False Hero

Chapter 83 - 82: End Of Goldberg City Arc.

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"Have you taken everything you need?" asked Mark,

"Yes, I have taken nearly everything in this giant-ass bag," I replied.

It was finally time that I am leaving the Goldberg. It was five years ago that I first came to this city. it was a lot of fun knowing a lot of different people.

I found a grandma...

A team...

An uncle...

An aunt...


A brother...

Ahem...My first kiss.

I am truly grateful for these people and one day I hope we will meet again.

I turned to face Mark,

"Oi Oldman, you are old as time itself, so don't push yourself too hard. You just got a new leg, support your family, and no matter what, do not do the hunter's job anymore. I will seriously kill you, if you kick the bucket, leaving my aunt and nephew alone." 

"Ow ow ow ow" my cheeks were being pulled.

"Don't worry I will make sure to support my family without dying and I am going to leave the hunter's job to take on the receptionist's job forever," said Mark pulling my cheek.

"If you are agreeing with me then why are you pulling my cheeks!!"

"I wanted to do that one more time." he said as he shot a gentle smile, he continued "I am actually thinking about shifting, I will probably apply for a job in mage academy."

"Oh! good luck with that!" 

I turned to look towards Aunt Bruna.

with a teary eye, she hugged me as she said,

"Find a rich girl to marry okay? with your looks and talents, it will be really easy!"

"That is the plan!" I said as winked at her, giving her a thumbs up. 

On the other side, everyone else was saying goodbye to their friends, apparently, Aetna and Agata were crying while hugging each other. When did they become such a good friend?

On the other side Rudi was shaking hands with Phil, huh?? they were friends?

Me, Annie, Aetna, Rai, Rudi, and Ulrich, all of us stood together as we bowed in front of Mark and Aunt Bruna.

"Thanks for everything!!" we said together.

Annie spoke up saying, "Aunt Bruna, your food was really really tasty, I will miss it.". She had already started crying.

I mean it makes sense, she was very attached to them.

"Thanks for teaching me how to be ladylike Aunt Bruna!!" said Aetna. 

"Thanks for teaching me how to cook better," said Ulrich.

"Thanks for getting us admitted into the Adventure guild!" said Rin.

I opened my mouth to speak, "You see, in an unfortunate incident I had lost my mom, and the rest of them had lost all of their family. In these years, we looked up to you both, you guys thought us things that a parent would teach their kids. 

It was a tough time.

Thanks!! Uncle Mark and Aunt Bruna!! Thanks for everything!!"

after a little pause, I added "Thanks for your chicken, Aunt Bruna."

I looked up to find a gentle smile on Aunt Bruna's and Mark's faces as they said "You are always welcome!"

I later walked up to Phil, shaking his hand I said "Thanks for showing me that chicken place." 

"It was fun, the time we spent together!"

Now that I remember, I thought he was Frank's lackey or something. Well, he actually was lol.

I shook hands with Idiot A and Idiot B and said goodbye. when I first met them I thought that they were background characters or something. Well, they actually were one.

And Author is still treating them as background characters.

{Author: Mc stop breaking the fourth wall.}

I shook hand with Frank as I said, "We will meet again, till then get stronger."

"Yes!! and I will say the same to you!!" he replied.

"Thanks for everything brother!" I said with a gentle smile. 

"Asshole!!" said Frank, his eyes was getting teary, trying his best to not cry, he spoke up, "I was trying my best to not cry!!"

As tears poured out of his eyes, he continued "Thanks for looking at me, thanks. Everybody used to think that I am just an evil bully. You saw something beyond that in me. I am truly thankful!!"

"You are always welcome!"

Then I walked towards Lily, she was purposefully avoiding me. Even I found myself avoiding my gaze from her.

"About yesterday--" I said avoiding eye contact with her.

"It-it's fine, you don't have to mention it!!"

"But I should give you an answer," I replied.

"No no, it's fine you don't have to give me an answer--" before she could complete I spoke up,

Looking in her eyes, "It's actually--- first time for me, I don't have experience in this things. So---you know--- I don't know how to react."

Lily looked at my face, apparently, her face got redder as she panicked. Is she panicking looking at my expression? Huh? what kind of expression do I have right now?

I handed her something as I said, "You can have it."

"Isn't it yours pass to get admitted to Heka-Maho academy?" she asked.

"You can have it since I can easily get admitted there due to my identity," I said in a whispering tone, placing my finger on my lips. "Besides I will be happy to have you there."

"Okay!!! just wait for me!! I will get stronger and we will meet again in Heka-Maho academy."

I turned to face Agata as I said, "You know, you can always call me for the job to escort you anywhere." 

"I surely will be happy to have you as my escort," she replied.

I stretched my fist towards them as I said "Team.".

Placing their fist over mine they replied "We will always be a team."

Standing in front of the city gate, I looked back at the city once more. I don't know when I will be back in this city since my journey ahead will be a long one.

But I am sure I will meet the people in it, I will surely meet them somewhere ahead in my journey.

{Author: He will meet them in the future since all the characters I have introduced have a role to play in the future. An even lesser character like Idiot A and Idiot B will have a role in the future.}

As we were going to leave the city, I looked back to face them once more,

I walked towards them as I said, 

"I have never formally introduced myself to you all."

"We already know you, you are Grey," said Frank.

"Well I am Grey, but that's not all." 

"There is more?" questioned Mark.

"Yes, I will formally introduce myself now.", With a deep breath I opened my mouth,

"You stand in the presence of, Grey Hoffmann. The Hoffmann and Ormr Blood flows through my veins. 

My father's name is Ranulf Hoffmann, which makes me the prince of Frey nation and I have an equal right to the throne as all the other princes and princesses of Frey nation.

My mother's name is Alice Ormr, which makes me the prince of the Amay nation, The nation we are currently standing on and I have an equal right to the throne as all the other princes and princesses of the Amay nation.

So you might be standing in the presence of the future king."

Those were my last words as I left Goldberg city.

The place I am heading towards is--- Of course, my home. I am heading towards the Amay nation, back to my home, back to my family. 

------End of Moon Glitter Festival arc-----------

------End of Goldberg City Arc-----------

{Author: It was a longggggg arc.. But next is a smaller one but actually the most important one. }

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