False Hero

Chapter 146 - 145: Blind Toad

(Third person perspective) 

Following professor Mirchi, they were brought to a place. Following the professor, Grey took first right from the narrow passageway and after a ten-second walk, he was met with a door.

The door was moderately massive, professor pushed the door to open it. Opening the door, the three of them stepped into the room along with the professor. 

It wasn't actually a room, it was more like a small arena, there was also a seating stand where people can sit and watch the fight that will happen in the arena. But currently, the arena was empty. 

There was no one in the arena, except for one woman. Upon entering the room, Grey's first looked at that woman rather than looking around the arena.

Even if Grey tried, he couldn't ignore that woman, the reason being that the woman was very much similar to a person that Grey knows. 

according to Grey 'the woman had a somewhat sharp look to her, no perhaps call her to look entirely sharp would be wrong. Since she does also have this sly face if that makes sense. Her aura is pretty similar to that of Grandma Lozen.'

As Grey was looking at her, she looked back and upon being looked at by here. Grey felt a sudden chill down his spine. It was as if, she was able to see the entire part of her. It was as if she was able to see every part of Grey, in front of her, Grey felt like he was laid bare to be seen by her.

The reason why Grey was able to pinpoint her to be related to Mrs. Lozen was that she had a mana core different from any of the people Grey has seen, it was just like Mrs. Lozen. Through Grey's eyes, he can see mana core as a concentration of mana held in one place. 

The mana core is never still, it oozes out of the core and then goes back in. The mana in the mana core is like a material that is between a liquid and gaseous state. But the mana core of Mrs. Lozen and the mana core of this woman is different. 

They have a very still mana core. Their mana never leaks out, not even a bit. Their mana core feels like a solid ball, that never moves, not even a bit.

Professor Mirchi led the three boys towards the center of the small arena, there she stood in front of them, before opening her mouth, "You all three will have to take a test where you have to defeat a monster and retrieve its mana core. The goal of the test is to defeat the monster without much damage to its body, your performance will be evaluated by how efficiently you have defeated the monster."

She turned around towards the seated woman as she continued, "This is professor Ronia Maeg, she will be evaluating your performance and also ------"

She again turned to us, with a thumbs up she said with a bring smile "Good look students!!!!"

After that, she left the room or little arena through the same door that they came in through. As she left, Grey realized an important thing---

'Ah, I forgot to ask that from where will the monster come.'

"As she said, I am Professor Ronia Maeg and I will hold your exam. Let's not waste any more time and conduct your exam. But try to have some fun, since if you guys will have fun then even I will have fun."

She raised her hand slightly as she said "then let's start the exam."

With her hand raised, she snapped her finger, and following that a door cracked up in front of us. It was a plain wall just a second before but now it has split into two. As the door opened, it revealed a pitch-black pathway, from that pathway a loud 'thud' was heard, the sound of which echoed around the arena. 

Following that sound, another 'Thud' sound was heard across the room. It was the sound of a giant footstep approaching the three boys. Eventually, emerging out of shadows and giant leg appeared, following that the entire body came into the light.

The creature had green slimy skin and his giant pupil was locked onto the three boys. The one unsettling thing about the creature was the croaking sound it made. At the regular rhythmic interval, the creature made a croaking sound, which was one of the creepiest sounds the two boys have heard.

I only said two boys, because Grey had the experience of fighting against this creature and he was well versed in fighting this creature. The name of the creature was Blind Toad. 

Grey's facial expression twisted to that of concern, the reason being that even though Grey has fought this creature in the past. There was always a rule that should never be broken while fighting this creature.

The rule was to maintain absolute silence. Even the Blind Toad didn't have any eyes, but his hearing ability was truly terrifying. It can hear anything in close proximity. 

The other terrifying thing about this monster is that it attacks anything that it senses. Grey looked at both of the boys before he could gesture both of them to not say a thing. 

Walk stepped forward as he took out his blade, "Let's end this -----"

In instant, the frog leaped towards the place from where it had heard the sound. The place was where Walk was standing. 

The other thing that was terrifying about this monster was its speed. At its max speed, the frog is barely visible to the naked eyes.

Grey's eyes widened as he said "You idiot!!!"

Using his venomous factor he increased his speed, Grey dashed towards Walk, before the frog could reach Walk, Grey leaped towards Walk, pushing him out of the way. But Grey couldn't get himself out of the frog's way in time. 

Frog crashed onto Grey with a great impact, Grey was knocking him away in the mid-air. But before crashing onto the ground, Grey regained his footstep. He made sure to use soft steps and not make any kind of sound to attract the frog's attention.


(third-person perspective)

"Tsk, It's you," said Grey irritated.

Which in turn irritated Lora even more,

"What do you mean by "it's you" and don't click your tongue while looking at me. Don't you have the basic human courtesy?"

"I do, but my courtesy is only for humans."

Lora got up as she said, "Are you suggesting that I am something other than human?"

A cheeky smile formed on Grey's lips as he said, "Ah, you are at least smart."

"Smarter than the ape brain of yours."

The corner of Grey's mouth twitched upwards, "you are really funny"

Lora found this annoyance of Grey very amusing as she continued, "Ooo, I see, you can be annoyed too."

