False Hero

Chapter 168 - A Pilot For A Story.

{Author: Hello Hello author here!!! I am posting this chapter so that you can tell me how this story is and if you guys like it I will continue the story. Today was a very busy fucking day. In the morning I had an exam then from afternoon to evening I was at the bank for an education loan and boy am I annoyed at that bank since they didn't shit about my loan.  I was so fucking close to throwing hands at someone in the bank, I swear to god. Even though I am weak as fuck but I was still about to square up with anyone.}

'I want to live ' was the first thing Seung Seok thought before waking up.

He woke up feeling pain all over his body. 'I was dead' was his first thought with some certainty after waking up. I died, I was betrayed and then tortured to death.'

But he was alive, he was in a weak state but he still hanging to his life. The will to live he felt was strong, after feeling absolute despair the rage he felt for revenge was enough to fuel to keep him alive in that half-dead state. He kept clinging to life without losing his consciousness.

'I have always felt empty my entire life, no matter what I do I never managed to shake this feeling of emptiness. I tried to fill myself with something, sometimes with friends, other times with seeking a partner. But the only time I felt something was right before I died, the feeling of absolute despair, rage, want for revenge but more than anything I felt the will to live.

But it didn't matter anyway, cause his life was slipping away again.

'second chance I am getting is also slipping away' was what he was thinking.

As he was finally in front of the death door his past life flashed before his eyes. As his life was flashing away he thought with stinging pain in his heart 'it doesn't matter anyway. revenge, what a stupid motivation to live, I am better off dead. Did I live my life for nothing?'.just as he was about to lose consciousness, A sound rang in his head.


*New mission has been given*

*would u like to accept it*


'the fu*km he didn't say it out loud, but he said it loud in his mind.

'This is the system, this is definitely system or I am hallucinating'

*would you like to accept it?*

*Warning: host is in critical condition, immediate medical attention is advised*

It wasn't much of a choice.


*mission accepted.*

*Complete the mission.*

*objective: Escape the fatal condition.*

'don't make it sound so easy, if I could escape this fatal condition I would have already done that, I can't even open my eyes'.

'Now you will tell me a way to survive'.

*scanning hosts body.*

*Found a healing attribute.*

*Hosts lacks necessary information about mana for recovery*

'what's mana'

*Mana is energy that exists within nature and people, it helps human to bend the law of nature*

*Host is recommended to use leftover mana to perform healing magic*

'how do I use my mana'

*Close your eyes and focus on your mana flow, system will assist you with healing magic*

'wait how do i focu-'

*starting healing magic, the host is recommended to focus on circulating mana*

'wait how-'

*starting at 1….*

'no wait-'


'wait wait I don't even know how to use it'



'fuck it'

He tried to focus. Even he didn't know what to focus at. He suddenly found a thin but warm flow of energy inside him, it was unstable yet warm nonetheless. He tried to circulate it by imagining it going through parts of the body that pained the most.

*healing has started*

*body is recovering, avoiding fatal condition*

*13% wound healing*

'it feels warm, pain is going away


Ding!*Fatal injuries healed completely*

He suddenly felt the impending danger on his life going away.

He tried to open his eyes. It was a ceiling he didn't recognize as expected. But the feeling it gave him was the one he recognized well enough, it reeked with the smell of …death.

As he thought that a sudden flash of memories passed through his mind. The memories of the body he possessed. 'He was beaten to death, same as me'.

'his name is Grey Hoffmann, the young master of Hoffmann family' as he thought this, the memories of the betrayal and hate flashed through him.

'He felt the same despair and hate before dying, he was betrayed by his friends'

As he was thinking this, he heard footsteps approaching. It was of two guards.

"the beating we gave him last time was fun"

"but we went overboard, the young master gave us orders not to kill him. I hope he hasn't died yet"

"young master is a cruel one, he doesn't want to kill him, he wants to give him beating till half-dead state in regular interval so that we can break his mind"

"then we will return him to Hoffman family after he becomes brain dead"

"This piece of shit is already trash, he can't even use his magic properly, it would be funny if already trash son of Hoffmann family returns brain dead"

"I wish I could starve him to death"

"We can't do that, young master gave us an order to feed him regularly. so that he doesn't die"

As Seok was hearing on their conversation, they opened the door.

"Take this and eat it and don't die yet, I haven't had my fun," he said that with a disgusting grin.

"you will regret not killing me," grey said with a smile. A cheerful one at that.

"what's with that smile? are you mocking me, ill beat the shit out of you" as he was stepping forward to beat grey after saying this other guard stopped him.

"don't beat him now, he will die. we can't let him die yet" he dragged the other guard out of the room and locked the room

'as I figured they won't kill me, even after provocation. it was a risky move. I guess their main motive is to make me brain dead. I won't get help for a while, I was kidnapped in between my journey to the magic academy. It's a two-week journey to the magic academy of the capital. I can't expect any help before 2 weeks and I can't afford to wait 2 weeks.

'now I have to figure a way out of this situation he thought this while eating his food.

'First I should explore the system, maybe I can find a means to escape'

"system can you show my status?"

*System can do that*

* Status bar*


Name: Grey Hoffmann/Seung Seok

Status: Poor health(found injuries in various location, not fatal but treatment is advised

Attributes: Poison, Ice.

Abilities: none (list will expand as user discover new abilities or given by system)

MP: 0/5


'my past life name and my current body name is shown on the screen,I wonder what does that means'

'my attribute is poison and ice, both are overpowered attributes'

'at least that how is supposed to be, but this body's talent is pretty bad. The only thing he can poison is himself and he can only create ice to make popsicle'

'poison can be an elixir if used properly, that's for sure. That's how system healed my body'

'system used my poison attribute to heal my wound, so it is possible to use poison in different ways'

'my mana is 0, I know how to gather mana by grey's past memories.'

*Host discovered the process of gathering mana*

*Would the host want to enhance the process? *


*Host is recommended to start the process, the system will enhance the process*

Seok started meditating to focus on gathering mana

'First I have to gather surrounding mana inside me, then condense it in my core'

After 5 min of gathering mana a sound rang.


*users mana core is full*


'That was quick. but it such a pathetic amount of mana capacity, but I have to work with what I have been given'

'system was able to heal me with my poison attribute, so I should be able to do the same'

"system how do I perform healing magic?"

*Host can't learn healing magic right now, host needs to level up*

'god dammit'

'healing is the only thing possible with the power through which I can only poison myself'

'no wait, poison is too vague of a term. I should be able to do other things as well'

"system can I numb my pain using my poison attribute?"

*It is possible to perform pain-numbing magic*



New ability discovered

Anesthesia spell discovered

MP cost: 1


"perform anesthesia spell"

* anesthesia spell performed*

(Numbs any pain for an hour)

*MP 4/5*

"I don't feel pain, the spell worked," Seung said that with a soft laugh.

'if I can do this, I should be able to increase my physical abilities with poison magic'



New Ability discovered

Physical boost X 2

(Heightens Host physical ability for a set period of time)

MP Cost: 2/min


'This is good, now I have to wait for the right time to escape'

The next day in the afternoon the guard came at the usual time to deliver the lunch, it was not yet time to torture him. They have to wait one more day. But Seung wasn't going to wait another day.. They didn't know the food they were going to deliver was their last one.

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