False Hero

Chapter 144 - 143: Legendary Monster.

(Third person Point of view)

"The first exam is to have a friendly spar with me, I will be evaluating you on the basis of the spar. No student was even able to get me up from this chair, let alone force me to use my sword. Now! come and show me your best, you have only two minutes and your two minutes starts now. Come and fight me."

"Ah----" scratching his head Grey asked, "Ummm, do I get time to pick a weapon from the rack?"

The man seated in the chair smiled, as he said "You do get some time, but only two minutes, it's up to you that how you want to use it." 

The man's name was Brian Brander, he is the senior professor at the Heka-Maho academy, he teaches weapon handling and the courses related to that in this academy. 

He is a master class fighter, one of the people that can stand toe to toe with anyone without much need of magic. Moreover, he is the son of the sword king.

"So, the timer is still running while we speak?"

"Yes. I insist that you take action quickly -----"

In an instant, Brian's instincts took over his body. Before he could realize he was swinging his hand in a horizontal motion to stop the attack that was coming towards his way. 

Grey appeared in front of him, but before Grey could attack, he was forced to dodge the attack from Brian. 

Grey stepped back as a smile curved up his lips, "I am glad that I dodged that attack. But isn't that going kind of overboard. This is supposed to be a normal entrance exam after all, but this attack is kind ------of ------fatal."

Grey said those words as he was looking at the line that was made on the floor. It was a hard floor, yet there was a line carved in the floor.

"I am sorry, I was---- actually taken off guard.", Brian laughed slightly before saying "there are times when I am taken off guard by students but in this exam, this is the first time." 

Grey raised his hand as he asked, "Does that mean I pass?!!!"

"Well there is still a minute and four seconds left."

"I see, -----" Grey dashed forward as he swung his hand, it wasn't a closed fist. It was rather a straight hand, that he intended to use as a sword. Clashing his hand to Brian's hand, Grey said "--- then I can't waste any more time."

Brian blocked Grey's hand with his own. This time Brian only focused on defense rather than attacking Grey. A rapid exchange of attack took place between Brian and Grey. 

With each passing second, time was passing by. as there were ten seconds remaining, Grey swung his hand but then he instantly crouched down, with a wing Grey broke one of the legs of the chair, forcing Brian to get up from his chair.

Brian got up as he was ready to fight more, But Grey didn't attack anymore. Grey gave a slight bow as he said, "Thanks for your time."

With a confused expression, Brian asked, "Time?"

"The two minutes it's over."

With a shock, Brian asked, "It's over?! so soon!"

"Why do you look so sad? I am the one that's giving the exam." 

"It was getting fun," said Brian as he sighed. 

"It was certainly very much fun, but I was not able to outperform you even in one move," said Grey as he turned around ready to walk out of the room. 

But before Grey could walk out, Brian stopped him by saying "Then, I will give you five more minutes. Try to outperform me if you can."

Quickly turning around, Grey asked, "Only if you attack me this time, you only blocked all my attacks last time."

"You bet!"

Eventually, five minutes passed by and Grey walked out of the room. But before walking out Grey turned around once more as he asked "How were you aware of the time? there is no timer in this room."

Brian laughed as he said, "I was counting the seconds and how were you aware of the time?"

Grey proceeded to walk out of the room as he said "I was counting the seconds."

Brian sat on the ground as he said, "Truly interesting, he reminds me of one of the students from last year. What her name...... of right! it was Eira! But unlike this guy, she was a pretty serious kid. This guy reminds me of Hero Alice and brother Ranulf------------ huh? eh?"

Brian's eye widened, as he realized the identity of Grey. Well, it was purely a guess from Brian's side, so he was not sure yet.

As Grey walked out of the room, other students who were waiting saw Grey's roughed-up look. 

The student who was first in the line looked behind as he asked "Bro, I think I am scared."

"Is it too late to bail now?"

"No, my dad will kill me."

"Next!!" called the man who was waiting by the door. Upon being called next the boy hesitantly walked towards the door. Opening the door, he entered the room. 

Upon taking the first look at the room after entering it, the boy's eye widened as he asked "What-what happened here?"

Everything in the room was destroyed, including the weapon stand and the chair that Brian was seated on earlier. Well, the chair was destroyed in pieces as the chair was used as a weapon several times during the five-minute fight between Grey and Brian.

Brian who was seated on the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead as he said, "just a friendly spar, I nearly forgot that I was supposed to take the test. But I definitely want that kid to join the academy, my job as a teacher would become fun."

"What---- what about me? how-----how can I get selected?" asked the kid hesitantly. 

"What is your name kid?" 


"March! you would just have to give your best and try to fight me okay?"


(Grey's POV)

"I was getting worried as it was taking you long to come out."

A bright smile spread across my lips as I said "Aetna! I think I will get selected!"

Aetna fixed my messed up hair as she said "That's good to know."

"You both are as lovey-dovey as always." 

It was a familiar voice, her voice came from behind me. Even though I was very much to see her, I didn't look behind as I replied. 

"Are you jealous?"

Rai wrapped her hands around me as she said, "Why would I be jealous? after all, I and Aetna are going to share you and I don't mind sharing you with her."

A big smile took over Aetna's face as she jumped over Rao, tightly wrapping her hands around Rai she said "I missed you!!!"

"Me too!!!!"

Ah, between these two's girl's reunion, I kind of feel lonely. I stood there awkwardly until they were done hugging each other.

"Why are you here? weren't you going to meet your mother?" I asked. 

"Why? are you not happy to see me?"

With a straight face I looked into her eyes as I said, "I am very much happy to see you, but if I show you even a bit of happiness that I am feeling right now, you will probably tease me for the rest half an hour with that."

With a smug face, she said, "I wouldn't do that, so now don't be shy and show me your happiness."

"No!! and seriously, did you meet your mother?"

"No, I will meet her later, and anyways, she will not go anywhere even if I go and meet her after hundred years."

"Huh? then what were you doing all this time?"

I didn't pay much attention to the hundred-year joke. But I didn't know at that time that it wasn't a joke, she was dead serious when she said that. The person known as Rai was a more mysterious existence than I originally thought her to be. 

"I was actually, traveling around the country and fighting different legendary monsters. I nearly died several times, but it was worth it." 

"Legendary monsters? what the fuck... but that sounds weirdly cool."

"Yeah, it was pretty fun. Ah, by the way, I actually met your cousin just before I came to this academy. I actually met her while fighting the serpent of the black wood mountain, she helped me in defeating the monster. She was pretty cool, and she was so fucking op, she beheaded that serpent with raw physical strength, what a monster!! I nearly got the urge to fight your cousin since she was like a legendary monster herself."

"What the fuck? the serpent of the black wood mountain? ---- there is a lot to process in what you said----------- by the way are you talking about Eira?" 

"Yes!!! that is what her name is!"

"You really had fun, I guess."

"Yes, I did."

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