heartache in his voice: "Yue se, what's the matter? It sounds like you're crying

Su Mu Nan, who was on the verge of collapse, was even more nervous when he heard this concern. Yue Jiangshan was even more worried when he listened to Yue SE's silence. Some of them were warm and angry and asked, "Yuese, tell Dad whether Hua Jinxi bullied you."

"No. No, It's just that if you don't get sick for a long time, you'll be delicate. " Su Mu Nan answers quickly.

"You are too strong. Come back quickly. Your mother is so anxious to hear that you are not feeling well. She specially cooks Soup for you, waiting for you to come back." Yue Jiangshan said heartily.

Su Mu Nan choked two times. Hua Jinxi coughed. Su Mu Nan quickly took a deep breath: "Dad, I will finish the examination later. You don't have to wait for me. I won't go back today. Go to bed early. I'm safe with Hua Jinxi. You don't have to worry. I'm married to him. How can the milk song go back in advance before the day of returning home

"You child, just got married, the heart grew grass, the female big does not stay, had the husband to forget the father and mother." Yuejiang mountain angry strange way.

"Dad..." Yuese's heart was cut like a knife. She was miserable. She had never called this word. Now, the person who cared most about her was a stranger who was about to be calculated by her. It's really ironic.

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