Fallout 4 Infinity

13 Chapter 13: Battlefield Test One

Garvey walking back was stopped.

Well, if it ain't the pride of the Minutemen in diamond city. Or is it Infinity Men? (Piper)

Piper? What have you been up to? (Garvey)

Was thinking of dropping by Starlight Drive-in, something about a New world been made there, and would like to get a chance to talk to the leader behind this force called Infinity. (Piper)

I don't know, he is busy helping the citizens. (Garvey)

You know Him! Tell me about him. (Piper)

He is kind, but also strict, will not take chances and will prepare before something does happen to counter it, he helps the people not to rule them but to let them have a place that will sustain its own self that way nobody can destroy everyone or even bully anyone as they can rise up and fight back as one. (Garvey)

He is reuniting the Commonwealth? That is dangerous! (Piper)

You are talking about that representative incident? The people trying to make a better world and the Institute sent one for themselves and killed everyone that spoke. (Garvey)

Yes, that! (Piper)

He has been preparing for war, so that is why he knows he is making enemies on what he is doing and he wants to fight back not cower in the dark and only help small force but everyone he can. (Garvey)

You are telling me he thought of that already and started preparing for attacks? (Piper)

I can't tell you much, but he is doing something to protect the people. It's just a matter of time. (Garvey)

I want to talk to him, bring me with you. (Piper)

... Alright, but only if he allows you to ask him questions and you can't press if he tells you it can not be known. (Garvey)

It will by Fine. (Piper)

Let's go. (Garvey)

Vetting to the entrance, the Assaultrons waiting moved to Garvey and Piper.

Sir, are you finished? (Assaultron)

I am, we are heading back. (Garvey)

What! Assaultrons? Why do you have Assaultrons? (Piper)

The leader wanted to keep me safe on the way to Diamond City and so he let me command over these five for the trip. (Garvey)

So it is true he has an army of robots, and he destroyed a base of thousands of Raiders. (Piper)

You will see for your self. (Garvey)


This is complicated. (Engineer Bot)

Why do you want it to have a signal when shut down and turned on? (Wallace)

So if the EMP disrupter is damaged, destroyed or even shut off I want to know and where it is at. (Specter)

It's easy to do, but the complicated part is making so many to cover Sector One. (Wallace)

It's for life and death it needs to be made. (Specter)

You are right, can't deny that. (Wallace)

There done, let's call it an EMP Emitter it sounds better, we have one completed we just now need to make more. (Wallace)

I am going to see if a machine will help on this, one second. (Specter)

Specter let the Engineer Bot take the EMP emitter device, Flying to another room with another Engineer Bot following, Specter and the two bots entered the room and Specter closed the door and locked it.

Jade, can you copy this down and create them? (Specter)

I can Master, the creation progress I kept tabs on so if you need I can create it now. (Jade)

Make a second one. (Specter)

The EMP Emitter appeared and was made, Specter nodded, spoke.

Take the two Emitters back. (Specter)

Taking the two back, Wallace was shocked.

What! You had one already made? (Wallace)

Nope, just created it, we can now produce these and we don't need to work on it anymore, but this one being the first one made by us, let's keep it as a history item. (Specter)

Making history, this is a new feeling to me. (Wallace)

We will continue with even more things. (Specter)

But I need to set these up first. (Specter)

I will rest been working for a night, you might want to sleep also. (Wallace)

I will, once I make sure this will work good, and these Signals will not shut the bots down. (Specter)

Make sure to take the antenna to test if it will work by keeping the vehicles fine. (Wallace)


Arriving at the top, Specter with a small Force got into a Truck and drove further away from then Base, then he set the EMP Emitter, it looks like a tesla coil, this will send a stronger signal longer distance requiring a little amount of them to be made. Setting the Antenna up in the truck, and told the 10 Bots that are all the types he has more than one.

Switch to the new signal code. (Specter)

Switching... (Bots)

Switch complete. (Bots)

Activating EMP Emitter. (Specter)

The Coil lit up blue as electric pulsed and wrapped around it, Specter took a metal coin and threw it and electric jumped from the Coil and hit the Coin.

Status! (Specter)

Master, I am good. (Jade)

All systems working all fine. (Bots)

It worked, that Wallace is good at what he does, all in one day, we can make even more things now. (Specter)

Specter shut the EMP Emitter down packed up and got into the Truck, as it was not shut off when he was using the EMP Emitter knowing the Antenna that will take the signals around and will redirect it like a shield, Specter drove with his force to all the checkpoints setting an EMP Emitter and getting on the Radio telling all to switch to the new signal, this signal is encoded and will need access to the Code to understand it preventing hacking.

