False Hero

Chapter 141 - 140: Punishment For All.

(Grey's POV)

"Isn't that Grey Hoffmann?!! from Hoffmann family?!!"

"Yes, it is!!! I never knew that he would come to join this academy."

"I have a head that he is very powerful,"

"He is also pretty handsome, that makes me jealous."

I heard four different voices of four different boys, they were apparently talking about me. Do I finally get background characters who will talk about me?!!!

Let me see who these four guys are----

I looked above to see that who the group of boys was and upon looking at them a questionable expression took over my face. 

So it was just these four hooligans...

The group of four boys who were talking about me was Frank, Phil, Idiot A, and Idiot B. 

{Author: By the way, I am reintroducing characters from Goldberg Arc.}

Looking irritated I clicked my tongue, "Tsk! it's just you guys,"

"What's with that irritated face?!! aren't you happy to see us?! weren't we brothers?!" exclaimed Frank.

"Ah, I am to see my three brothers." I said, as I walked towards Idiot A, Idiot B, and Phil. shaking their hands, I asked, "Who else came here?"

"Agata, Lily, and then various other people," said Idiot B as he looked towards Aetna who was talking to some of her friends from Goldberg city. 

I too looked towards Aetna as I saw that there were various people of Goldberg city here.

"Can you not ignore me?" asked Frank who was highly getting ignored. 

"Grey have you filled the registration form?" asked Phil.

"No, not yet,"

"Okay then, let's go and fill the form together now."

"Sure, it would be better if we go together," I said as I gestured for Aetna to come back since we are going away. Waving her friends goodbye she came back.

We all walked together towards the exit of the sparring room, but before we could leave we were blocked by Win Lange and his group. They were basically blocking our exit. I couldn't help but sigh at my current situation.

I know exactly well what will happen next, it's so obvious that ----

"Frank, you know I have been in this kind of situation so many times that I can even now predict what will these hooligans say after blocking me."

Frank let out a chuckle before saying, "It is obvious that they will block us, let's see, if you get it wrong then I will be your bigger brother."

"Okay bet!" I said as we walked towards the group that was blocking our way and the leader of that group was obviously Win.

I looked at Frank as I said, "Now he will first say that 'I have seen a lot of cocky guys like you in the academy, ------' something along this lines"

Stop right before the exit, I opened my mouth, "Umm ----- you are kind of blocking my way, would you mind stepping away."

Win stepped in the center as if he was blocking the exit more as he said, "I have seen a lot of cocky guys like you in the academy, they think that they are special but eventually reality hits them." 

I looked at Frank as I let out a smirk, to which Frank said  "No!!! that's cheating, this guy is just saying 101 goons line! no, it's not fair."

"Shut up, now don't make excuses little brother."

"Ah!!!," Frank looked Win as he asked, "Why do you have to be such a low-level villain?"

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" Win raged up as he raised his hand to hit Frank, but before he could that, Phil grabbed Win's hand,

"Don't hit my brother"

A boy from their group tried to punch his way, Aiming his punch at Phil, but before he could connect, Idiot A threw his own punch at him stopping him. Eventually, more boys joined in from their side and so did from my side.

A loose fight was about to break out, Win readied his fireball to attack it at Frank, "Take this you damned boy!!"

but before it could even touch Frank, Grey caught the fireball, the fireball instantly froze up to the core as soon as it came in contact with Grey's hand. Grey then proceeded to close his fist shattering the fireball in the process. 

Win walked closer to Grey, raising his hand he was ready to punch Grey. But before he could do that, Grey chuckled at him, as he said "You should probably look behind."

following that a man from Win's behind spoke, "What are you all doing? what is happening here?" 

It was professor Blake, seems like someone called him here by looking at the fight that was about to break up. 

"Win Lange! and others, are you all bullying your juniors?!! what is wrong with you all?!" professor Blake was obviously furious and for some reason, he seemed to command a great deal of respect from the students as they all stopped just by being in his presence. 

"But sir----"

"But what?!! you all are students of this academy and you are trying to bully kids who are trying to enter this academy?! I don't care about the reputation of our academy and all those things, but this is morally not right, okay!"

"But sir----"

Professor Blake didn't hear a single word from Win as he said, "You all have a choice, whether to address this issue to the headmaster and you all know that how he is intolerable towards any kind of bullying, he will kick you all out. the other option you all have is to pick up neon mushrooms from the forest so that we can use them in our experiment."

Win looked away from Professor Blake as he said, "You know professor, I can do that for you even if you don't give me it as punishment."

professor Blake placed his hand over Win's head as he said "I know! you are a good boy okay Win, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, so don't be a bully okay?"

"Okay, sir."

"and all of you too okay?" said Professor Win as he looked towards the rest of Win's group. 

Professor looked behind me, but what he saw was a sight of me trying to sneak away quietly as the professor's attention was not towards me. 

"Grey, where are you going?" said professor Blake as he caught me sneaking away. 


"To register, sir. I am getting late to register for entrance, so I shall take my leave sir, good day to you, sir." I said as I tried to walk away.

following my Aetna also said "Good day, sir."

Then, Phil, Frank, Idiot A, and Idiot B also tried to quickly walk away as they waved sir bye. 

But before we could go Professor Blake opened his mouth as he said, "I am good with remembering faces and now I remember you all, so none of you can run from the punishment. You all will also have to pick up neon mushrooms once you are selected in this academy. Till then good luck with your entrance selection and I hope you all get selected."

I looked behind as I said, "Thank you, sir! but can you please rethink our punishment about picking up mushrooms?"



Waiting in line, it was finally our turn to fill the registration form and fill our form one by one. At last, it was my turn to fill out the details.

Crouching down to the counter, I placed the paper that was provided by the lady that was seated on the counter. 

Before writing my name, I asked the lady at the counter, "When will the selection will start?" 

"Tomorrow morning, it will be normal rounds but the selection will be tough, so I would not recommend you to get your hopes up."

I gave her a gentle smile as I said, "That's kind of you!"

Her pupil widened as she looked at me with her mouth open, maybe even she doesn't realize that she is making that face. 

I cleared my throat before saying "Umm----- so I will write my name."

It was pretty awkward that she was staring at me so I had to snap her out. In black space for name, I wrote my name as Grey Hoffmann. before I could write my other details, she interrupted me.

"I know that you would like to associate with Hoffmann's, but please state your real name." 

What is this woman talking about? 

I looked at her as I said "Ah, but I am a Hoffmann." 

"No, you are not! please don't joke around. As for as I remember there is no prince named as Grey."

This is awkward...

"But, I am one of the princes. you know what, never mind."

"I know that it's the dream of every boy to be prince, but it's something you are born with. You can't say that you are just from the royal family."

For some reason, I found her line kind of funny. I chuckled lightly before looking at her as I asked "Do you know the specialty of the Ormr family? I am talking about their eyes."

"You are talking about their purple indigo eyes, right? They are pretty beautiful, but I never had a chance to take a closer look at them"

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