Locke focused his attention and allowed himself to focus on Charizard.

Now is a rather critical moment, there can be no sloppy mentality.

Locke induced several energies to merge with the power of his waveguide to clear the dark wounds of Charizard's body.

Once you relax and do not control this force, it is very likely that it will collide directly in the body of Charizard, and even several forces will be blended together to cause explosive damage.

At that time, the dark wound was not cured, but aggravated the injury, and the sin was great.

The most important thing is to relax the fire-breathing dragon's own defense system, and not let it suddenly tense up to resist, which may cause both sides to lose.

Locke was quite cautious and did not dare to be careless.

Liu Haiguo and Liu Tao were next to each other, and even subconsciously slowed down their breathing, not daring to get too close to Locke, for fear of disturbing him, and even daring to move their own breathing too much.

The atmosphere in the whole room was tense to the extreme, and everyone was looking forward to it.

As you can imagine, Locke is now under considerable pressure.

Locke knew the way to heal, but he didn't expect the self-defense of the king-level elves to be so strong.

Yes, in front, Locke asked Charizard to relax his mind and cooperate with him in healing.

Relax with Locke's language, coupled with Tianxi's hypnotic singing.

Charizard's own defense mechanism can be said to have accepted the power of Locke's waveguide.

With the power of Locke Waveguide, several forces were induced into the body of Charizard, and the result was different.

Allowing the power of the waveguide to be unscrupulous in the body is already the greatest benevolence of Charizard.

But he didn't expect that after Locke, he successively induced multiple forces into his body.

In this way, Charizard's own defense mechanism has already accepted the power of waveguides.

However, fused with multiple forces, Charizard's defense mechanism subconsciously resisted.

They already feel that this waveguide force is not the force they are familiar with.

Locke also finally understood why the dark wounds in Charizard's body had not been treated for so long.

Now the development of medical standards in the world can be said to be quite powerful, and ordinary injuries can be cured almost instantly.

Even the wounds and bones only need a few days of cultivation and treatment in this world.

With the identity and status of Liu Haiguo, you can even invite champion-level figures to help Charizard heal.

And in a huge country, isn't there a person who awakens the power of Changpan?

Or is there no way to cure Tokiwa's power.

Locke didn't know, but he now felt the difficulty of the treatment.

First of all, you need to have complete control over this force, and you must control it very carefully, so that you cannot make the slightest mistake.

Secondly, it is necessary to resist the physical defense of Charizard's own body, which is the instinctive self of Charizard's body to resist foreign invaders, and Charizard itself has no way to forcibly suppress it.

Once again, it is necessary to cycle and gradually remove the dark wounds that have accumulated for a long time.

Controlling this waveguide fusion power requires a lot of Locke's mental energy.

Fine sweat continued to gush out from Locke's forehead, and drops of sweat slowly slid down his cheeks.

It can be seen that it is quite hard.

Fortunately, the previous fire-breathing dragon's own defense mechanism accepted the power of his waveguide, and although it resisted now, it was not particularly violent.

Otherwise, if he wants to treat, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

The clock hands on the wall are streaking by minute by minute, and the sound of time every minute and second seems to strike on people's hearts.


After several hours of hard work, Locke finally cleaned up the first dark wound of Charizard.

Locke stood up, exhaled a heavy breath, and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

The first treatment had been completed, but fortunately he did not come up to treat the dark wound in the heart of Charizard, otherwise I am afraid that something would have happened.

"Okay?" Liu Haiguo asked in a low voice and excitedly.

"The dark wound on Charizard's right leg has been cleaned up by me, and I need to recuperate for a short time, so that the injury on his right leg is completely healed before the treatment on his left leg."

Locke nodded and said.

The first time it went well.


Liu Haiguo brushed his chest and took a long breath.

I stood by and scared for a long time, but now when I heard Locke's words, I was finally relieved.

Liu Haiguo did not thank in advance, after all, it was still too early to thank him, and when all was over, he would definitely thank Locke again.

The dark wound on Charizard's body can be said to be a disease in his heart, and the pressure on him all the time makes him feel guilty, but there is nothing to do.

Now the mountain is finally going to be moved.

Liu Haiguo can be said to be quite excited, if he hadn't been the king of the town guard for so many years, I am afraid that his joy would have already been revealed.

"This is the medicinal bath that Charizard needs to use for self-recovery in the back, soaking twice a day, once at eight o'clock in the morning, about half an hour, once at eight o'clock in the evening, about half an hour."

Locke took out his mobile phone and edited a prescription for a medicinal bath and sent it to Liu Haiguo.

"Okay, I see." Liu Haiguo nodded seriously after reading it.

"By the way, what did you come to me for today?" Liu Haiguo has not forgotten that Locke came here today to find him.

"Uncle Liu, look." Locke took out a stack of A-four paper data files from the space backpack.

"This is?" Liu Haiguo asked suspiciously.

"Take a look." Locke smiled mysteriously.

"Okay, let me see how big a surprise it can bring me." Liu Haiguo smiled.

Then he sat down on the sofa and carefully watched the information that Locke gave him.

Locke sat unhurriedly next to him sipping tea.

He believes that he has taken out this information, and Liu Haiguo must understand the value of it.

Potions that can improve the qualifications of elves are currently not sold on the market.

Yes, this material can be said to be unique, once born, it can absolutely monopolize the entire market.

The interests in this, Locke believes, Liu Haiguo cannot be unclear.

Locke himself can also do it, but now if he comes up with this information result, it will definitely be coveted by countless people.

Although he has hole cards to protect himself from any harm, he still has his parents.

It can be regarded as Locke's weakness, his parents are extremely good to him, and it was originally the world background change that was the parents in the previous life.

Locke naturally couldn't have let his parents get hurt.

Therefore, this elf qualification improvement potion cannot be made by itself, and it is necessary to find someone to cooperate and pull some people with enough weight to do it together in order to make the plate bigger.

It can also help him resist the covetousness of other outsiders.

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