"I also thought of this clue, but after a long time of investigation, SK group is like a seamless egg. There is no flaw, not to mention mengke such a person, cunning rabbit three grottoes. If SK really has any problems, how dare he use this kind of organization's life group as his own identity background. So SK seems to be the most eye-catching of all the data. But it's the least valuable information. " Hua Jinxi shook his head.

"In fact, it can't be said that there is no value at all." Yar said with a wry smile: "at least it can show that mengke is a rich second generation, and is also a rich second generation in the rich second generation. He was born with a gold spoon in his background. He could have spent his life on money. Why do you want to squeeze the dead alive. Suffer and hurt, but still receive the most rigorous training of the army's special forces? "

"What do you want to say?" Hua Jinxi frowned and asked.

"Killers want to do it for a long time. The most important is confidentiality. There is also the bleaching and protection of identity. As the industry leader, the shadow force's attainments in this field are beyond doubt. So if Meng Ke is really the successor of the shadow army, it can't be because of his qualifications. It is because someone wants to train him to be the successor of the shadow army, so there must be something wrong with sk. If SK can't find the problem. It must be because the companies that do business with SK have problems. " Yar handed the information to Hua Jinxi. He drew a person's name with a red marker.


"Mencius?" Hua Jinxi frowned, and Yar nodded and said, "yes, the foundation of the Meng family was laid down by Mencius, but his son died young. However, he did not know who his mother was. Mengke has been growing up with his grandfather Mencius. I suspect Mencius is the key to the current head of the shadow army."

"But this person has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. How can a person with this disease master an entire killer tissue?" The deep voice of Huajin river.

"What if the man with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is not the real Mencius?" Yar smiles, takes a human skin mask from his pocket and puts it on the table.

Hua Jinxi frowned and his mouth slightly upturned. He looked at ya'er with some approval and said, "I like your cross thinking. It hasn't changed for so many years. No wonder you are the only one who has survived to this day. "

"Hello, boss, what do you mean? What's the matter. Only you are very good, and your thinking is also very good... " Hearing what Hua Jinxi said, she jumped up to refute. But the more she said, the more she said, the more she had no confidence in the end. YAL spoiled her and sat down beside her, touching her hair and saying, "don't make trouble."

Only a look at huajinxi, not happy, also calmed down.

"So, Mencius didn't exist from the beginning. It was a huge problem to say that the source of funds for SK was from the beginning. If this person was not Mencius, then it was not some overseas Chinese, that is to say, asset fraud. From the beginning, all his assets were black money transferred into the bleaching chain for the first time." Huajinxi frowns.

"Grandfather Granddad, how old are you? I'm over 80 years old. Counterfeiting has started since more than 80 years ago. It's still in foreign countries. How can we find out any useful information? Even the Archives Bureau should delete this kind of information. " "Eighty years ago, don't say it was me at that time. My mother was still in her mother's stomach and didn't come out."

"It's just a guess, of course." Said Yar, frowning.

"Although it's speculation, detectives always need a little imagination and luck to solve a case, just like the Da Vinci Code. Once a line is determined, other branches will be affected. Mencius also certainly will not think, from Meng Ke's body will find him this life can not take care of the old man Hua Jinxi said with a smile.

"But your guess is too far off the mark. Since a person was 80 years old, this SK Group has been nearly 50 years old. That is to say, Mencius was a fake identity 50 years ago. Even if that identity was false 50 years ago, it has become true after such a long time. The Mencius found can only be a fake, but the real Mencius We can't find it. What's the use of such a reasoning? What's the use of telling me? What's the use of it? " Only asked with disdain.

From a pragmatic point of view, although it can explain some of the mysteries of Meng Ke's identity and the foundation of the shadow army, it has no value at all for their difficult situation.

"We can't say that. At least we know that SK has problems, and a large part of the enterprises that have maintained long-term cooperative relations with SK group are the objects of our investigation. We can always find clues that are related to the current situation. At that time, the fish will get closer and closer to us, and finally be caught." YAL said with a chuckle.

"You don't think that the problem we need to make clear now is not who Mencius is or who he loves. On the contrary, what we should understand most is who Mencius is, who he wants to become, and this." He found a picture of the vulture from the materials and put it in the middle of the table and said, "is this old man a vulture? Do he know Meng Ke? What is the relationship between them? The last is the cause of this matter. Su Mu Nan, boss, do you know her? It's about finding people who know her better than you do, and finding things she doesn't even knowHua Jinxi said with a smile: "only you, your brain seems to use a little better."

"Boss, it's all because you don't understand me. My brain has always been very useful, but you only see Yar, and I can only be the unknown woman behind the successful man. Don't you think I look great like this?" When he heard the praise, his eyes flashed and he said excitedly.

