False Hero

Chapter 108 - 107: One Vs Seven(2)

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"Chain bind"

A chain made out of flames wrapped itself around Grey's leg, but rather than binding Grey. The user used it as means to swing Grey, making him crash into a cave wall. 

Even though Grey had thought that Chastity was the most annoying virtue to deal with, but his opinion changed as soon as he came in face to face with the virtue of Gratitude, the phoenix flame user. 

She was the most troublesome kind, she was a mage warrior class and the burns caused by her flames were harder to heal. 

The action of Grey crashing into the cave wall was followed by Grey getting buried in the debris of the cave that fell over him. 

"Is he okay?" asked Chastity, she was concerned for her opponent. 

"It was foolish of him to fight us, there is no need to show mercy," said Temperance, who seemed to be rather annoyed, 

The virtue of humility walked closer to where Grey was buried under the pile of debris, "He was a great opponent----" 

As he was walking forwards, a flying sword headed his way. Even though he was able to see the sword coming his way, he was barely able to dodge it. 

A cold sweat ran down his chin, as he for the first time in his life felt the fear of death. The flying icicle sword crashed on the wall of the cave, the impact from it was enough to make that part of the cave collapse on its own. 

With his eyes wide open, the virtue of Humility saw that from the pile of debris the masked person walking out. 

Grey was barely able to walk as there was a throwing knife stuck in his thigh, making it hard for Grey to even move that muscle. His other leg was burnt.  He may have suffered a concussion from the crash onto the wall, he was not that sure.

He may have also punctured his lung, something was sure wrong with his lung he was not that sure about it either. It felt like someone was stabbing his chest with hundred whenever he took a deep breath, so he had no other choice than to take shorted breathes to ease out the pain.

A smile curved up his face, as he couldn't help but laugh,

"Whenever I get injured, why is it always my chest?"

Grey closed his fist and wrapped his other hand over his fist. With full force, Grey driver that fist into his chest. 

The seven virtues were confused, as they stood there not knowing what he was doing. 

But as soon his fist hit his chest, he coughed up an excessive amount of blood. After a second as he was done with coughing up the blood, he wiped the blood off his lips as he said,

"That feels better."

"I admit that all seven of you have more individual power, but now that you all have demonstrated their power, it's my turn to show my power."

Grey raised his palm as he gathered his divine energy in his palm, the aura around him got tenser as he had a dead serious look on his face.

At the very same moment, every part of Gratitude screamed to block what's coming her way. 

Her face tightened up as her eyes grew wider. Without wasting a single second, on the top of her lungs, she shouted "Fall back behind me!!!!!"

"Divine frost."

In that very instance, a beautiful layer of fog enveloped the cave. The seemingly harmless layer of fog had a white radiance to it, which can make any person want to embrace the radiant fog.

The same feeling was felt by the temperance as he gazed at the alluring fog that was traveling at his way, at a very high speed.

But before fog could touch temperance, Gratitude dashed forward. She grabbed Temperance, pushing him back.

Before fog could reach them, Gratitude casted a firewall spell. A firewall big enough to cover the entire width of the cave, which was around 100 meters. 

It was phenomenon feet, a wall that was created out of the fire that covered the entire width of the cave. But even that firewall was not enough, upon contact, the firewall froze in an instant. 

Gratitude increased the output of her mana, just to keep the firewall keep burning which was getting frozen by just a mere contact with the frost fog. Gratitude fire was a phoenix fire, a fire that is known to never extinguish. But that same fire got frozen up just with contact with the divine frost. 

After a minute of struggle and burning through her mana, she was finally able to stop the frost fog. 

Temperance collapsed on her butt, struggling to catch a breath she spoke, 

"That ----- that thing--- that thing froze my fire?"

The rest of the virtue was astonished by just looking at the height of the firewall that was frozen solid now. 

Temperance placed both of her hands on the ground as she tried to get up from her place,

"He------he should be out of mana now, there is no way he is -----" 

Breaking through the ice wall, Grey dashed closer to the Gratitude. Being closer to the ice wall, she had no time to react. No, perhaps her brain was able to comprehend and process the outcome of what was going to happen to her, but her body just couldn't react in nick of time. 

Grey brought his palm closer to Gratitude,

"Demonic fireball." 

A violet fireball shot out of Grey's hand, which moved its way towards Temperance. Before impact, the fireball collapsed on its mass resulting in an explosion that knocked back everyone in its closest radius. 

The person who was closest to the explosion was Gratitude, impact crashed onto her body, knocking her away at a tremendous speed, crashing onto the wall of the cave. She was knocked out in an instant and was on the verge of death.

What was left of the area was a huge crater and the remaining six virtue who was standing on their feet. 

The virtue of temperance who was in front of everyone was visibly furious, 

"You better hope that she is not dead," said Temperance, no, it was more like a warning or a threat. 

"If you don't tend to her soon, she might as well be dead." 

"You---" Temperance's face got ugly as rage consumed his entire facial expression. It was ironic considering that he was the successor of the virtue of temperance. 

"Brother let's go," he said before bolting towards Grey with his brother, the virtue of Patience. 

Grey also started sprinting towards both of the blue-haired twins.  At a certain distance the twin swung their short swords, one from the left and the other from the right. 

With a condensed icicle sword, Grey easily blocked both of the attacks. 

"Ah, the troublesome twin attack," said Grey as he pushed both of them away. Grabbing the virtue of patience's hand, Grey kicked him in the abdomen. 

But without backing both of the twins fought with Grey in close quarters. 

The virtue of patience swung his short sword from the front of Grey while the temperance was behind Grey. As Grey readied his sword to block the patience's attack, he switched places with the twin that was behind Grey.

They both had caught Grey wide open, using their twin switching power.

"Truly, you both are truly a troublesome set of twins." 

Each of every vein of his body, his every muscle, his every cell was now loaded with the venomous factor, including his speed and strength, his brain computing power was also enhanced to a tremendous level.

Able to see the attack that was coming at his way from behind, Grey dashed forward towards the were temperance was standing in rapid movement. The futile attempt to block the incoming attack was not enough, as a devastating crushing punch was met with his chin. 

The blow was enough the send him crashing into the wall, knocking him out. 

"Now, who are you going to switch places with." 

Dashing closer to patience, Grey readied for an attack. Simultaneously raising the wall to stop all the incoming ranged attacks. Striking his feet on his temperance abdomen, he was also knocked out like his twin brother.

Diligence destroyed the ice wall with his rock boulder revealing that there was no one behind it.

"Where did he go?" 

"Above you!" his answer was replied by Grey who landed in front of him. "Let's see how well you do in close quarters." 

Grey summoned a snake polearm, before swinging it, aiming it at the diligence. But before he could connect the attack, charity intertwined blocking Grey's attack.

"Ah, it's you, fine I will deal with you first----"

Using a smooth circular parry Grey pushed Charity's great sword away, it was Rin's move. But rather than attacking charity while he was wide open, Grey dashed closer to diligence before swinging the back of his polearm on the diligence's face. 

"Or not"

With Diligence being knocked out, now only three of the virtue remains.

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