False Hero

Chapter 150 - 149: Ever Growing Harem?(2)

As soon as I entered the classroom, I was able to see various kinds of people. Some were staring at me as if I owe them money or something and others were hiding for me. 

The person that was hiding from me was someone that I wanted to meet for the previous two years. Well, it does make sense that she is hiding from me.

But----- but what if she is hiding from me because she has found something new. No no no no no no no---- let's not think that and what's with my reaction. It doesn't matter to me, it shouldn't matter to me, right right?

I will be a big man and let her know that it's okay that she had moved on. But what's with the stingy feeling in my heart. 

For some reason, I found myself not approaching her. With Aetna, I took the seat that was in the center of the classroom. Aetna went to some of her friends, apparently, she was catching up with them. 

Taking a seat on my chair, I let out a sigh. 

But as soon as I took the seat, I felt a touch of a finger from behind me. Looking behind, I saw that it was the finger of a familiar face.

It was very much like him, without calling me using words he chose to call me with a gesture. Even after calling me, he looked at my face blankly expecting me to say something.

Instantly a smile took over my face as I said "Ulrich! even you got admission in this academy."


Well, he could have chosen to say anything, but he chose just a one-word answer. 

Looking at him, I asked, "How did you communicate with people throughout your journey?" 

"By money and violence."

"Well, using money and violence is more efficient than using words."

He looked at me, with a brief pause, he struggled to say something. But he finally decided, to say it "Grey, I am incompetent."

For some reason, I couldn't ask him why, rather than that "Me too, Ulrich. From the time we all went our separate ways, I lost more things than I could achieve. So, cheer up, we both are just a bunch of useless pieces of shit."

Ulrich didn't say anything to it, he just chuckled softly. 

"Ulrich!! where were you, my little brother! I missed you!" said Rai who just happened to spot Ulrich.

I looked at her as I asked "Aren't you both of the same age?"

"It doesn't matter, for me he is like a little brother." 

"You are not my sister, you are a bully," said Ulrich under his breath, but it was loud enough to be audible. 

Rai pulled his cheeks as she said "What are you talking about, this big sister is not a bully!!"

What is she talking about? this is what bullying looks like.

Leaving them, I went back and sat in my seat. Lying down my head on the desk, I looked towards the person who was seated beside me. 

"Are you avoiding me?"


she was taken by surprise or she just freaked out, well her reaction clears one thing, 

"So you were avoiding me." 

She finally looked towards me as she said, "No---- it's not ----- it's not like that." 

"Well ----- I won't be mad, I will also forget the ----" 

"I said it's not like that!! I was actually nervous about seeing you again okay!!" 

With a smug look, I asked "Ooooo, I see, I see, you were embarrassed."

"I wasn't okay!" denied Lily strongly. "Anyway, how was the journey here? It was the first time I have been on such a long journey and I am sure that I am not the adventurer type."

"Well, I can relate. Traveling can be very taxing. But I love meeting new people and going new places, it is kind of fun." I said resting my face on my hand. 

"For some reason, the way you say things doesn't make it very much believable. It is hard to say whether you really mean it or not." 

I chuckled as I said, "Cause I lie from time to time."

"I am sorry to interrupt, but it's nice to meet you again." said a person who just walked up to me. 

"Ah, Agata, you know, you don't need to be so formal." 

"Oh, apologies."

I looked at her as I squinted my eyes as she apologized. She realized the reason why I looked at her that way, "It is difficult for me to speak informal way since I have been speaking like this my whole life."

With a smug face, I looked at her as I said "I am very much tempted to see you calling someone fucker."

Placing a hand over her mouth she said "No! I can't speak such a foul word."

"Are you sure? it is a stress reliever to call someone fucker. Don't you think the same, Lily?" I asked.

She laughed as she said "Yeah, it is pretty relaxing to call someone fucker or mother fucker or even bitch. But please do that to the person who is irritating you, don't do it to nice people cause that's just mean."

"Yeah, I agree."

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Frank who was with Phil, idiot A, and Idiot B. as they joined us.

Lily asked them the same question and they agreed strongly, "It is relieving, I call Frank a bitch or something when he gets on my nerves."

Later Rai joined the conversation, eventually, everyone was involved in the conversation. I was having conversations with everyone until ----

"They are here."

"I heard she is very much beautiful."

"I mean we already have many beauties in the class. I guess it was the best decision to join the academy." 

This was the conversation between two boys and not going to lie that it was very much like two background characters talking to each other. They have that same old repulsive way of talking and shit ---- seriously author, do your job better!

{Author: Oi mc don't break the fourth wall. I am trying okay!}

Well, I wonder who they are talking about. It was obvious who they were talking about, but let's just assume that I don't know who they are talking about, just for the sake of comic timing.

Fuck comic timing, I gotta find a place to hide from that woman. 

Eventually, both of them entered the classroom. Calling them the blond twins would be appropriate, calling them blond twins was appropriate because they had blond hair. Huh? not funny? too lame?

Yeah, whatever, but yeah these were the people that caught everyone's attention. They both were Lora and Otis Ormr------- my two cousins. 

I don't know if everyone was in awe or they were just nervous or afraid, but no one approached them. As soon as she entered the class, she looked around and in a second she found me. 

She walked towards me, but rather than talking to me, she sat behind me. Following her, Otis came, but unlike her, she actually stopped, and to greet him, I got up. 

Getting up, I greeted him with my arms wide open as I said "Come here, my brother!"

"Ah, it's nice to meet you, my brother!"

Frank who was standing on the side asked "Weren't you both supposed to be enemies or something? since, the last I remember, you both had a bloody battle."

"Well, brothers can also be made in war." 

As I was talking to them, I heard a voice from behind me "Hey Grey!, I am not ignoring you okay, I am actually just worried that I might not end up attracting unwanted attention to you. I wanted to cling to you badly, okay!"

It was the voice of Lora and she is still obsessed with me. I sighed as I thought about future life, it is definitely going to be visible. 

I saw Lily who was sitting on the right of me, she is definitely staring at me. She definitely hears that! 

Aetna who seated ahead of me also heard that and she was also looking at me. It was more scary that she was looking at me by corve of her eyes, rather than looking at me directly. I don't know why Rai was staring at me, I looked at Rin back as I thought that she is definitely staring at me to make me uncomfortable, cause this woman doesn't feel things like jealousy.

I looked towards my further right and I saw Frank staring at me with the same look, wait! why are you staring at me like that! Oi oi oi, let's not be gay.

To my right was Ulrich and ------- WHY IS HE STARING ME LIKE THAT?! oi oi don't look at me like that!

"Grey! will you come with me? I suspect that teacher has lost her way." it was the voice of Agata.

At this moment, she looked like a godess to me. She was the godess that led me out of this awkward situation. She is my true friend. 

{I will speed up the story after next chapter, i have a good arc planned next.}

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