Su Mu Nan's heart suddenly melted, as if it was the first time to be cherished and treated as a treasure. She pursed her lips, and slowly lifted her hands hanging on the side of her legs and hugged him slowly around the solid waist of huajinxi. Huajinxi mouth gently raised. Took her by the hand and walked out of the cinema. Huajinxi is very slow. It seems that she wants to enjoy the scenery on the road.

Just coming home in the afternoon. Huajinxi paid Su Mu Nan for a while. Company assistant calls, hurried out, Su Mu Nan suddenly remembered Meng Ke put in her hand note. She rushed into the bathroom, locked the door and looked at the note.

There is only one line on it: see you later. One day you will understand that huajinxi can't give it to you. I can.

"Insane." Su Mu Nan did not want to tear up the paper, and then throw it into the toilet, a button rushed down. The paper tumbled a few times in the whirlpool. It was washed down the drain. Su Mu Nan was suddenly thirsty. She strolled down to the kitchen.

Qin Huai is cooking soup in the kitchen. See Su Mu Nan smile and say: "willing to act alone? I thought you were going to grow up with Jinxi. "

"Mom." Su Mu Nan chuckles, some embarrassed to get together in the past. Curiously asked: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"It's dry and dry. The air is so dry this season that your father is always coughing. I'll cook a soup to lower his fire Qin Huai answered with a smile, his eyes fell on Su Mu Nan's right leg and asked, "is your leg really good? Is it really all right? "

"Well. All right, it's all right. " Su Mu Nan said to turn a circle, suddenly frowned and asked: "is the aunt at home not in? Why did you do it yourself? "

Qin Huai frowned and looked at Su Mu Nan with a blank face. He asked hesitantly, "what's wrong with you, Yue er? Didn't I cook your father's soup from childhood to adulthood

Su Mu Nan suddenly stunned, said with a smile: "I am not indirect amnesia, may have forgotten a lot of details."

Qin Huai then nodded and said, "yes, your father and I have unknowingly been together for so many years. For 30 years, more than half of the days in my life are more together with him."

Su Mu Nan suddenly gave out a very envious look, which made Qin Huai very pleased and said with a light smile: "you, you are really married, the whole person has changed. Before I told you about my and your father's affairs, you always looked scornful, and said that I was a romantic. It was unrealistic, but I had not suffered. All day long, I seem to have suffered

"Tell me something about you and dad before." Su Mu Nan suddenly came and was interested in asking questions.

"Want to hear it?" Qinhuai a frown a face, do not tell you the expression of the head, Su Mu Nan smile. Qin Huai recalled slowly and quietly: "when I met your father, I was still a student. I just entered the University. At that time, your father was about to graduate. He was specially recruited to this university. He has been living on scholarships. He is poor and ambitious. It is a good story in the University. There are too many girls who are crazy and have to pursue him since the University I met him at the orientation party, and I became one of the many little girls. "

Qinhuai looks like a face of happiness, although after years of scouring, these things have passed 30 years, but Qinhuai memories of the time is still so happy, happiness let Su Mu Nan can not help but envy.

"In order to get close to your father, I made full preparations and tried every means to make him pay attention to me, because among those girls who asked for her most, I was the bravest and the strongest. No matter how indifferent he was to me, I would not give up. Your father is a gentleman. He always does anything too much to girls, so he does the most things Just run away from the girls and ignore them. "

"But I can always guess which way he will go and where he will pass by, so I can always find out his whereabouts at the first time. At the beginning, your father didn't talk to me. No matter what I said, he ignored me. But I keep saying it all the time, all the time

Su Mu Nan suddenly scratched his head, some embarrassed smile, thinking of his mother, you are persistent or dogged. Thought of the idea of Su's eyebrow again: "how about Su's eyebrow?"? You see, now, your father to me is not dead hearted, obedient, so ah, how to start is not important, the important thing is to have accurate vision, to accurately judge whether this man is worth your all to cherish. "

Su Mu Nan nodded approvingly and asked, "then? How did dad finally give in. "

"Ah." Qin Huai sighed, pressed the induction cooker to the slow fire, turned out of the kitchen, Su Mu Nan couldn't bear to follow him.

"Mom, tell me, tell me." Su Mu Nan some urgent questions.

