False Hero

Chapter 117 - 116: Reunion.

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"Hello dad, it's been a while!!" I greeted my dad joyfully. 

I was seated on a rooftop with my dad. I disguised myself as an informer since I wanted to give him a surprise. 

I wanted to savor his surprised reaction or his happy look. 

Now now, dad, give me a good reaction!!



"Has anyone told you that--"

"Has anyone told me what?!!" 

"Has anyone told you that you look awfully like my late son? He would look just like you if he was alive today."

This old man is drunk... so much for a surprised reaction...

"Do you have parents? if not, then I can adopt you. would you----" 

I couldn't help but sigh, as I placed my hand over his shoulder. In an instant, I teleported to twin falls, with him being under the waterfall and I was standing in such a way that no water was splashed on me.

Then I teleported him back to the rooftop. 

Being teleported back to the rooftop, he gasped for air, "Wha--- what ---- what was that?!!" 

"Just a way to sober you up."

"What the---" he turned around to face me with anger in his voice, but looking at my face, he paused. 

I crouched down as I looked at him, "Not even recognizing you son? that's just cruel."


"Yes, dad."

"But--- but my son--- my wife--- they are--- are dead."

"I was lucky enough to survive, but mom----- mom wasn't." 

"You survived?"

"Yes, I did."

His voice broke apart, as he looked at me "all this time, you --- you were alive?" 

"Yes, dad"

"Then, why you didn't come back? why did you stay hidden all this time? everyone was ---- we were crushed by your death, why didn't you come back."


"Grey, we were in pain. Why didn't you come back? where were you there? If you would have come, Eira ---- "

He got up and grabbed my collar, tears ran down his cheeks as he asked in a broken voice.

"Grey, do you have any idea of what we have been through? the pain----"

I couldn't look at him in the eyes, "I am sorry, dad." 

He let go of my collar as he stepped back, "Grey, your eyes----- what happened to you? why do you have eyes like that? a kid of your age shouldn't have that look in your eyes." 

I smiled, as I remembered various things that happened over time. Various people that had died in front of me. 

The list is big, they died as I watched them die helplessly. I also have killed many people for various reasons. 

Remembering all those things, I couldn't help as a pained smile formed across my face, "Things happened, that's it. It's just that after mom had died. It was--- it was tough for me. But you don't have to worry since ---- since I had great friends, so I was happy. there is nothing to--- nothing worry about."

Huh? why is my voice breaking apart?

"There is nothing to worry about----"

before I could speak further more, i was wrapped around a warm embrace between manly arms.

"Your dead is a selfish asshole, I should be happy that my son is alive. I should be happy that I have gotten my son back, but instead, I spoke only cruel words to you. What kind of dad does that?" 

His little sobs were audible to me, he grabbed me tighter as he hugged me. Well, at one point his grip got even tighter.

"Dad, are you trying to kill me again?"

"Oh! Yes, sorry sorry." He let go of me from his embrace. 

After a brief pause, he asked " umm, for where do I begin. oh, right! You mentioned some friends, did you make some friends."

"Yes, I do actually. I made various friends over the course of six years. I used to travel with them, then there are some friends I made over at my time staying at the Goldberg city. And in fact, I am actually traveling with some, I will introduce you to them tomorrow."

"That would be nice!!! Are they your friends?"

"Not exactly, they aren't my friends. They are my family actually. Among them, there is one girl that I have contact with, as per contract I shouldn't be away from her for an extended period of time, so I left my sword with her. The very sword you gave to me before I left for the Amon village.

Since that sword has the essence of me in it."

He clapped his hands together as he said " so basically, she is your girlfriend?"

"No!!!! Did you hear a thing I said? It's a contract, C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T."

Dad laughed loudly as he pointed at me, "look at your face, it's red!"

I couldn't help but laugh with him. For some reason, both of us found it funny as we laughed. Maybe it was the laugh of relief.

Later I teleported him to my room since it was cold at night. 

"What was that?!" He asked.

Being teleported to a different place in an instant really took him off guard.

"It's teleportation."

"That is cool! How did you acquire that power, is it a seal marking?"

'No, actually I got it from a random dungeon I found." I said pointing towards my hand. 

"You seem to have been through various adventures, tell me all about it."

Later we spent most of the night talking about various things. I talked about all the adventures i have been through and I made sure to not mention all the bad parts since it was not worth it. 

Eventually, the night went by the first ray of sun shined through the window. 

"By the way, along the journey, I met three of my cousin. I met Lora and Otis Ormr in a tournament, they didn't know that I was their cousin. Then I also met Miles Hoffmann, he was the one that told me about your location."

"You have met Miles? he is a very good kid."

"Good kid? that dude threatened me in our very first meeting. He was like 'If you go for the throne, then you are my enemy.'"

Dad busted into loud laughter, as he said "I believe you in that! since his dad told me the same thing when we were little."

"So it runs in their family?"


As I and dad were talking, I felt three heads peaking outside of the door waiting to be introduced. I looked at them as I said,

"Come in." 

all three of them walked inside of the room and stood in front of me. I wrapped my arms around all three of them as I held them. 

"Dad, I want to introduce this three to you."

but dad's focus was only on one girl, he looked at her curiously.

"ummm, Grey...."

without letting him continue, I spoke up, "This girl standing right here is Aetna, she is a vampire and she is very beautiful as you can see. Remember the contract girl I was talking about yesterday? this is her."

Being called beautiful really put a smile on her face, "Thanks, hehe." 

but dad's attention was still towards another girl, as tried to ask another question "Grey, why she---"

Without letting him finish, I introduced Annie to him "This is Annie and she is pretty cute right? don't you think that she is fit to be my future wife?"

"Future wife?!! Brother Grey!!! please don't tease me!!!"

But dad's attention was still elsewhere and now I got to the girl that he was curious about. 

"Grey, this girl---"

I held Illya as I said "This girl right here is my little sister, pretty cute right? I can't help but adore her and she looks like mom, so there is more reason to adore my little Illya."

"About that Grey, why does she--- she looks like you, me, and your mom?"

"Of course she would look like me since she is my little sister and of course she would look like you and mom since she is your daughter."

"Daughter-- daughter? no, I am pretty sure that I and Alice only had you."

Illya grabbed my hand as she said "Brother Grey!! stop teasing him and tell him the full story, no I will tell the full story to him myself."

She turned to look at dad as she said, "Actually, Illya-- I died once about some weeks ago and brother Grey brought me back from the dead. But once I was back, my old body was no longer usable for my soul, so my old body got re-written with new blood and my new body was created. The blood that is running inside of me is the same as brother Grey. That is the reason why I look like big brother Grey and big brother Grey's dad."

"Yes, she has our blood running through her so she is automatically my little sister and your daughter." 

He crouched down to look at Illya as he asked "So, i have one more daughter now?"

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