Early the next morning, Locke received a text message on his phone.

The information is the address of the flying competition, and a color map is generously included.

It's really sweet.

The location is halfway up the Yunlong Mountain Range.

Locke woke up in the morning and came to Nha Yi's house, ready to go to the Yunlong Mountain Range with her.

This Yunlong Mountain Range was the one where their school's training base was located.

Because the mountain is very tall, big and wide, the location of this competition is far from their school training base, not the same location.

When they arrived, the location had already been set up, with a red banner above it saying the twenty-first edition of the Air Contest.

Here's how to plan the race route and how to do it.

The way the competition is very simple, the first game is played by all the players, and many cameras are placed during the game to film it all.

Fights and elves are prohibited from using skills.

A race was long, long, and the route was planned in a circle around the mountainside of almost the entire mountain range.

The training base of their school is halfway up the mountain range and covers a vast area.

However, the route of this flight competition is even lower than the school's training base.

That is to say, the distance is too long, and the flight altitude is also stipulated, and the flight altitude cannot exceed ten meters.

That is, they weave through the woods all the way.

The trees on the Yunlong Mountain Range are quite luxuriant, almost all of them are more than ten to twenty meters.

So this competition is far more difficult than before.

Locke raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is not really good news, but it is acceptable, after all, winning the championship can get a sharp beak.

A little more difficult is acceptable.

This showdown is really interesting.

First of all, such a long distance competition not only tests the flight speed of the elves, but also their endurance and mentality.

At the same time, shuttling through the woods, but also avoiding trees, after all, this is a deep mountain and old forest, but no one has yet walked out.

It can be said that there is no track, or a track full of trees and barricades.

This game is simply.

Maybe it's a little better for him, after all, it seems to be similar to the speed test at school.

It just so happened that he was still undergoing special training some time ago.

Barricades are not a big problem for him, but they are different for some elves.

Locke glanced at the eagle spreading its wings in the sky, his gaze was very sharp, looking down from above, as if he wanted to see through the entire woods.

The wings are very wide and huge, and these big wings are walking through the forest, I am afraid it is a little uncomfortable!

The rank of quasi-heavenly king is actually not very good to achieve.

Why do you say that?

If you want to break through from the Taoist Hall to the quasi-heavenly king level of the elves, you actually need to carry out a convergence of potential yourself and carry out a transformation from the inside out.

Of course, this metamorphosis is not evolution, it is to improve his own level and bring out the potential accumulated deep in the body.

That is to say, the level of quasi-heavenly king is no longer the same as before, and it can be stacked with a large amount of energy.

It needs to test the talent and understanding of the elves, and be able to flexibly guide the power in the body.

Only by mastering one's own power can one guide one's potential and undergo a transformation.

This transformation will cause a huge gap between the quasi-heavenly king level elves and the dojo level elves.

Locke also did not think that he would win this competition, after all, there were quasi-king-level elves in previous matches.

This time there is also a sharp beak, such a spix prop full of powerful temptation to flying elves.

I think it will attract more quasi-king-level trainers to participate.

The eagle hovering in the sky above him now was a quasi-heavenly king-level elf.

Locke came to the competition venue, but it was not a crowd, after all, there were very few people who paid attention to this competition in the past, and there was no publicity.

But even so, there are many, many more people participating in the competition than before.

The track of the race is still too narrow for so many elves.

It is impossible for them to set off together at the same time, so they will set off with two people and then do the timekeeping.

The first pair flies for 30 seconds, and the next pair continues to fly to save time.

Fifty contestants were selected from such a massive elimination to advance to the second matchup.

The message of the second game has not yet been sent, but it is so difficult to think that the first game is so difficult, and the second game should not be simple.

It can be said that it is a marathon in a flying battle.

He looked around, fortunately he didn't see an elf like Kuailong.

"The 21st Air Contest is about to start, please line up according to the number order on your information."

A loud horn sound came from the venue, telling them that the game was about to start.

Locke looked at the number indicated on his message.


is very good, or this number, it is really quite auspicious.

The number of players fighting this time is explosive, and it seems that the allure of elf props is still very great.

Charizard, Pydron, Forked Manta, Owl Nighthawk.

Locke observed and found that four quasi-king-level elves eventually entered the battle.

The other elves are fine.

But isn't this cross-word bat a little too much?

The barricades in the forest are not much of an obstacle for them.

Maybe it won't affect their speed at all.

Locke still had a glimmer of hope that he might win.

But seeing this quasi-heavenly king-level forked bat, he sighed a little bitterly.

Is this better than that?

But as the saying goes, it's coming.

Not only is this a waste of entry fees, but also a waste of time.

There are more of the other flying elves, but most of them are eagles and large-billed finches.

These two types of elves are the most common in forests.

Locke even saw a Pokékiss in the group, but the cultivation was much worse than his Pokkiss.

The body size is even smaller, appearing a little petite.

The energy value in the body is also not strong and is not active.

In addition, you can see elves such as steel crows, large-billed gulls, and Muk eagles.

Locke flew as one-on-one and eighty-seven.

Locke looked at it as a coincidence.

It was the quasi-king eagle that was hovering in the sky just now.

Not a big problem, though.

"Ready, fly!"

I saw that every thirty seconds on the take-off line, people shouted to start.

Soon came Locke them.

The referee had no expression and glanced at the two of them: "Ready."

After speaking, he raised the small red flag in his hand.

"Take off." In an instant, the small red flag in his hand waved down.

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