Qinhuai smile, dignified sitting on the sofa, legs played a lady's day on one side, hands on the knee, a gorgeous appearance, Qinhuai is like this, every move, aristocratic temperament."Speaking of this, I'm really afraid. Your father always ignores me. One day, two days and three days are OK. But the longer the time, the more impatient I am. I remember that day was my birthday. I have been chasing your father for a whole year and a half. I have never been so persistent in one thing. I chased him from the university to his graduation. I found out where he worked and lived. I followed him at two and a line, but she still didn't talk to me Qin Huai thought and couldn't help laughing.

"It was my birthday. Your father worked overtime. I was waiting for him on the ground floor of his company's office building. It was very late that he came out of the company. I told him that today was my birthday. Your father was really indifferent. He was like nobody else. I was angry and jumped into the lake behind me. Your father heard a falling water. When I look back, I find that I'm gone, and I'm worried

Qinhuai suddenly stopped and took a sip of tea. Su Mu Nan nervously approached him, holding a pillow and looking forward to it

"At first, your father thought I was playing with him. I must be able to swim before I dare to jump down. I walked alone, but after a few steps, I found something was wrong. I kicked my web twice and sank. Your father realized that I really can't swim. He quickly took off his suit, jumped down and fished me up

"I've fainted. Then your father pressed my chest and photographed all the water I drank. He gave me artificial respiration, and at that moment I felt that even if I died, it was worth it. "

"Eh . mom, you are. " Su Mu Nan has some speechless frown.

"Your father is a person whose EQ is almost negative. He doesn't comfort me when I wake up. On the contrary, he yells at me. Are you crazy? If you can't swim, jump into the lake. If I can't swim, what will you do

Learning from yuejiangshan's furious appearance, Qinhuai whispered, Su Mu Nan was laughing and had a stomachache. Looking at Qinhuai, she suddenly felt that her and yuejiangshan's past was like a third rate romance novel, * romantic and vigorous.

"I couldn't help crying. I yelled at your father that you can't swim better. Let me die. I chased you for a year and a half, 549 days. You didn't pay attention to me once. What's the meaning of living? Don't pay attention to me. Don't save me. You let me die. I will not bother you every day. "

"Your father saw that I was about to collapse, so he hugged me and comforted me. I cried in his arms, and he would not let go. Your father saw that I was wet all over, picked up the suit on the ground and surrounded me, and asked where my family lived. I didn't tell him that. If I didn't say anything, your father had to take me back to his home. That night, I lived until that day It's the happiest day. " Qin Huai said a face of happiness, looking at Su Mu Nan.

Su Mu Nan suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "Mom, are you really afraid of death? If my dad really can't swim, you're dead? "

"You think I'm stupid. Your father's hometown is a water town with life. I played in the water since I was a child. How can I not swim? I haven't caught up with the people I like. How can I die so easily?" Qin Huai glanced at Su Mu Nan and said with a high air.

Su Mu Nan nodded heavily and held out his thumb to Qinhuai. Qinhuai said with a smile: "so the Lord is fair. As long as you are willing to work hard, there is nothing you can't do. From then on, your father can't ignore me any more. Then we get married, and we have you. "

Su Mu Nan chuckled and lowered her head. She suddenly ran to Qinhuai's arms and hugged her tightly and called out, "Mom!"

"Yuese, you really put the cart before the horse. When you grow so big, you will be coquettish. Love can really change a person. I didn't expect that you would be changed by Jinxi so soon."

"Mom, what do you think of love? Do you think Jinxi loves me Su Mu Nan asked with some trepidation.

Qin Huai chuckled, stroked Su Mu Nan's back, and said with a light smile, "love is like this. There will always be a time when you will be worried about gains and losses. Maybe it is because you love your father too much. When I was young, I always felt that he didn't love me, or he didn't love me enough. But when your father, in order to marry me, was humiliated by more than 20 people in my house, and she was eloquent but did not explain a word, I knew that I did not love the wrong person, I knew how much he loved me

"Yue'er, love is a kind of ability. Only if you study hard, you can master it and feel happiness. If you always ask Jinxi if you love you, you have to ask yourself how much you love him. There is nothing in the world that has nothing to pay for. Only when you love sincerely, can the people you love love love you wholeheartedly. " Qinhuai caresses Su Mu Nan's hair. Her broken hair leads to the back of her head. Her mouth shows a wise and gentle smile.

Su Mu Nan lowers his head and feels confused. Many things have no answers. The more delusional he wants to find an answer, the more confusing the messy thread.

"Although I don't know how much Hua Jinxi's child really loves you, she can trust her to give you to Jinxi. Because with Jinxi, she can see your change. You have changed from strong to soft. When you have your own emotions, you will express your emotions. As a mother, what your mother wants most is that you can be happy and happy."

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