The Sun is appearing, Specter had finished placing the last Emitter down in Sanctuary Sturges woke up first out of everyone, to start working on a few things that need work getting outside and seeing Specter finished placing a wall around something.

Specter, what brings you here? (Sturges)

I am setting an EMP Emitter up and it's dangerous so I just placed a wall around it to keep people away from it so no accidents happen. (Specter)

What is it for? (Sturges)

There is an enemy that can teleport and I have set up ways to prevent that from happening in Sector one, and this directs the only way to enter Sector one is how I want and that is the Checkpoints so it's better to control the enemy when they attack. (Specter)

That's just cheating, having an enemy that can teleport! (Sturges)

You know you can help head to Starlight and you can help make things to help the citizens. (Specter)

Thanks, I will think about it. (Sturges)

I need to get back to Base after setting one last one up and start on next project on expanding, more settlers need help, the sooner the better, don't know if any Raider will attack by then most likely. (Specter)

Glad I'm not in your position, just needing my tools and things to work on. (Sturges)

Waving, Specter and the force mounted the Truck and headed to the last place up north, to Robotic Disposal. Driving up that way, Specter arrived, the place is empty nothing but the old area as he already took the Robots, getting out, the bots moved and Secured the area, as training and knowing it's clear, Specter walked in next, Jade started making the EMP Emitter.

{Teleportation SFX}

Specter jumped hearing the Institute Iconic Teleportation Sound.

Warning, Unidentified targets have appeared, picking up 45 targets. (Assaultron)

We know you are here Leader of Infinity! You have been setting up Signal blockers, if not for that, we would have stormed you already, I don't know how you know about up, but you have taken someone you will be returning! (?)

Who are you! (Specter)

C-890, I am here to kill you and destroy your meddling base. (C-890)

Haha, kill me? (Specter)

I have been wanting to test this, so let's try it out. (Specter)

Jade, battle stage Test one. (Specter)

Yes, Master! (Jade)

The fence around the Robotic Disposal changed to a Stonewall, turrets appeared on the walls, Towers with the Sentry Bots in the towers, a tower in the center with Specter inside with Turrets on the walls and at the top of it, solid tower no other way up unless teleport or Jade.

Jade place the EMP Emitter here. (Specter)

Working on the EMP Emitter. (Jade)

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All forces, attack. (Specter)

The Synths below the wall started shooting the turrets and the Sentry bots, sentry bots sent Grenades like Mortars down, Sniper bots on the walls popped up and duck down at random as they sniped the force below, Assaultrons shot with their gun and face lasers, the Synths got destroyed quickly one after the next, Specter still even though he is winning the battle, called in the attack.

This is Specter, I am sending a Distress signal now, this signal is a hot zone, being surrounded by enemy forces, need support. (Specter)

Once finished, C-890 spoke.

Do you think this small force is what I was bringing? (C-890)

He threw a grenade, and the Teleportation of 70 Synths appeared surrounding the Outpost that Jade built, the Lasers fired from the Synths guns do very little damage, but they are so many the damage accumulated overtime on the Bots start falling in battle.

Jade, fix the Turrets that was made, and collect the fallen Robots. (Specter)

Will do, Master. (Jade)

Jade repaired the turrets that fallen and the fight kept going, the Synths increased by 70 each time a Grenade was thrown and because of that Specter was trying to Snipe that one Synth but he is a sneaky bastard and also stayed under cover behind a His Synths and in the forest only throwing the Grenade out not showing himself.

The Synths rushed the Outpost and broke through the Wall, the Assaultrons fell, Sniper bots fell, and the Sentry Bots fell, but they all had done one thing, took a few hundred Synths down before they fell one after the next.

They have reached the central tower, but as it's just a solid block with a tower at the top, the 3 Assaulteons and one Sentry not are up there shooting downwards. The Guns doing even more damage to the Synths then they are doing to Specter and the others in the tower.

Specter got hit by a laser and the laser melted a layer of the armor off, and that was it.

Sir! Get down! A grenade! (Assaultron)

Specter looked over and saw a grenade land right next to him the three Assaultrons and the Sentry Bot blocked the path, but it did not explode but the tower was filled with Synths, they all shot at the remaining Bots killing them. They all pointed at Specter and Specter holding his P-90 in hand stopped shooting.

Well, this is quite the predicament. (Specter)

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