Through the foyer, there is only one old-fashioned piano in the hall on the first floor, brown. The one who was cared for was dazzling. The only window that opened the curtain was bright sunshine, shining on the box with some warm and elegant feeling. Behind the piano, there are ninety-one revolving escalators leading to the upstairs. And the escalator was cleaned clean. Without a trace of dust, mengke observed the surrounding environment, while pretending to be casual looking at the security and fire distribution in the house.

Meng Ke could not help but think to himself. This vulture is really capable. It is more difficult to rush in than to ascend to the sky. That doesn't count. It is estimated that even outside the villa, I don't know how many minefields have been pressed. He thought about it for a while. I'm afraid it's a bad day. It is imperative to seek the skin of a tiger. But there is no other way. I can only suffer a little loss, but I will recover it in the future. There is a long way to go.

The living room is on the second floor. Mengke was led into a room by the bodyguard, which had no window. It looks like it's closed. An old man with black manners is sitting on the sofa. With his back to the door, Meng Ke saw the scene and thought that this man should be the dead vulture that Hua Jinxi once mentioned. In this way, he was very curious about how the dead man came to live again.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the vulture's ear root moved for a moment, and then did not want to get up. Suddenly, a young man came in at the door, looked at Meng Ke and said with a smile: "Meng Shao, it's rare. I've met again so soon. I just got home soon."

Egret looked at Meng Ke's expression and said with a light smile, "come in."

"Well, we're old acquaintances once we're raw and we're familiar with each other. This photo is for Hua Jinxi, but it's for me. It's estimated that Hua Jinxi didn't even see the address here at the back of the photo. You're not afraid that I'm not curious at all. It's not the person you met that came? " Mengke walked into the room behind the egret, and asked with a smile.

"Of course not. You are not the same as Hua Jinxi. Even if Hua Jinxi saw this address, he would not come back, because his goal was only one, the second daughter of the Yue family. That was his chip and his death spot. So he would not leave the second Miss Yue family for such a thing, but you are not the same. There's a fire in the back yard. Even if it's a mistake to kill 3000, you won't miss one. "

The egret replied with a smile, it seems that he has already had a heart for the present situation. Everything that happened is developing smoothly according to his script. He went to the sofa, picked up the red wine on the table, poured a cup, handed it to Meng Ke, and said with a smile, "this is good wine. In other places, there may not be people like me who are so generous and willing to share with friends."

Meng Ke chuckled and nodded slightly. He took the goblet in the egret's hand and shook it gently. Looking at the attractive liquid like blood shaking gracefully in the goblet, some traces stayed on the wall of the goblet, like plating a layer of crystal clear color on the transparent goblet. Meng Ke frowned and said with a smile: "it's really good wine, then I'm not polite."

"Please." Egret slightly raised his hand to make a gesture, Meng Ke also did not fear to drink a mouthful of red wine, that refreshing feeling really let Meng Ke's mood a little bit relaxed, a little relieved that he was about to be calculated.

"Well, don't be polite here. What do you want to see me for?" Meng Ke chuckled and walked to the front of the sofa, which saw the old man's face. His face was really shocking. It was even more terrible than the photo. It was like being burned, also like being corroded, more like being bitten by something. In a word, I don't know how to make it so terrible.

"Sit down, young man." Vulture smile, his voice with some hoarseness, there is a kind of body uncomfortable gloomy feeling, until now, mengke finally believe that this guy called egret is really the ugly old man's son, the temperament of the two people are the same, with a kind of death of the dead.

"Well, since the old man has said it, I'm not polite." Meng Ke answers with a smile, sitting opposite the old man, he looks at Meng Ke, his face is expressionless, but it still makes people afraid.

"The ninth master really has a good grandson. He is beautiful and talented." The vulture laughed and said that his laughter was like the howl from the deepest hell in ghost movies, which made people panic.

"Oh. Do you know my grandfather Meng Ke asked.

"The old man? Old man! Old man! How old am I? " The old man asked.

Meng Ke frowned. In fact, to tell the truth, from his face, the old man is not 60, but also more than 50 years old. He shakes his glass, thinking that maybe he said a wrong word, his life will be explained here.

"I'm as old as a vulture. Do you call him a man, too The old man suddenly asked with more indifference.

"It's unnecessary. In the shadow army, he wants to call me young master, so it doesn't matter what I call him." Meng Ke's words turn, slightly embarrassed to answer the way.

The old man's face softened a little. Hoarse voice said: "nine Ye is a character, just look at the current form, there is indeed a time when the eagle pecked the eyes."

"In fact, to be honest, I have lost contact with the shadow forces." Meng Ke said without concealment."In fact, if you would come to see me, I would have guessed that it would not be possible for you to engage in the business of seeking the skin of a tiger." The old man said with a smile.

