Su Mu Nan took out the information inside, a few pieces of paper, and a few photos at different times. There are two men in the picture. One of them is Yue Jiangshan. Who is the other?

Su Mu Nan frowned. Suddenly, a card was transferred from the data. There is a mark on the card. Su Mu Nan's head buzzing, suddenly remembered, this card. It is the one Meng Ke showed her at the beginning, which is the symbol of a terrorist organization. Su Mu Nan seems to remember vaguely. The name of that organization is the shadow army.

But how could Yue Jiangshan have anything to do with the shadow forces. He's a business man with different responsibilities. How can the death card of the shadow army appear in this email?

Su Mu Nan's mood is more complicated, she holds the mail. Run back to the room. Check the file carefully. I was scared out of a cold sweat, according to the data. Yue Jiangshan was a deserter who betrayed the shadow army and should be punished. Now the shadow forces have found him and sent messengers to deal with the matter.

Meng Ke didn't cheat her. There are such terrorist organizations in the world. There are really creepy shadow troops and death cards. Now her trembling fingers were holding the black card, and the man with a cloak on it was like a god of death with a sickle, frightening and frightening.

However, how can the shadow army be related to Yue Jiangshan, a term that can't be related to each other. Su Mu Nan's brain is in a mess. Put the information back into the information bag, and sat directly on the bed, dizzy. She thought, trembling out of the mobile phone, dial a phone in the past, the phone screen appeared Meng Ke's name, she frowned anxiously waiting for Meng Ke to answer.

"What do you want? Why show me this? The most important task you are talking about is Yue Jiang Shan? " Su Mu Nan frowned and asked.

"Bingo, all in, so if I were you, I would not waste time here. Let Yue Jiangshan know that he was targeted by the shadow forces one second earlier, and his survival probability would be increased by one percent." Meng Ke said with a light smile.

"You want to threaten me with this?" Su Mu Nan asked with a sneer.

"Of course not. Threaten you where you can use this. Go ahead and don't waste your time." Meng Ke impatiently answered, hang up the phone, Su Mu Nan frowned, impatiently put the mobile phone on the bed, Meng Ke said right, really should give this to Yue Jiangshan as soon as possible.

In the morning, when he goes to work, he is like a vigorous writer in Jiangshan. Looking at Su Mu Nan's recklessness, Yue Jiangshan is about to blame Su Mu Nan's recklessness. She doesn't look like a lady. She suddenly sees the Black Envelope on her hand. Her smile is stiff in the corner of her mouth. Her eyes are dull for a moment. She suddenly falls down on the wooden chair behind her.

Su Mu Nan went over and put the mail in front of Yue Jiang Shan. Yue Jiang Shan frowned and said in a trembling voice, "you go out."

"Dad I... " Su Mu Nan stammered and didn't know where to go. Before she finished, Yue Jiangshan interrupted her and called out, "you go out for me."

Su Mu Nan hesitates and has to leave the room. It seems that Meng Ke really didn't cheat her. Yue Jiangshan has something to do with the shadow army, and it's a special relationship.

"Ah..." Yue Jiangshan sighed with a long sigh that what should come will come. Even though things have been over for so many years, the shadow troops still have a good memory. Up to now, they have not forgotten the moon.

Yue Jiangshan took out the documents in the e-mail and frowned. Long time ago, his job was to send such cards to others. It was really unexpected that he would receive such cards in the past 30 years. Yue Jiangshan chuckled and shook his head.

It seems that it's time to escape. Fortunately, huajinxi can support the operation of Huayue group now. It's safe to give Yue se to him. Otherwise, it would be a pity for him to live a hundred years.

Looking at the two people in the photo, they were very young at dawn and dusk. I didn't expect that all of a sudden, so many years passed. The time was really fast. After reading the materials, Yue Jiangshan burned the whole mail into ashes

Hua Jinxi sits in his office and looks at the documents in front of him. Yue Jiangshan, an old fox, finally begins to believe him. He even transfers all the management rights of the seven subsidiaries, which are vital to the life and death of Huayue group. This can be regarded as adding wings to the tiger. It is deceptive to say that he is not excited. Looking at how smoothly things went according to their own plans, Hua Jinxi suddenly raised eyebrows and asked, "Li Qing, how are the things you've prepared?"

"The materials and evidence are all ready. As long as you give an order, you can take Yue Jiangshan to court." Li Qing answers softly.

"OK, follow the plan. The project is officially launched. When is the summons expected to arrive? " Hua Jinxi asked with a smile.

"Tomorrow morning." Li Qing looked at the time and replied.

"Oh. That's it. "Hua Jinxi sneered. Today they are going to move back to the villa of the Hua family. So, Su Mu Nan is the last night as Yue se. Should we prepare a surprise for her?Hua Jinxi thought, suddenly picked up the phone and dialed Su Mu Nan's phone. Su Mu Nan is sitting by the bed, frightened by the phone ring. She connects the phone feebly, thinking about Yue Jiangshan and the shadow army.


