False Hero

Chapter 130 - 129: The Story Of Curse And Blessing.

"I thought you would hate her enough to be wanting to kill her, well you still want to kill her but like yeah you don't really hate her."

Grey looked the Ari as he said, "I don't hate her, but I highly dislike the thing she has done."

{Author: Ari is the name of loli demi godess, it's short for Arianrhod.}

Aru walked ahead, halting her walk she looked behind gesturing Grey to follow her, and without much question, Grey followed her.

As they walked forwards, the scenery around them changed,

"You know, Arae wasn't originally a god of the curse,-----" 

They were currently in a forest, it was a familiar forest, but it was a little different. It was the Lenton forest, but some things were different. 

As they were walking through the forest, Ari touched Grey's arm as she teleported him to the top of a tree.

Since it wasn't a real dimension, it was just memory, she can teleport to anywhere in that certain plane.

From the top of the tree, they both saw a red-haired woman, she was apparently cooking something, it was a rabbit she had just hunted. 

"As I was saying, she wasn't originally a god of the curse, she was the god of blessings."

Seated on the top of the tree, Grey looked at the red-haired woman as he asked, "Huh? then how did she become the god of curse?"

"She never really became the god of the curse," said Ari to which Grey looked at her in confusion. To clear his confusion she said, "You will know what I mean when we go through her memories."

Ari looked at Arae who was cooking rabbit, Ari spoke "She---- Arae is the youngest god, she was chosen randomly to be god. Even though she is the youngest she is still some hundred years old currently."

Ari teleported Grey and herself beside Arae as she continued to speak, "She has spent most of her life after being god alone, she has been all by herself for hundreds of years, there was no one for her.

She doesn't understand her power, she doesn't know what blessing means. She doesn't really feel the need for connection with someone else since she hasn't ever felt of connecting with someone else, so she is fine with being alone."

As Ari was talking, the scenery changed to many different places, all the memories were her just being alone, sleeping alone, eating alone, Grey didn't even hear her talk yet.

They were currently in memory where Arae was seated above a mountain, she was staring at the starry sky and this was the first time Grey heard her say something after visiting her several memories, 

"Blessing? I am the god of blessing. but what is a blessing? who I am? what should I do? I don't understand."

As Grey looked at her, he pressed his lips together as his expression turned into a conflicting one. Looking at her Grey asked, "Ari, who made her god?"

Ari looked at Grey for a good second before a smile curved up her face, "I didn't expect you to ask that question so soon. She was made a god by the god of gods, you will meet him since he will be the last person you will have to fight in your journey."

"You are as cryptic as always."

"It would be boring if I reveal everything now itself," said Ari as she walked ahead towards the edge of the mountain, as she was going to step beyond the edge, the scenery changed.

They were standing in the forest, in front of them was Arae, she was sleeping. Most of the memories that they jumped to next were of her sleeping, she was rarely seen awake.

"She is trying to numb herself since she doesn't want to think about the purpose of her existence and all those complicated things so she found refugee in sleeping. She avoids being awake and being trapped in her own mind, sleeping is the best alternative for her."

The memory changed and this time she was having a hard time sleeping, well for most memories after that she was having a hard time sleeping.

"She now can't even sleep, the only thing that was saving her, even that thing became difficult for her."

The current memory that Grey was standing in was Arae looking at the distant tree where a family of birds was playing amongst themselves, she used to admire that view but even that became a burden for her now. 

Looking at the distant family of birds in the tree, she questioned, "What should I do?"

The mama bird left the nest and she flew away somewhere, leaving the baby birds alone, one of the baby birds was on the edge of the nest, on the verge of falling.

As one of the baby birds was going to fall down from the tree, Arae dashed towards the bird but the distance between her and the bird was quite far away, she wasn't able to make it in time. The baby bird fell to its death.

being seated in front of the baby bird, Arae looked at the bird with her eyes wide open. In her mind, she just discovered an idea, the idea to end all her suffering. 

Ari looked at Grey as she said, "Arae who didn't know the concept of suicide, just discovered that the organism can take its own life if it wishes to do so. Arae for the first time in her life discovered the concept of suicide.

After this----"

The memory changed and they were back to the top of the mountain, Arae was standing on the edge of the mountain, 

"After this, she multiple times tried to kill herself, but she also discovered that like all the other organisms she also fears death and she truly doesn't want to die.

She tried to kill herself multiple times only to fail each time, she couldn't bring herself to commit suicide."

They were back in the forest, in front of them was Arae and with her was a woman, the woman was a middle-aged woman. 

A middle-aged woman whose skin was as paler as it could get, so pale that it looked rather unnatural. She looked tired and weak, her eyes were droopy and she was just skin and bones, she looked like a woman who might die at any moment. 

"Can you---- can you give me water?" 

Arae was holding that woman and as she asked for some water, Arae panicked as she didn't have any water with her. She got up as she said, 

"Wait ---- wait, I will bring you some water."

After making that woman wait for a minute she brought her water and made her drink that water. 

"You are a kind woman, and a beauty too, can you stay by my side as I die." asked the middle-aged woman.


"Oh, you aren't aware? there seems to be a disease that is spreading in Nerul city, I caught that disease----"

The woman's facial expression saddened as she said, "People have died, my family, people in the city----- people are dying because of this disease."

Looking at the conflicting expression on Arae, the woman opened her mouth, "can you stay by my side, during my last time."


Arae sat beside the woman, holding her hand gently Arae sat with her in silence, Arae didn't know what to say to that woman.

She was awkward since she never had any kind of human interaction.

After a good minute, the woman spoke, "I have a daughter, a little daughter, well she is a teenager now but she will always be my little one. I wonder----- wonder what she will do after I die." 

for some reason, Arae couldn't help but say that "No, you are not going to die," 

Even Arae didn't know why did she say that, but it came out naturally out of her.

A smile curved upon the woman's face as she said, "You are kind, thank you." the woman extended her hand as she reached out to touch Arae's face, "I wish we could have been friends."

"We ---we are friends, you won't die, I promise, you won't----" 

Arae held on to the woman as she said "You won't die,"

Arae shined radiantly as her surrounding lit up, the sparkle of radiant light shined around her, enveloping the woman in it. 

After a second the radiant died down,

"What was that----" 

The woman said as she got up, but before saying anything more she realized the fact that she wasn't feeling dizzy anymore. Nor did she feel her conscious drifting away.

"Who are you---" said the woman as she stepped. 

For a second, Arae thought that the woman was afraid of her. waving her hand Arae said "No, I didn't mean to harm----"

"Goddess!!! you are godess!!!" exclaimed the woman.

She bowed her head, touching her head to the ground. "You are godess!! you are godess!!" the woman kept repeating words over and over again.

Grey and Ari were watching this memory from distance, Ari turned to look at Grey as she said, "This was the first human interaction of Ari and this is what lead to the birth of the godess of the curse."

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