May be crying too sad, Su Mu Nan did not notice the man sitting beside him by the window, Meng Ke took off the hat on his head. He took off his sunglasses, raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Mu Nan and said with a smile, "Su Mu Nan, you're still very smart. You know how to beat the West with the East.". I bought two train tickets and ended up on a bus. "

Su Mu Nan is stunned. Suddenly it calmed down. He turned his head and looked at the man sitting beside him in shock. A face of doubt, finally powerless to close his eyes, leaning on the back of the chair.

"You don't have to put on this dead look. It's just fine to go back in the afternoon. Anyway, it's only two hours to C City. I'll show you that's not what you're going to run away from Meng Ke raised his eyebrows.

Originally, I sent her an email just to remind her that she had been killed by Hua Jinxi. Don't make any more calculations. Unexpectedly, Su Mu Nan knew he was dead and decided to run away. Unfortunately, Meng Ke's men caught him.

"Haunted." Su Mu Nan wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. The cold voice of disdain.

Meng Ke shrugged his shoulders. Looking at Su Mu Nan's tearful eyes, she asked, "what are you crying for? Can't bear Yue SE's glory? Or the tender consideration of huajinxi

"I don't think I can run away. No matter how far you run, you'll be caught back, OK? " Su Mu Nan replied impatiently.

"Then why do you run? Stupid? " Meng Ke frowned and asked.

"If someone points a gun at you. Do you want to avoid bullets? " Su Mu Nan asked.

"Of course." Meng Ke chuckled and said, "that's because I can hide me completely. This situation is not comparable with you. Because you're not me

"You've always been so elegant?" Su Mu Nan disdains to ask.

"It's not superiority, it's confidence. The root of self-confidence is that I have the ability to do so. " Meng Ke glanced at Su Mu Nan and said mercilessly.

"Are you going to take me back? Or are you going to let me go back to huajinxi to exchange with you? " Su Mu Nan asked directly.

From the moment when he found that the man sitting beside him was Meng Ke, Su Mu Nan gave up his dying struggle and became as pale as death. Waiting to die.

"Of course you go back by yourself. You are useless to me now." Meng Ke while enjoying the rare scenery, while casually answering Su Mu Nan's questions, this kind of almost idiotic chat content does not arouse her any interest. Compared with Meng Ke, Meng Ke still prefers the scenery outside the window. Since he came to B city, he has no time to enjoy this kind of scenery.

"Can't you be merciful and let me go? I don't have one for you now Su Mu Nan asked dejectedly.

"Su Mu Nan, have you ever heard of a child bride?" Meng Ke frowned and turned his head. He looked at Su Mu's face and asked provocatively, regardless of Su Mu Nan's expression, he was already angry to the extent of hair trigger.

"You..." Su Mu Nan pointed to Meng Ke. Meng Ke suddenly opened his thin lips and was about to bite him. Su Mu Nan suddenly retracted his fingers and survived. Meng Ke glared at Su Mu Nan and said, "you are now equivalent to a landlord raising a child's daughter-in-law. Although it's no use now, it can always be used for several years. Even if the result is not ideal, sell to nightclubs or other at least break even, how can it be regarded as a long-term investment, earning no loss. "

"You! You... " Su Mu Nan was speechless.

"You, you, you, you, what, you!" Meng Ke said impatiently. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he looked angry at Su Mu Nan, not to mention how comfortable he was. Since he was a child, he had such a bad taste and liked to play tricks on people. Now, in the past 20 years, this bad habit seems to be getting more and more serious.

"But you can relax for four or five hours. Later, I will send you to huajinxi." Meng Ke seemed to have found his conscience and had to comfort him in a low voice.

Do not say good, his voice just fell, Su Mu Nan immediately can't restrain his mood, frown asked: "do you think I still thank you, thank you well?"

"Thank you, but I don't mind if you insist." Meng Ke does not think of smile, looking at Su Mu Nan will be white for a while green face, especially have a sense of achievement. And Su Mu Nan's mood was not so relaxed. She struggled for a long time or asked, "when do you think huajinxi will start?"

"Oh." Meng Ke suddenly chuckled and asked: "you believe my words, no longer think that huajinxi is because of love you that trouble to make those shocking things?"

"I never believed it." Su Mu Nan's expression looks a little sad. She smiles, but her expression is distressing. She is not an innocent little girl. No one in the world knows better the rules of cheating and supporting the stage than she does. She is only unwilling to expose some lies.

"Well?" Meng Ke slightly a Leng, some incredible looking at Su Mu Nan, also said not believe, clearly have been moved by the seven meat and eight vegetables.

