False Hero

Chapter 165 - 164: Birth And Death Of A Leader.

Grey extended his arms wide open in front of the giant as he said "Your last attack had killing intent to it, not bad."

"Killing intent?" questioned one of the tribe men. The same question was on everyone's mind, all their facial expression was stiffened as they were questioning whether Anac really attacked a kid with intent to kill.

"Why does our leader is the one that is struggling? is this ---- is this some kind of joke?" questioned another tribesman.

Grey dashed forward as he struck his feet. But before his feet could connect, Anac created a shield blocking the attack.  Along with his shield, Anac quickly dashed forwards to tackle Grey.

Being in mid-air, Grey didn't have much choice other than tanking the attack directly. 

Extending his palm towards Anac, Grey shot a fireball. The action was followed by a blast that knocked both Grey and Anac away. It wasn't an excessive blast. but it was enough to knock both of them away.

{Auhtor: Fireblast is a spell that is like a fireball spell but the difference is that the fire blast spell has a much greater blast effect. Fireblast can be used in combat according to the circumstances.}

Before landing on the ground, Grey again condensed a fire blast spell in his blast. Using the force of the blast, Grey shot himself towards Anac. 

Entering through the smoke, Grey struck his fist but it was again blocked by Anac's shield. The force of this punch broke the stone shield. 

Continuing the attack Grey drove his knee which was blocked by Anac as he said "You are fire mage?" 

Dodging Anac's attack, Grey spoke "I am not." 

The exchange of attack went on for a minute where Grey and Anac went on the toe to toe in strength. Which was a ridiculous sight for the tribe people to look at. 

From their perspective, it was a little kid and a giant seven feet man going against each other and somehow kid was able to go toe to toe against the giant and even overpower him.

Stepping back Grey spoke "at first you agreed for this fight because you were apparently entertaining me. But now, let's get serious shall we. From the next attack, I will try to kill you and I won't kill you right away. Before killing you, it is my duty to give you enough punishment on behalf of my people. Then when I am done, I will kill you." 

Grey closed his eyes as he froze all his little wounds with ice. This act caught Anac's attention as he asked "You can also use ice ----- Guh!!"

An intense pain traveled through the right part of the chest. A crushing pain thrashed on his brain as he was knocked away. It was Grey who drove his fist into Anac's chest as he was speaking. The speed at which even Anac couldn't see him coming.

Grey looked at Anac as he said with cold eyes, there was no hint of emotion in Grey's eyes "As I said, get serious or you will die without even having good last words. Try your best to survive and I might give you chance to say your last words."

Anac held his broken rib as he looked in terror at Grey. Before he could realize another impact crashed against his face. 

Recovering from confusion Anac realized that he was kicked in the face. Holding his bleeding nose, he looked at Grey.

Getting up he got in a defensive position as he summoned a shield in his other hand. While he summoned a club in his other hand. 

Carefully he closed the distance between himself and Grey. "I acknowledge as the leader of the Lenton House. I acknowledge you as strong, stronger than me. I acknowledge that I was the one that ordered the death of your people. I acknowledge that ----"

He looked at his wife as he said "I acknowledge that I picked enmity with the wrong person. I should have done research on Lenton House."

Looking at tears on his wife's face he held his stone club tightly. He lowered his eyebrows in regret before stiffening his expression in seriousness as he said "I acknowledge everything, but I will have to survive today because I have people who believe me and followed me. I will survive because I want to lead them to a future that we all dreamed of together. I will lead them to the future that they saw in me." 

Hearing those words, Grey had a conflicting expression on his face. He sighed as he let go of his clenched fist. 

Looking at the sky Grey let out a deep breath. Grey summoned an icicle great sword in his hand as he said "That's something I respect."

In an instant Grey dashed towards Anac, they clashed their weapon. "Now let's end it" 

Anac's club broke apart. Grey swung another slash at Anac which he blocked by his shield. Due to his shield being crumbled away he summoned another shield which again broke apart by Grey's slash. 

One after another Grey kept attacking with his greatsword, each of his attacks was at an incredible speed. Anac screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as he kept summoning shields after shield to keep up with Grey's attack.

He blocked each attack from slash to slash. 

"Big brother is tiring him out, he can----- he can win!!!" shouted one of the tribe mates. These words brought hope to other members as well.

"He will win!!!"

"You can do it, big brother!!!"

"Just a little more big brother you can do it!!!!"

People cheered for Anac and this newly found hope brought was brought. Looking at all this Anac's wife couldn't help but smile.

Finally, she was able to see a new light of hope, the hope that was fading away earlier was brought back. Cupping her hands together she shouted to cheer him. 

"Please win!!!! please lead us to a bright future!!! please stay with me ---------- " 

thing thing that happened next crushed her hopeful expression as he looked at the ground in terror. She muttered, "----- forever." 

{Author: I am cutting the scene here and continuing it with another major scene, which will be in this same chapter.}


Grey after being done with the Henisi tribe walked on the stair of the ex abandoned nyx temple which was now his factory. He climbed the stairs, one by one as he recalled all the things that happened today. 

As he walked into the warehouse, walking inside he saw that everyone was waiting inside for him. 

Looking at everyone he asked, "Why are you all gathered here? are we partying today?"

There was not a spec of blood on Grey's body since he cleaned all of the blood under the twin waterfall. But his snowy white hair was still wet after taking bath in the waterfall. 

Ermic spoke, "We went and checked the Rattle's hideout, there was no one there except for just ------ corpses."

"Oh damn, what happened over there?"

Ebony didn't say anything as she kneeled down on one leg as she spoke in a soft tone "You did all this for us. You were angry for us...... you sought justice for us... you fought them alone for us, you did that because you promised that you would never involve us in fighting. I ----- Ebony, from this day and till the day die, I swear by my name that I will have no other leader other than you. I shall have no other king other than you. I will walk behind you even in death since you are my sole leader and I will never acknowledge any other leader. You ----- Grey Hoffmann is my leader and my king!!!"

Following her everyone else kneeled down as they roared in on voice "Grey Hoffmann is our leader and king!!!! and we will follow him to death!!! We will never acknowledge any other leader since there is no one more suitable and no one who would care about us as you did!! Grey Hoffmann, we are your subject, and please accept us as your first subject!!!"

Clay kneeled down as he said with a huge smile "You ----- I love you, my king!!! Not in that meaning ----- I just -----  I will never be enough thankful for you!!"

Beside him was Clay's brother, Erwin looked down as he said "Thank you for sparing my life, I ---- thank you!" 

Grey never killed Erwin, the one that Grey killed in the office was Ajgar. Grey did that to calm his people. Grey told Erwin to run away but he came back, but apparently, the people of Lenton House were no longer angry at him.

A new king was born on that day, a new leader was given birth and another leader died that day. A leader that dreamt of moving to the city. 

A leader that had a dream similar to Grey, but his death was written before he could achieve his dream. 

Blocking Grey's attack, he created shield after shield. But eventually, he ran out of mana to create any shield. That exact moment Grey slashed his chest. 

He died in the arm of his wife. 

Slashing his chest, he collapsed to the ground. Grey walked out of there as he didn't say anything more and neither he didn't anything more. He just walked away from there. 

Grey knew the wound was fatal and he wanted to leave him alone so that he can talk to his wife. 

His wife and he talked for a minute before the light died down from his eyes. His last words were "to build a city where we have kids."

He died with a smile.....

It was a day when a leader died and another king was born. A king who would change the world..... a king that would wage war against the world... A wicked prince that will wage the war of rebellion against gods.

(End of Birth of the king arc)

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