"What's wrong with you? Weak? " Hua Jinxi signals Li Qing to go out. Li Qing nods and walks out of the office.

"It's OK. I just woke up." Su Mu Nan's limited reply.

"Did you go over there? Call me if you are dissatisfied. The company is very busy. I can't afford to come from my family. " Hua Jinxi said with a smile.

"Jinxi..." Su Mu Nan's heart is not anxious, she countless times whether to tell huajinxi this matter, huajinxi know will have a way to help yuejiangshan that? But after thinking about it, Su Mu Nan still decided not to say anything.

"What's the matter?" Hua Jinxi asked softly.

"No, I'll be there in a minute." Su Mu Nan kneaded his head and answered.

"Well, that's it." Hua Jinxi hung up the phone and felt that the sky became very blue. However, living under the same sky, Su Mu Nan's mood seems to have overturned the bottle of gourmet. She has mixed feelings and doesn't know what to do. Yue Jiangshan, who is somewhat similar to her, thinks about it and finally decides to tell Yue se how long he can live. However, if there is something else in the world that he can miss, so long It must be Qin Huai and Yue se, the most important wealth in their lives, who married Yue se to Hua Jinxi. It was a matter of concern to see that Hua Jin Xi took care of Yue se.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Su Mu Nan got up and opened the door. Yue Jiangshan stood at the door, and his voice said with some vicissitudes: "yue'er, you come with me."

Su Mu Nan Leng for a moment, followed in the yuejiangshan behind the stairs, yuejiangshan closed the door of the study. He walked to the table and sat down. Su Mu Nan looked at Yue Jiangshan's face and frowned. She didn't know whether she should tell Yue Jiangshan about Meng Ke. Even if she told him what he could do, she couldn't change anything. Depending on her abnormal relationship with Meng Ke, she could only make things involved more and have more extraneous excesses.

"Yue'er, I didn't want to tell you about this before, but it has developed to such an extent. If I really have any accident and it is good for you, I will not hide it." Yue Jiangshan's tone is full of regret. His eyes are a little confused. He does not have the look of the past. He glances at Su Mu Nan and takes out a photo from the drawer and hands it to Su Mu Nan.

Su Mu Nan Li is busy to take a look at the photo, which is the one in the email. Su Mu Nan frowned. I heard some regret and regret from Yue Jiangshan.

"Shadow forces are famous killer organizations in the world. They are ruthless and ruthless, but they are favored by powerful people in various countries. Because shadow forces are clean and efficient, they will never leave any flaws. They can help them complete too many shady activities. Hua Tianming and I are killers of this organization." Yue Jiangshan's voice is slow, as if he is telling a story that can't be recalled. When Su Mu Nan heard the word "killer", he couldn't help but stand still.

Hua Tianming? Hua Jinxi's father? Su Mu Nan's brain is like a heavy blow, suddenly a blank, she looked at the photo of the man, age is similar to Yue Jiangshan, is it? Is this man Hua Tianming, the father of Hua Jinxi? Su Mu Nan looks at Yuejiang mountain in doubt.

"Ah." Yue Jiangshan sighed and frowned: "it's a pity that we don't think we'll have any problems in our life. But on the way, I met your mother. That's how people are. Once we have concerns, we can't go forward without a trace. Gradually, I began to fear that the shadow army knew that your mother's existence was not good for her, so I found my best friend in the shadow army. I asked him to cooperate inside and outside to create the image of my death in the operation and help me escape from the shadow organization. "

Yue Jiangshan said that his eyes were a little confused. All of a sudden, time was in a hurry. After decades of experience, his memory is still fresh. Su Mu Nan frowned, his mouth a little unable to close, listening to Yue Jiangshan in memory of the past.

"Chen Yun, like me, is a man who has not completely wiped out human nature. He kills people in the shadow army like hell. No matter the old man, woman or child, as long as they appear on the death card of the shadow army, they can't escape. I can't remember how many people I killed. It's the same with dawn and dusk. Because of my business, he also wants to leave the shadow department In this way, he decided to help me escape from the shadow army. "

"That was my last mission. On the death card, there was a couple of British antique dealers. They took a fancy to a valuable antique in their hands. With the help of dawn and dusk, the news of my death was sent back to the shadow army. So I appeared in the cemetery of the shadow Army. I also wanted to contact dawn and help him escape from the shadow army. But. "

Yue Jiangshan said something choked: "he told me, don't contact me again, don't let anyone in the shadow army know that you are still alive. Even if it's me, don't tell me your news. You're dead. You're dead now.""But didn't the shadow army know you were dead? Why did you start looking for you after so many years? How did they know that? " Su Mu Nan doubts.

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