"It's just that there should never be such a scene in my life. Since I'm lucky only once in my life, why should I care whether it's true or not? It's good to live to the moment." Su Mu Nan's eyes are a little dim. She looks down at her fingers and takes a deep breath. She suddenly remembers that her mother once told her before she died that she should live well. Even if it is in vain, Su Mu Nan will not hesitate.Meng Ke was suddenly stunned, instinctively wanted to satirize her, but seemed unable to say anything. She looked at Su Mu Nan, and suddenly had a strange feeling that this woman was smarter than her appearance, bold and even Even strong and tolerant.

She will not do unnecessary struggle and resistance, and will not wait to die. She understands all the tricks and uses, but pretends to cooperate with others without knowing anything. Meng Ke has some doubts about how so many complex characters are integrated in a person.

"Su Mu Nan, I suddenly wonder what kind of person you are?" Meng Ke smiles and looks at Su Mu Nan.

Su Mu Nan can ran a smile, slightly lowered his eyes to reply: "what do not understand that? I just want to make myself live a better life. Whether I use me or cheat me, I don't have the ability to resist at the beginning. Only by following his will can I be at peace, right? "

"Now it's all right. Why do you want to run away. You're contradictory, you know? " Meng Ke asked, there are few people and things that he can't understand repeatedly. Su Mu Nan is like a wonderful flower blooming in his life. There are too many places to study. Interesting, interesting.

"I was scared. After reading the document you gave me, I found that there was a mistake. The whereabouts of hundreds of millions of funds were unknown. Only Yue Jiangshan and Yue Se were in charge. If I absconded, Yue Jiangshan could explain part of it clearly. Then I was the one who wanted to carry the black pot. If I couldn't find me, it would destroy huajinxi and try to drive Yue Jiangshan out According to the plan of the board of directors, if I don't leave, yuejiangshan and I are the same grasshopper on the same line. Even if we can defend our innocence, we can't avoid the disaster of imprisonment. The funding gap is so large. What else can I do? " Su Mu Nan rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

"Oh, I can't see that you can still understand this truth. It seems that you have really read a lot of books during this period of time." Meng Ke frowned.

"To be frank, there is no need to go around like this." Su Mu Nan said powerless.

"In fact, you don't have to be too scared. Do you think yuejiangshan can sit in this position without any skills? What do you think is the age advantage in these decades? This proves that yuejiangshan has traveled more than huajinxi. I have also studied the accounts of Huayue group. In fact, if you are not an experienced auditor, you will hardly find any loopholes, and the rest of your audit investigation is even more worthless I have to mention it. Shopping malls are very realistic, whose foundation is more stable will stand behind whom. Huajinxi can't change the fight now but yuejiangshan. " Meng Ke said carelessly.

"Do you think huajinxi is so careless that an outsider can get this kind of confidential information? Now that I know how to set up suspicious troops, do you think Hua Jinxi does not understand this? Will the opponent you choose disappoint you too much? " Su Mu Nan asked with a smile.

Meng Ke suddenly frowned and his expression was dignified. Su Mu Nan did not remind him that he had not thought that he might have won for too long, and had forgotten that his enemy was different from one side of the role. He would be so careless. He did not expect that all this would be too relaxed.

"Hua Jinxi is a man with PlanB. His plan to move to yuejiangshan will never be so simple, because he knows that there is only one chance. If he can't eradicate yuejiangshan, he will be the one who will die. Therefore, he will try his best to plan this crucial action. " Su Mu Nan's voice sounds very calm, just like saying that other people's affairs have nothing to do with themselves.

"So that?" Meng Ke asked.

"So what really scares me is that I don't know what he is going to do. I don't know what he is going to do when I am with him every day. Moreover, when I see the information you have given me, even Hua Jinxi has worked hard on this superficial article, not to mention the invisible places. Huajinxi is going to start now Su Mu Nan put his hands on his forehead, and his expression was somewhat depressed. He was really desperate. He always felt that his death was coming, and it would be very miserable.

"Cunning rabbit?" Meng Ke said with a light smile: "Su Mu Nan, you really stole a lot of books, I am a little reluctant to send you back, for you, huajinxi is the cunning rabbit, but huajinxi said yuejiangshan is the cunning rabbit, you are a running dog at most, cunning rabbit is dead, running dog Heng, don't worry, you still have use value, he will not kill you, before he killed you, you have a time to What am I afraid of when I ask for help? Run what? You run away so inexplicably that huajinxi will be suspicious and die faster. " Meng Ke frivolously provoked Su Mu Nan's chin and said with a smile.

Su Mu Nan frowned slightly, opened Meng Ke's hand, and said impatiently, "don't pretend to be a good person here. You and Hua Jinxi are the same people. No one will let me feel better. Hua Jinxi promised me that as long as he is a fake marriage, give me a large amount of money. What happened? "

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