False Hero

Chapter 7 - 7: Hide And Seek

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It was noon and Ranulf was not yet home.

Grey was at his usual place spending time with Sylphy in the library.

"Sylphy, why is hero summoned in this world?" asked Grey suddenly.

"I don't know much about it since I am young too, but from what I have heard and read, Kingdown Summons them to defend Kingdoms from various threats. So, to fight him off this world need hero's of another world."

"Are heroes that strong? From what I have heard, hero's that arrive in this world are mostly teenagers of the same age group, and the world they come from is a very peaceful world where they don't need to fight or be strong to survive. How are they strong than people of our world who train most of their life from a very young age?" Asked Grey. Grey vaguely remembered that world because he also used to lived there before he got reincarnated here.

"Yeah, I had the same question too for a while. when I asked Ms. Lozen she said, Hero is given the blessing of gods, they can learn things like magic and swordplay very quickly. The more they kill monsters or even kill people the stronger they get. The hero who shows an intention to kill people are eliminated as soon as possible before they get strong." Said Sylphy.

'This sounds an awful lot like system. If I had to guess I think it's most probably a system or something similar to a system. I hope I don't encounter any hero they can be pretty troublesome beings. In this world I have no intention of getting stronger, I want to live a peaceful life and I want to explore this fantasy world with Sylphy' This was Grey's thought after hearing what Sylphy said and his line of thought wasn't far off.

"Btw Sylphy, you are a 10-year-old girl. Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Grey with a smug face.

"Boy- boy boyfrienddddddd????? Who would have boyfriend?????" Sylphy's face was red, Grey enjoyed her nervous breakdown.

'God damn it, I wish I was some year older. I would have married her.'

"Now now, don't lie." Said Grey further teasing her.

"Don't tease meee."

While Grey was teasing Syply, Eira came into the library and said "Grey, Uncle is back."

Grey was waiting for his dad, so he rushed to the main hall room with Eira. When he arrived at the hall his dad was standing and talking with his Mother. Ms. Lozen was seated, they were discussing something.

"Dad, where were you?" asked Grey.

"Dad had some work to attend to, did you miss your dad?" said Ranulf and he lied. In truth, he rushed to his friend's house, his friend's village was attacked. Everyone in the village was killed without exception, it was a blood bath. The ground of the village was filled with blood. It looked like someone deliberately made the scene more gruesome than it already was, the blood of the human that was killed was spread like someone painted the whole village red.

While Ranulf arrived at the house, he was met with a village filled with blood, the walls and the ground was painted red with blood. He checked his friend's house, hoping they survived. But, that wasn't the case. As soon as he entered the house. He saw the dead body of his friend his wife, their throat was cut in half, their blood was on the floor. Some of the blood was dried up, they were killed a while ago. Looking at the corpse of his old friend, Ranulf couldn't stop tears from gathering inside his eyes. He was furious at the fact that someone killed his friend in such a cruel manner.

But he didn't let rage take over his mind, the weird thing he noticed was the cut in the throat was too clean. Ranulf's friend had a daughter who wasn't anywhere to be seen, as Ranulf was searching for His friend's daughter he heard a sound under the bed, and when he lifted the bed. He saw a small two-year girl with big eyes, as soon as he saw Ranulf tears started coming from her big eyes, she was scared. As soon as she was someone Ranulf face she couldn't hold back her tears. She have seen Ranulf with her dad before this and she knew that she was safe now after she saw him.

Ranulf took that little girl with him, she didn't talk at all on the journey and she barely showed any expression on her face. Which concerned Ranulf, it was a very traumatic experience for her.

Ranulf arrived at home with the girl and Ranulf was searching for a house that could adopt this little girl when he was discussing that with Alice and Ms. Lozen.

Now to the present, Grey felt something was wrong when looked at his dad. As he was going to say something, Grey saw big red eyes peeking behind his dad's legs, A little girl. As soon as he saw that little girl, he felt like she was afraid and something was making him sad about her. He approached her and introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Grey, what about you?".

She walked with her little feet and stopped right in front of Grey before saying "Hello, My name is Emila" she had a shiny set of Grey eyes that melted Grey's heart but more than that Grey felt a sense of belonging from her. she also had brown hair.

Grey looked up to confirm something but her mother was quick and replied even before he could ask the question "Yes, her name is Emilia", it was because of her baby tongue that she couldn't even pronounce her name properly.

Ranulf crouched down to pat Emilia's head and said " We are waiting for her uncle to take her home with him, she will stay there until her parents come back from the trip.". Ranulf lied, her parents were dead, but he couldn't tell Emilia the truth, telling a kid that her parents are dead who doesn't even know what death means is a harsh thing to do.

Emilia held Grey's hand and looked up to him with a big smile, which further melted Grey's heart. Ranulf found it weird because she didn't even talk to him the whole journey back to his home and now she is a very different person while being Grey.

"Dad ill take her to the garden to play with her," said Grey.

"Okay, just take care of you and her." Said Ranulf.

Grey piggybacked Emilia and went to the garden and Eira ran behind them "Wait for me too.".


"Big brother caught you." Grey was hiding in bushes "Oh no I got caught.". They were playing hide n seek and they were playing hide n seek for a while.

Grey got out of the bushes and patted Emilia's head "Good girl, big brother is proud of you".

"You never treat me like that. You know you can pat me like that too." Eira was sulky looking at all Grey's affection was showered on to Emilia.

"Is that so? Fine, I will give you head pat too" said grey but when he turned to look toward Emilia and she had a disappointed face and it felt like she wanted to say something.

"What happened, Emilia? Do you need something?"

Emilia grabbed onto Grey's T-shirt and finally gathered the courage to say "No, Big brother can only give a head pat to Emilia and no one else." In a very soft voice.

Eira felt like something very sad happened to Emilia and she didn't argue further and just "Fine, you can get his head pats, only for today, okay?"

"You can be nice from time to time." Said grey.

Grey was punched by Eira "What do you mean by time to time".

"Now it's your time to hide, this time ill be the seeker. Eira, you hide too".

Emilia was hesitant to hide and Grey noticed that from the time they started playing hide n seek.

"Don't worry Emilia, Big brother will always come to find you no matter what" Grey had a big smile, for Emilia it was a reassuring face, and for Emilia, she felt like Grey would find her no matter where she hides, no matter where she will go he will find her without fail.

"Please come find me, big brother, Emilia will wait for you."

Grey gave a small smack in her head, no it was more like a small tap "If you don't hide well, you will lose".

"Even If grey fails to come to find, Big sister Eira is hiding with you. Big sister Eira will never let you alone." Said Eira and it made Emilia more Reassured Emilia grabbed Eira's hand and said: "Let's go big sister Eira, let's hide".

"You guys can hide but ill come and find both of you, no matter where you go." The bond that was created between these three was a precious one and one Grey never wanted to lose.

"49...50, Okay read or not here I come.." Grey started searching for both of them, he had a rough idea of where Emilia was hiding but he didn't know where Eira was hiding.

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