False Hero

Chapter 162 - 161: The Bloody Tunnel.

"Why!! why are you running away??!" 

The guy stood who stood in the way was utterly confused by the sudden chaos. All he heard was the dying scream of some people and the people were running from here and there. A loud boom was heard from the two sides of the tunnel and it sturred the panic even more.

He was still clueless about this panic, he didn't have any idea of what was really happening. 

"What's happening?!!!!"

"Come and join us in fighting the ----" 

A dagger flew by as it stuck in his eyeball, in agony he screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". It was an icicle dagger that was thrown by a particular boy. 

"What do you think you are doing?" asked a man who roughly looked like the leader of the rattle gang according to Grey. 

"Smashing the fuck out of your people, that should be obvious till now," answered Grey as he shrugged his shoulder. 

The calm demeanor of Grey was getting on the man's nerve. "Fucker!! you think that you can walk alive after entering the area of rattle gang!!!"

Grey pointed his finger towards the man as he asked "The way you are talking can mean only one thing, you must be the leader of those hooligans." Grey turned towards the man with a gentle smile as he said with a polite bow "I am the leader of Lenton House gang, nice to meet the acquaintance of you."

"You? the leader of Lenton house, a kid like you?"

Grey chuckled as he spoke, "I like the way that there is no sense of urgency in you, even after I killed so many of your men.".

Grey's expression quickly changed as he sighed "I don't think you are the one that planned the attack against, you are too dumb to be able to do that."

fury burned inside the man as he roared "You brat!!!!", with a dash the man swung his club aiming at Grey. 

Grabbing holding of his hand, Grey dashed closer to him. 

"Guh!!!" the man groaned as Grey driver his knee inside his abdomen. before the man could get knocked away, Grey grabbed his hair. With a slight jump, he burrowed his knee inside the man's nose.

Still grabbing hold of his hair, Grey looked at his face as he said "You are not only weak but also very much weak, I suppose.".

As many of the man's subordinate was rushing towards Grey. Grey tossed the man over them, as he threw three daggers killing three of his subordinate in an instant. 

Eventually, one hour passed by. In the darkness of the sewer tunnel, the head of the rattle gang limped at his feet as he tried his best to run away. Grabbing hold of his nose, he tried to stop the bleeding of his broken nose.

Step by step the man struggled to walk towards the exit of the tunnel. He kept looking back to check if the white-haired reaper was following.

Seeing no one following him, he felt relieved but that relief again turned into anxiety as he saw piles of dead bodies smashed with the blunt lance. Some of them were even alive but the man didn't stop to help them. 

He took every step, his survival was the only thing that mattered to him. 

After walking for five minutes, a big smile formed across the man's face as he saw the end of the tunnel. Taking the right turn, he would have been able to run away. 

But it was pitch black darkness toward the end of the tunnel. Struggling the man tried to find the exit in the darkness. Among the blackness of the tunnel, he swayed his hand around in the hopes of finding the right path.

But he couldn't understand the reason for this pitch-black darkness. Eventually, he was able to come in contact with the wall, but it felt too uneven, with a single touch he could tell that it wasn't a wall. 

In the darkness, the man struggled to crawl over the wall. "Just a little more!" whispered the man as he struggled to get over the wall. 

Suddenly darkness vanished as a fireball illuminated all of the surroundings, revealing it to be a just piece of rubble. 

"Disappointing isn't it. Like I said earlier, you are fucking dumb. If there was a chance to die, the rest of your subordinates would have run away. Of course, they aren't that loyal to you that they would stay for you." 

Grey turned around as he shined his fireball towards a particular sport. There was a man whose leg was severed, he was at his last breath. His eyes were half-open. The man whose leg was severed was waiting for his death as he bled out since Grey just severed his leg off without finishing him off. 

"Look at that poor man, he also that he could run away just like you." Walking closer to the man Grey summoned a snake polearm, this time with a blade. "Look at his eyes, he is just waiting for his death now. Let's give him his death, shall we," said Grey as he stabbed his blade into man's chest finally letting him die.

The leader of the rattle gang was paralyzed in fear, he couldn't move an inch. He didn't dare to speak anything in front of Grey. 

Walking closer to him Grey sat down beside him. Grey spoke "You see, I won't let you live. That I can't do and can you guess the reason why?"

Grey waited for some time but he didn't hear any kind of response from the leader. Grey placed his hand over the man's shoulder as he smiled "Don't worry, you can speak. I genuinely want to hear that what do you think."

"be---- because I kill--- killed ten of your people."

Grey laughed as he said "right guess!!! I do hate it that you have killed my people and looking at my face you can easily say that I very much enjoyed my revenge. but well, to be honest, I am not really enjoying the act of killing you guys.".

The leader turned to look in disbelief and hopeless anger. Looking at the leader's face, Grey spoke "You might be thinking that what kind of bullshit I am spewing. But I am not really enjoying the act of killing you guys, I am just making myself enjoy it."

For the first time, the leader of the rattle gang willingly asked a question "What----- what is the difference?" 

"What is the difference? by making myself enjoy killing you guys is for keeping me sane. It really gets to you, killing someone really gets to you. So enjoying myself while doing it is my only option remaining, at least it doesn't make me think about morals and all that stuff. But well ----- it will eventually hit me, after all at the end when everything is silent, the voices in my head speak the loudest."

Grey got up as he said "I killed every one of you since the news is out there that the rattle gang killed ten of Lenton house people and if I don't kill you guys then people will think that the Lenton House will become punchable. People would think that they can do anything they want. I don't want that, I want a proper balance and when tomorrow the news will be heard that the Rattle gang disappeared in one night, people will know that Lenton House will hit back hard if ever messed with."

The man teared up as he spoke in panic "It ----- it wasn't us who planned all this, I ----- I swear!!!! it was the son of the Henisi tribe. He ----- he wanted the power over the city, so ---- so he told us to do it!! I swear!!"

"What is the name of the guy?" asked Grey.

"Anac!!! his name is Anac!! he lives on the west side of the forest with the people who chose to follow him. He follows different ideals that the Henisi tribe and wants to move out of the forest. He was given a separate land to stop the civil war between the Henisi tribe, but he is still not satisfied so he planned all this!!!"

Grey couldn't help but laugh as he said "I thought I would have to torture you to make you open your mouth. But it was easier than that and I don't have any complaints."

pointing towards the man, Grey said "You know what, I like you. I have made my decision since you have told me everything -----" 

Grey walked closer to the man as he placed his hand over his shoulder. In an instant, the man was teleported outside, "------i don't want to kill you since there is no need to kill you now. You are free to go and leave this city. Go somewhere far far away, and what is your name?" 

A huge smile formed across the man's face as he instantly teared up "My name ---- name is Rocky."

"Well change that name and also change your identity since I don't want people to know that I left the leader of the Rattle gang alive. If anyone finds out that you are alive, I would shove a stick up your ass and hoist you like a flag for everyone to see that I have killed you, you get it?"

"Yes!! yes!!!" the man said as he shook his head vigorously. 

Grey took out a bag of gold coins as he tossed it to the man. "Take this money and go far away and remember that you are dead from now and now go away."

The man bowed once before running away and leaving the place immediately but before going away, he turned back once more as he said "Thank you!!"

"Go away before I change my mind."


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