YAL Fong laughed and then said: "just what you said is right. I also think that according to the direction of things, the person who pulled Su Mu Nan down in this plot is not necessarily the boss you, or the person who let you meet her. Where did you and Su Mu Nan meet, and what suspicious people appeared?"

"The first time I saw Su Mu Nan was in Guose Tianxiang. Guose Tianxiang is the territory of Ye Gucheng. There can be no problem. Then the only person who sent Su Mu nan to Guose Tianxiang is the person who sent him to Guose Tianxiang. I really want to hear ye Gucheng mention that Su Tianlei, Su's uncle, sold Su Mu nan to Guose Tianxiang. I follow this clue There is nothing suspicious about Su Tianlei and Su Mu Nan, and even Su Tianjiao, Su Mu Nan's dead mother. " Hua Jinxi shook his head and said.

Hua Jinxi didn't know what the mentality was. She chuckled and continued: "Su Tianjiao has left a very serious postpartum syndrome since she gave birth to Su Mu Nan. Her uncle Su Tianlei is a gambler. I'm really curious about how Su Mu Nan survived in this situation and grew to such a big age. I also investigated Su Tianlei, right It may have something to do with the vultures. "

This thought, suddenly there are some regrets, Su Mu Nan is really pitiful, I don't know whether such a life is a kind of misfortune, but to think that Su Mu Nan, who was originally used as a low-level creature to set off the favored son of heaven, how to survive, huajinxi seems to need no excessive curiosity, even if it is not understood, these things are also It has nothing to do with him.

There are always some people in this world. Once they are born, they are not the same at all, and they will be different all their lives. They live in a world that normal people can't expect or even look up to. They have their own grief, anger and not subside. They have their own path of life. They also have their own pain and unwilling, even resentment, hatred for fate and life. They never know that they do not have this qualification, because they have more than ordinary people have.

"In any case, we should arrest Su Tianlei and ask him, not him, or at least ask him what he asked. He didn't sell it sooner or later. It happened that Su Tianlei, like Su Tianlei, did not dare to sell people to such a high-grade place. At least, we should ask him who instigated him to sell him to Guose Tianxiang." He said as he reasoned.

"Well, that's what we have to do now. It's better than nothing." Yar echoed.

All of a sudden, only the belly began to cry, she frowned, some unhappy said: "boss. When I came to you, I told you a lot of rubbish. I didn't eat any rice. Have you been so stingy now that you don't care about food? "

Hua Jinxi looked at the time and found that he had already finished his meal unconsciously. No wonder he felt hungry. However, it was an hour's drive from here to the nearest city. It was only because of his temper that he didn't make a fuss. He suddenly thought of Su munan. This stupid woman was only a little useful at this time.

"It's impossible to eat out. You can only make do with it. You can say what you want to eat in the evening." Hua Jinxi said to get up, only suddenly excited, it seems that there is a meal to eat.

This man is iron rice and steel. If you don't eat, you will be hungry. She will never treat your stomach badly. She said with a smile: "what do we eat now, boss. In fact, I'm not picky about food. I'm really hungry. You know, the food on the plane is terrible. I can't swallow a mouthful."

"I see." Hua Jinxi frowned helplessly.

As soon as she opened the door, she happened to meet Su Mu Nan, who was standing at the door, holding up her hands to knock on the door. The door opened with a click. Su Mu Nan was startled and stood at the door, her fingers still hanging in the air.

"What are you doing here? Eavesdropping? What did you hear? " Just immediately put on a ferocious look, like the general popping beans asked. More exciting than huajinxi.

Su Mu Nan immediately returned to his senses in a voice of doubt. He shook his head in a hurry and said, "no I didn't eavesdrop I It's just I just want to ask if you want to eat Su Mu Nan quickly explained.

Hua Jinxi frowned a little, but she just laughed. When she heard what she was eating, she immediately changed from ferocious to sarcastic. Ya'er shook her head helplessly. This girl is too unprofitable and has no position.

"Do you have food? Tell me where it is. Tell me It seems that he forgot what he was worried about, and had a new good impression on Su Mu Nan.

"In the dining room. Next to the kitchen. " Su Mu Nan frowned, some hesitated to say, only this woman's mood change is too fast, this is the legendary face change faster than turning a book.

"Go ahead, get out of the way, get out of the way." With a smile, he pushed Suman aside and ran towards the kitchen. After two steps, he suddenly stopped and ran back. He took Yar's hand and said, "come on, there's something to eat. You're hungry."Yar smiles and follows him behind him as she drags her forward.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Time is life. If you delay, I will starve to death." Only frowned and said unhappily.

Hua Jinxi looked at Su Mu Nan, who was only a fan and Yar. He cleared his throat and said slowly, "they will live here in the future. However, you should not make any idea and try to find clues and methods from them to leave here. As long as you can get out of here, I will not stop you. Your agreement will not change. However, the premise is that the agreement will not be changed without any help from the outside world, otherwise the agreement will be cancelled. "

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