False Hero

Chapter 135 - 134: End Of The Curse Of Curse God Arc.

As Arae passed away, the aura around Kirsa and Grey started glowing radiantly as it seeped inside their body. 

Looking around, Grey looked at the radiant aura with awe. Stretching his hand, he tried to reach out for the particle of glowing radiance. The glowing radiance drifted across the air before it landed on Grey's hand. 

There wasn't much meaning to this glowing radiance, it was just Arae's last blessing. 

Grey looked at Arae as he took a deep breath, after a second he realized that his power was back. He could feel his mana, divine, and demonic energy. He was also able to use his seal of Minerva. The fact that his power was back only confirmed one thing for him. 

"So you are gone..." said Grey. 

His injuries were getting healed at a rapid rate due to this venomous factor. The bleeding from his forehead was getting patched on its own. 

After a minute, Kirsa opened her mouth asking, "Grey... where is he?"


"That bastard, where is he?" there was a certain coldness in her voice. 

Grey raised both of his eyebrows as he answered, "Ah, you are talking about your brother. Well, you wouldn't have to wait for much."

Grey raised his hand as he pointed towards the right of him, "There he is."

Kirsa turned to look towards the right, the direction towards where Grey pointed. There she saw Helm who was beaten into bloody pulp was getting dragged by Miles towards Grey. 

Grabbing his collar, Miles dragged Helm towards Grey. There were some minor injuries on Miles's body it was nothing much and serious.

As Miles dragged him closer, Grey chuckled as he asked, "Seems like you had a good time with it."

Kirsa opened her mouth asking, "How alive is he?"

Confused, MIles looked at her with a look of confusion before saying, "I am not handing him to you, he has crossed the line. I am going to murder ---"

"No, that's not why I asked how alive is he, I want to know if he is alive enough to be tortured to death. Don't tell me that he is already in a near-death situation."


Kirsa got up from her place, standing up she walked towards Helm, she grabbed his collar as she shook him awake, "Wake up bastard,"

After a good second of shaking he regained consciousness, opening his eyes a little by little, he saw Kirsa. Looking at Kirsa's face, his expression relieved a bit. 

Opening his mouth in a soft tone, he tried to speak, "we won? those damned Hoffmann------ how did we win against them? probably that bitch made it possible, she is really useful at times."

Kirsa didn't reply with anything as she just silently heard him talking, Helm spoke again, "Why are you silent, are you worried about your older brother? don't worry, I am fine. Now pick me up and take me to the home, I will treat you with something, I will cancel your marriage as a reward of eliminating the Hoffmann's."

Grey from behind Kirsa as she asked in a cheeky smile, "Are you talking about me?"

Looking at Grey's face, Helm's expression twisted in rage, as he said "You!!!!!"

"Yes me," said Grey mocking him.

"How is he---- now is he not dead? what is that bitch doing? where is she? what a useless piece of shit, she can't even do one ---------AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

before he could say anything he felt a piercing pain that bolted from his thighs to his entire body. Before he could realize there was a dagger piercing through his flesh, and the person that was holding that dagger was Kirsa.

groaning Helm asked, "What the fuck are you doing?!!!"

"Next time, I hear you call our grandma bitch, I am going to slice your tongue out."

Being breathless, Helm gasped for breath. Later he looked at Kirsa with a sharp look as he asked, "You seem to be getting a daring little sister, did you forget your place? should I make you remember it? who the fuck do you think you are?! don't forget that I still have more control over that godess that you have. with just my one word she will kill you all."

Kirsa looked at her with a cold look as she said, "What are you talking about, she is----" Kirsa turned to look towards Arae's body as she said, " ----she is dead."

"What--- what are you--" Helm looked at Arae's body as his eyes widened up, his words broke apart. His world came crashing in front of him.

"What---- what---- what did you do to her!!!???" asked Helm to Kirsa who was seated in front of him in a crouching position. 

With a plain cold look, Kirsa spoke "What are you talking about? this is your fault, you were the one that pushed her to the edge."

Helm was at his limit, he was done with his little sister talking back to him. With bloodshot eyes, he looked at her as he tried to jump towards her in an attempt to grab her, but before he could do that. His chin felt tremendous pressure as he went flying aside rather than his initial attempt to jump forward. 

It was Grey who kicked Helm before he could do anything. As Helm was knocked away, he went and crashed in front of Miles. 

Landing in front of Miles, he looked at Miles. fear took over his mind as he remembered his last fight with him, he desperately tried to get up, to get away from Miles. But it was a futile attempt as Miles, kicked in his butt knocking him away towards Kirsa. 

As Helm was passed towards Kirsa, she didn't have the strength to kick him away, so she did the most logical thing of blasting him away with his magic. After all, she had to continue the game of 'Pass the Helm.'. 

After five minutes of 'pass the Helm', Helm was left in a bloody pool as his blood was scattered all around the place. Lying down on the ground, he struggled to get up, but he wasn't able to anymore. 

Landing in front of Grey, he grabbed onto Grey legs. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he cried in desperation, when he opened his mouth, his missing teeth was openly visible, 

Grey looked down at him with a cold look as he had no particular expression on his face, standing on top, he looked down on Helm. 

Helm kept begging for a minute, as he said, "I am sorry for what I have done!! but please spare me---- please."

Grey sighed as he looked at Kirsa, he walked towards Kirsa and Miles as he said, "I think this should be enough."

Upon hearing what Grey had said, Helm's expression relieved as she smiled. It was an ugly smile, with his messed up face he tried his best to smile, his missing teeth made the smile more ugly.

"Thanks, thank---"

"This should be enough, you both are free to kill him." Said Grey as he walked away towards Miles and Kirsa. With those words, his relieved expression changed, and so did his smile faded away. 

His facial expression was as if, he had eaten shit. Dragging his body away, he tried to run away saying "I can't be killed her, I someday gonna be the king of this country. I can't be killed, I can't be killed---"

But he couldn't run away, standing in front of him were Miles and Kirsa. he looked up with absolute fear towards Miles and Kirsa. 

Miles turned to ask Kirsa, "are you going to do it?"


Miles extended his sword as he handed it to Kirsa, he spoke "Then will you please kill him with this sword, this is my troop's sword, the one your brother killed. I want you to kill your brother with this sword."

Kirsa took the sword as she said "Very, well."

Handing the sword, Miles walked away, he felt like he should give Kirsa alone time. 

Kirsa walked near Helm as she raised her sword, "Any last words?"

"What-- what are you saying? you aren't going to kill your own---- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Kirsa sliced Helm's hand off in a clean-cut as she asked again, "Any last words?"

Helm groaned on the floor, opening his mouth he struggled to speak "Please ----" 

Kirsa swung her sword, in a clean hit she aimed it at the neck. With a beautiful strike, his head was detached from his neck, as blood scattered all across the place. 

Wiping the blood on her face, Kirsa spoke " Your last words were 'please', pretty polite for someone like you."

That day in the church, not many troops died, the number of casualties was so less that it was possible to count them in fingers. 

As this was happening a man in a faraway land who was seated on his throne smiled, taking a sip of his wine he spoke, 

"Looks like another one of us is dead,"

{Author: he is talking about gods.}

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