"do I look annoyed? I am not really annoyed"

'Dude should look at his facial expression in the mirror. That gentle yet scary smile, his intense gaze that is making it hard for me to maintain eye contact with him.'

Grey opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped, as he saw someone walk by. That, someone, had caught all his attention.

Without saying anything, he just walked away, catching up to the girl that had just walked away.

"I have barely seen two of you talk to each other, what made you guys hate each other so much?" asked Frank, curious.

"Nothing happened, he is just a pain in the ass," replied Lora.

Lora's attention was towards Grey who was walking away with a girl.

'is she our upperclassmen? he sure looks happy with her. His girlfriend? or his crush? well, it's none of my business.'

Catching up to the girl,

"Good morning, Eira senpai." Grey greeted Eira.

{Author: This story is not set in Japan, but ill be using Japanese terms, so just vibe with it. By the way, if you don't know, senpai means senior}

"Good morning Grey, you don't have to call me senpai, since you never bothered to call me senpai before."

Eira and Grey have known each other from childhood because their parents are close friends.

From childhood, Grey was used to calling her by name that's why Eira was okay with him not calling him senpai.

But Grey had other reason for calling her senpai, the reason being:

"Calling you senpai feels kind of erotic."

"Huh? how is that erotic?!" said Eira, she had gotten beet red from ear to ear.

"You know, how I love older girls," answered Grey.

"Then, why did you reject---" before she could complete her sentence,

Grey interrupted her saying "Let's not talk about that,"

With that, the mood became heavy, the air was filled with awkward silence which was suffocating Eira,

To fill up the awkward silence, Eira opened her mouth,

"By the--"

"I am getting late for the class, I will meet you later," said Grey as he walked away.

Eira stared at Grey's back as he walked, wondering,

"Did I do something to make him mad? It's hard to know if he is mad or not since he rarely changes expression."


"The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant native to---"

As the miss. Agata was taking her class the bell rang signifying that it was break time. She is the science teacher.

"Then we will continue this later, enjoy your break!" said miss Agata as she walked away from the classroom.

There are many teachers that are responsible for their job, They make sure that their students had understood everything, taking extended lectures even after the break.

But miss. Agata was not among those teachers, she doesn't take her job much seriously. She is the type of person who leaves class even before her student as soon as the bell rings.

Lora got up from her seat,

"Do you want something to drink?" asked Lora, her question was directed towards Lili and Lisa.

"Ah, will you wait for a second, I will join you," said Lili as she was digging through her bag, searching for her coin bag.

"Ah, there it is," said Lili, apparently she had found her coin bag.

"Bring me strawberry milk," instructed Lisa.


Turning her attention towards Lora, Lili spoke up "Let's go---"

Lora's attention was somewhere else, she was looking at Grey as he was walking away outside of the class.

"Ahem," Lili exaggeratedly cleared her throat, she was trying to catch Lora's attention and she was successful in doing so.

"Yes--- Yes, let's go," said Lora as she quickly shifted her attention.

Walking out of the classroom, they headed towards the wending machine.

"You know, you were totally staring at Grey. are you interested in that guy? I have never seen you guys talk before."

A sudden state of panic surged through Lora, as she blurted "No-- no, I wasn't staring at him! I have no interest in him!"

"Then why were you staring at him?"

"Weren't you able to hear his sigh's throughout the class? the way he looked depressed made me depressed too, It's hard to ignore things like this when the person sits right in front of you," said Lora.

"Oh, makes sense, I nearly thought you were over Ulrich. Any new development between you both over this vacation?"

"Little to none, we did chat, I got to know him better. But, I don't think that's counts as any development between us."

Lili halted her walk. She looked at Lora, shooting a death stare at her.

"You are useless."

"That's mean!!"

Lili continued her walk beside Loro. Heading down the stairs they reached the ground floor.

Taking the first right they walked towards the parking space since the vending machine over the parking space was the least crowded one. Well, most of the time, there is nearly no one around that vending machine.

Lili entered the coin in the vending machine, she stood there brooding for a good minute.

"I will get Cofet, what about you?" asked Lora.

"I will get the same," answered Lili, indecisive.

With their drink, they walked up to a bench right next to the vending machine. As they got closer, they spotted someone specific who was already seated over there.

Lora's expression twisted into a vexed one, she swiftly turned away, she wanted to avoid that person as much as possible.

Grey wanted some time alone, and there was no better place than the empty seat right beside the vending machine. He also brought his lunch box along with him, in his hand, he held a paper container of strawberry milk.

He had just opened his lunch box to eat it. Raising the fork, he brought the cutlet closer to his mouth, before he could eat it Lili called out to him,

"Grey!! what are you doing here? are you finally accepting your life as a loner? Don't worry, you can call me anytime if you want company."

Lovering his spoon, Grey turned his attention towards Lili,

"You know what, I would actually love some company." said Grey, tapping his finger ove the bench, inviting her over to sit beside him.

"What are you eating? give me some" 

"Ah, sure."

Lili took the fort from Grey's hand to take the bite off the cutlet.

"Delicious! Aunt's cooking always hits the spot." 

"Fucker, why did you take such a big bite off my cutlet!!"

An innocent smile curved up Lili's face, placing her hand over Grey's shoulder she spoke up "Lets not sweat small details."

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