"To be frank, what do you want?" Meng Ke tilted his head, the corner of his mouth slightly up, even if he knew that he was going to be bitten by the small wolf dog in front of him, he should also show a strong posture.

"Don't think of me as a villain who robbed his family. As you said, I am also a man of my age. I have no ambition any more. However, I can help you regain power in the shadow army, but I want to be alone." The vulture said with an easygoing face, but such an expression still can't make people have the slightest favor in his eyes, on the contrary, it feels more strange.

"Condor?" Meng Ke asked tentatively.

"Yes, vultures." The old man nodded his head, and replied in an expressionless way.

"Deal." Meng Ke didn't think about it and answered. In fact, they are in a very awkward situation now. Meng Ke can't go back home, while Condor can't get revenge. But after they cooperate, everything will be very smooth.

The vulture is accurate. Meng Ke will kill the shadow army alone after losing contact with more violet. He is ready to kill him all at once. However, he must not be able to count him. Meng Ke doesn't really go back alone this time. Instead, he takes Condor with him. He doesn't want to see people, and even has nightmares.

Meng Ke thought about the vulture's expression when he saw the monster in front of him. He also felt that he was a little bit addicted.

"Now that we have reached a consensus, I don't want to take risks. The later I go back to the headquarters of the shadow army, my grandfather and the seventh master will be more dangerous, and my people will be more dangerous. What's your opinion?" Mengke put down his glass and asked solemnly.

"We can start at any time, but we need to prepare a little sacrifice." The old man's smile was a little weird, he said darkly.

"Sacrifice?" Meng Ke raised his eyebrows and asked, "what sacrifice? Are you still so superstitious? "

"My father said that the sacrifice was not cattle, but a man who could lead the snake out of the cave. Do you think that if the vultures do not leave the shadow army, will you have any chance to turn the tables in the shadow forces? The vulture has been in the shadow army for nearly twenty years, and you think he will give you this opportunity, "the egret asked with a smile.

"Who is this man?" Meng Ke frowned and asked.

"Second Miss Yue." Egrets smile, slow voice, like flowing water.

"Oh." Meng Ke sneered, raised his eyebrows and asked, "what does this have to do with her? Or did the elder say only one but not the other? What other plans do you have? "

"Of course not, but you all fall into a strange circle of thinking. You think that those people want to find something left by Yuejiang mountain in the Yuejia villa. In fact, this thing is not a treasure. It's just the fish whose good luck has not been cleaned up. Su munan, as long as you find him, can lead to vultures, as long as the vultures leave With the shadow army, we can kill him, and the vulture is dead. When the shadow forces revolt, the trees will fall and the monkeys will disperse. Then you will win without losing a soldier. " The old man has his heart.

"Why?" Meng Ke can't understand. Although he knows that this gloomy old man doesn't have to cheat him, he still can't understand why the bald eagle is so aggressive because of a little girl he has never met. This is not in line with his tolerant and low-key personality.

"Why do vultures care so much about Yue Jiangshan's daughter?" Meng Ke repeated.

"You are wrong again. What the bald eagle cares about is not Yue Jiangshan's daughter, but to get rid of the roots. What he cares about is that Yue Jiangshan is the last person in the world to know his secret. Although Yue Jiangshan is dead, if he tells his daughter about this before he dies, the threat will always exist. Of course, we should think of a way to do it once and for all." The old man's eyes were black, with an elusive Philistine, and in his words there was a certainty that could not be doubted.

"What's the secret?" Meng Ke continued to ask.

The old man suddenly shook his head and said, "we are just cooperating. You don't need to know why. As long as you get Su Mu Nan and I help you get the shadow troops back, we will be cleared."

"Is there no other way? You also know how difficult it is to pick up Su Mu Nan from Hua Jinxi. " Meng Ke said with a wry smile, it is not because he is really afraid of tearing up with Hua Jinxi, but because he always feels that things are not as simple as imagined, and he does not want to involve Su Mu Nan. Because it's too dangerous. He didn't know whether his life was in his own hands.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't worry. I won't embarrass a little girl. Besides, I have no injustice or hatred with her, and I can't commit any crime." The old man seemed to see through Meng Ke's worries and said with a smile: "you never put Hua Jinxi in your eyes. What's more, you've dealt with this second daughter-in-law before, so it's easy to take her out of Hua Jinxi's hands. But if I let my people do it, it's not impossible to do it. It's just that you have no eyes and no eyes It's really hurt people. There's no way. "

Meng Ke looked at the old man with a proud expression. What he said was so good. To put it bluntly, if you don't pull it down, if you don't tie people, I'll go by myself. It's not sure that you will live or die. Meng Ke thought, if this thing with Hua Jinxi is honest, there is no chance at all, that bastard can't take such a big risk to help him, but Su Mu Nan, a woman who is stupid, can always think of some problems that ordinary people can't think of at the critical moment. It's tricky. It's tricky whether you answer or not.

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