Su Mu Nan suddenly looked at Hua Jinxi. She wiped the corner of her eyes and said weakly, "until the day when only Yao and ya'er appeared. I saw Yar take a human skin mask from his face. I only asked if what I saw with my own eyes might be fake. How can you conclude that Huajin River killed them. And he never disguised his intention to kill Yue Jiangshan, if he said it was not him. Then it must not be him. "

"Oh." Hua Jinxi chuckled. "So. You didn't believe me at all? "

"I don't believe it, I don't want to believe it, I think. If I can find a reason to hate you, I can no longer love you so hard, you understand Su Mu Nan suddenly turned his head. Her eyes are scarlet. It's like a enchanted rabbit, but there is indescribable firmness in the eyes.

"You don't understand, you don't understand at all." Su Mu Nan seems to suddenly give up something. Her eyes flickered. Look down. I wiped my eyes. It's hopeless. It's not that I won't cry for him anymore. But why is it so difficult to shed tears so easily.

"I'll take care of the things tomorrow. I want to go up. " Su Mu Nan said to get up from his chair and walk slowly upstairs.

Hua Jinxi quietly took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and pulled out one in his mouth. With a click of light, Su Mu Nan took a few steps and began to trot. He didn't know what was wrong with him today. He even said what he thought in his heart at one breath.

Although I feel a little comfortable in my heart, as if I vent the depression of the accumulation in my chest, I always feel that I have taken out my bloody heart, and when I meet huajinxi, I am dry and rotten, which is beyond recognition. It turns out that when you really fall in love with someone, life and death can't be controlled by yourself. It's all controlled by each other.

Su Mu Nan feels that he is like a doll in the hand of Hua Jinxi. He controls all the meticulous silk threads. Every time he touches her slightly, he will enlarge into a delicate movement on her body, which will make a heart ache vividly. But at the other end of the scale, huajinxi is a indifferent appearance, enjoying her embarrassment. It's not fair. Why is it so unfair.

Su Mu Nan ran upstairs, only to find just standing next to the stairs, only a smile of some embarrassed asked: "do you want to chat?"

If usual, Su Mu Nan must feel that she does not have the strength to speak, but now, even if she doesn't want to say anything, she doesn't want to be alone in that open room. She feels like suffocation. She purses her lips and nods. She just walks to her side, takes her shoulder and slowly walks up the stairs.

Su Mu Nan has never been to the roof of this house. The top floor is very beautiful. There is a door on one wall of the attic. When it is opened, it is an open-air terrace. There is a big potted plant and a swing on the terrace. Su munan is a little surprised.

"You don't know there is such a fun place in this house, but I found it when I first came," he said with a smile. Because I'm curious, I can discover many things that others haven't noticed before. So I like to be fresh and understand things I don't know. Even being a killer is also because of this. "

Su Mu Nan's expression is a little strange. She really can't understand that a person who goes to be a good killer is still for her own curiosity. There are all kinds of strange things in the world, and everything can happen. This is what we often say: when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds?

"You're surprised, right? In fact, it's not just you. It's Yar's first visit to my house. It's also the expression of a ghost. My parents always thought that I was studying at Harvard University. If my artist's mother knew that her daughter was a famous killer in the North American mercenary circle, she didn't know what expression it would look like, would it Scared out of high blood pressure He said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid? The first time you killed someone? " Su Mu Nan doubts.

"The first murder? I think it's about six or seven years old. " He said with a smile.

On the contrary, Su Mu Nan's face was scared green. She looked at Jiyu in an incredible way. She suddenly burst out laughing. She said with a smile: "it was in the war game that I killed a living person for the first time. At that time, I signed up for the mercenary school. The first lesson was to learn how to kill and kill the people in front of you, whether old or not People, children, or women, they may be crying, they may resist, and all you have to do is ignore their expressions, their voices, their pleadings, and kill them. "

"Don't you feel guilty? They have never done anything harmful to you, but you have to end their lives. " Su Mu Nan's eyes empty ask, this kind of feeling, is like originally a person without injustice and hatred, but she suddenly fell in love with you, because you want to die to live, then the loved person will not feel owed, feel guilty?

