False Hero

Chapter 121 - 120: The Path Of Despair.

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Throwing up on the side of the alleyway, I couldn't stop my body from shaking vigorously. Every part of my body was shouting at me to run away, run away from the thing that was coming towards me. 

But since there was no obvious hostility, I stayed at my place as I waited for the thing to draw closer. But as it was getting closer the aura that it was emitting got stronger and stronger, my senses were getting more and more messed up. 

Eventually, I was able to see the thing coming towards my way from the end of the road. It was a wagon, the aura was getting emitted from the wagon.

Two horses pulled the golden black wagon forward on the middle of the road. There was no mistaking it, this wagon is of some important family.

"Grey, what are you doing here?" asked Aunt Sofia. 

She came looking for me, most probably because I left so suddenly. 

I turned to look at the wagon as I asked "Aunt Sofia, do you recognize that wagon?"

"That golden black one?" 

To her question, I gave a nod as an answer. 

"That is Esser family wagon, golden black fancy wagon---- that's definitely an Esser family wagon."

"But why so flashy? isn't that unsafe?"

"Most high-class families like young master's family prefer to keep a low profile while traveling since it minimizes any assassination attempt, but that is not the case with Esser family. Keeping a low profile is the last thing you would expect from them, there were many assassination attempts on them but none of them was successful, and all of the time they had made a cruel example out of the assassin."

I looked at Aunt Sofia as I asked "What makes them so powerful?"

"I have done research on them, but the source of their power is not yet clear. But they are strong, that is not to be denied."

as I was talking with Aunt Sofia, I forgot about the fear I was feeling, and eventually, the sense of fear inside of me had disappeared. Eventually, the wagon drew closer.

It passed by us. At first, the person who was seated inside of the wagon was not visible but upon taking a closer look, I saw a woman.

As I looked at her, she noticed me too. She had bright red flowing silky hair with bright scarlet red eyes. Looking directly into her eyes was a mystifying yet frightening experience. 

Her flowing red hair was more like red from the bottle of red wine rather than being fiery red. The red straight hair was soothing to look at for my eyes. 

That woman was extremely beautiful, but that woman itself was the source of the tremendous aura I was able to feel. Just by looking at her, I could feel my stomach might throw up any moment. 

Looking at her, a question raised in my mind, can a mortal emit this type of tremendous aura? even her looks were in no way normal. 

Eventually, the wagon passed by, but it stopped near a luxurious that is situated in Lenton city. But why are they stopping over at the Lenton city?

I need to find out why.

As I was looking towards the Inn, Aunt Sofia quickly turned around as she drew a dagger out of the sheath. With a fine swing, she swung it at the person who just jumped from the roof behind me.

"Stop it, Aunt Sofia, he is with me."

Upon hearing my voice, she stopped right before Ermic's throat. Ermic's blade was also already out to defend himself.

He kept his blade back in the sheath as he kneeled before me. 

"My master, my apologies that I had appeared with no further notice."

"No need for apologies, get up and tell me what happened."

He got up from his kneeling position, he spoke up "Master the Esser family is in the town and they want to hold a meeting with the House Lenton's head. Apparently, they have some business with us, so Ebony wanted my master to attend the meeting as the head of House Lenton, well I mean my master is the leader of the house Lenton, so it makes sense."

"Very well, then. I will attend the meeting. Let's see what business does Esser family has with us." 

"Then, I will inform them about my master attending the meeting.", he bowed before saying "Then, I shall take my leave."

With those words, he disappeared from my sight in an instant. 

"Master?" asked Aunt Sofia, she sounded curious.

"Hehe! you might not believe it, but I am a pretty important person out there.", I pointed a finger toward myself as I asked "Aren't I cool? right? right? rIght?"

Aunt Sofia placed her hand over my head as she said "Yes yes, you are cool."


"Dad, I want you to come with me today, I want you to come with me and see for yourself about how what kind of life I lead now."

I said as I was seated in my room, to be more specific we were seated in Ebony's residency. 

"I will join you too, but I am confused about various things, so I want to ask you some questions."

"You can ask all the questions you have after I show you."


I turned to look at Aunt Sofia as I said, 

"I also want you to come to Aunt Sofia, I also want you to see that what kind of life I lead now."

She agreed to it just by giving a nod, later she left the room apparently she had to take care of all the girls and see what they are up to. 

"Grey, you have been training extensively over the years, haven't you?"

"How did you find out?"

He touched my bicep as he said, "There are various things that give away a seasoned warrior, their body, posture, and the way they present themselves and you have all those factors. So, it's not hard to guess that you have been training extensively over the years.

But your muscle structure and posture seem to be complex, it does have the essence of mastery in great sword but there seem to be more things that you have mastered with it."

"You can all that just by a look? well, I did practice a great sword, only the thing you have thought nothing much and also I have practiced polearm since it is my favorite weapon and also mom has though me how to use a polearm" I said as I summoned a snake polearm in my hand.

Looking at the polearm, dads eye widened as he asked "This is Alice's---"

"Yes, i got this after mom---" I didn't say anything further since I didn't want to talk about mom's death, it always stings in my heart. "You know, she was awesome. she was so so awesome." 

I sighed as I looked down, "Dad, I miss mom."

"Me too, I miss her too."

A smile curved my lips as I said "Don't you think that mom would be so proud by just looking at how much strong I have gotten? she would definitely say something like 'Nothing less from my son! we both are the strongest!'"

Dad chuckled as he said "That something she would say, she would have adored you so much. She used to adore you so much. I remember how selfish she was before you were born but then you were given birth and she adored you more than anything. 

She also loved the fact that you have inherited her facial feature, I wish she was alive right now,"

"You know dad, I killed a god recently. By killing a god, I was able to revive someone. Maybe, if I will be able to kill a stronger, I may also be able to revive mom."

Dad looked at me in shock for a second before placing his hand over me as he said "As much as I find that solution tempting, the look in your eyes ------- you are just giving yourself hope right? you are aware that it is not possible right? those are the eyes of despair and I don't want my son to walk the path of despair."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I said "I am already walking the path of despair, and I am not planning to walk away from it. I have planned to be a hero that saves anyone who needs me, that's the only way I can save myself from falling into despair again. 

It's too late for me to go back to a normal life."

"You are all mature now, it is kind of relieving yet sad. But I can't be a hypocrite and force you to live a normal life since I know the feeling you are talking about. We can't walk away and live a normal life after witnessing the thing we have witnessed, those things come to haunt us and the best remedy is to walk in the same path that has caused despair in the first place."

"That is the reason, that i am going to be a-----"

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