"No She only shook her head and answered sincerely. Su Mu Nan looked at her expression and felt more chilly on her back. It seemed that she was scared out of a cold sweat. How can anyone in this world, so cruel, deprive another person of his life without a trace of guilt.She only lowered her head and suddenly lifted it up. The starlight lit her eyes. Her long hair fluttered gently in the night breeze. Her side face was soft, gentle and naive. She could not see that she was a killer. She killed people without blinking an eye. This personality completely inconsistent with her appearance was really unpredictable.

He just pursed his lower lip, turned to look at Su munan and said with a smile: "there is a rule in the world, just like an ordinary common people, who will never appear in the mercenary training camp. That is to say, those who can appear in such places as experimental objects are people who should die or have long been dead. They may be prisoners of death in prison or sold to nightclubs* Or the beggars on the road, even if they live, they are no different from those who are dead. The end is another beginning. But that's not the most important thing. "

"What is the most important thing?" Su Mu Nan is puzzled to ask, has never seen a person can kill people and set fire to such a reasonable level, since contact with the world of Hua Jinxi, Su Mu Nan will feel that she is an alien, all her thinking, all principles, even the standard of moral judgment, in front of these people are like useless empty talk, they live in a strength to decide survival In this way, we have the right to make rules and set up our own standards.

"It's because I can't save them. Even if I don't kill them, they will still die and die in the hands of other trainees. The only change is that I failed in this course, and they may die even worse. In this case, why don't I kill them? No matter what I do in the world, there will always be a way to help them, since we can't completely save them Those who would rather die in my hands Only his eyes have been looking far away.

It is said that people will become a star in the sky when they die. What is the mood of such a person when looking up at the stars? Su Mu Nan suddenly looked some dull, she frowned and asked: "you can choose to leave, not to do this killer."

"The mercenary school I studied in has a history of hundreds of years. Do you know what it means?" He turned around and leaned against the fence and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It shows that the school will still have a history of hundreds of years and thousands of years. As long as there are human beings and wars, they will survive forever. So I refer to the cycle just now. Even if I am not a killer, killers in the world will not be extinct. Therefore, whether I am a killer is not so important. Many things are paradoxes in the end Therefore, it's the most important thing to follow your heart, take your heart as a horse, and live after your dreams. " There was only a pause.

She turned to Hua Jinxi and said, "it's like you like the boss. You don't have to think about how he will respond to you. As long as you can see him, he belongs to you. Only if you think he belongs to you, he will be yours."

"I don't understand your logic, just like I don't understand your world. I can't kill the people standing in front of me in order to reach the standard without emotion. I can't calculate to be invincible in the market everywhere. I'm just the most common one in the crowd..." Su Mu Nan has not finished.

"Don't you understand?" she said? You are not ordinary at all. Do you think it is an accident that the boss met you? Do you think you and yueser are twins? Nobody in the world knows that? Do you think huajinxi is the only one who uses you? Don't you understand that this is not so simple? Even the calculated man doesn't want to kill a few people at all. There is a bigger conspiracy behind him, and you are a part of it. Otherwise, as you said, you and huajinxi are not people in the world at all, and you will not meet. "

Su Mu Nan was stunned. All of a sudden, she couldn't say a word. Su Mu Nan has always been a top. No one whipped her with a whip, she would not take the initiative to think about it. If only she didn't tell her, she would never think of it by herself.

Her world is too ordinary to have these things. Even though she was chased and blackmailed by the underworld since childhood, they have never been so crazy as to kill and set fire to others. After knowing Hua Jinxi, she knows that there are people who do not commit crimes in this world, and there are things in this world that she has never imagined or imagined.

"Do you have the feeling that you are particularly afraid of losing someone, because you feel that there are too many things to be done with him. If he leaves you suddenly, you will feel unwilling and feel empty in your heart." He asked with a sigh.

"Yes. Yes Su Mu Nan nodded and answered. In her heart, she always thinks that Hua Jinxi will complete many dreams with her, those romantic and warm life, but now I think that happiness is too short, and tragedy comes too fast.

"I don't know why. This time I came back to B city, I was not happy at all. I always felt that something bad was going to happen. I always thought that something would happen to one of the three of us." She only rubbed her hair, and her expression looked a little panicked. Su Mu Nan was stunned. Although she didn't know him for a long time, she was never a worrisome person. If she would say such a thing, she would never be a worrier. It must be because she's like herself. I really need to talk to someone. And these things can't be told to Yar, let alone Hua Jinxi.

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