False Hero

Chapter 85 - 84: Illya's Nyx.

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After I invited that little girl to the table, at first she hesitated to eat food. But apparently, as I tried to feed her from my own hand, she opened her mouth and ate the food.

It was kind of cute...

I tried to make her eat food from her own hand, but she seemed not even touch the food unless I feed her the food.

"Open your mouth," I said as I fed her a spoon full of stew. This spoon particularly had some of the pieces of meat in it.

I could see her face brighten up as I fed her the meat. She seems to be enjoying the food.

Now that I think about it, I haven't asked her if she is vegetarian or not. It was too late to ask her, but I still went ahead and asked the question,

"It's too late to ask this question, but you are not vegetarian right?" I asked to which she denied by shaking her head.

I am starting to believe that this little girl can't speak. No, I have seen her speaking earlier. Even Annie and Aetna tried to speak to her, she only gave them replies with gestures.

As I was thinking this I spotted some food on her cheeks. 

"Show me your face," I said to which she obediently showed her face. Taking my handkerchief, I wiped the food off her cheeks.

"She is like your own kid," said Aetna. 

"You think so?"

"No, big brother Grey looks more like her big brother, rather than her father," said Annie. Annie takes everything literally. 

Out of nowhere, the little girl opened her mouth as she said, "No, the big brother is more like Nyx"

She finally spoke, but out of all things, she replied to the most random thing.

With a bring smile, I asked " who is Nyx?"

To my question, her eyes light up as she answered, "Nyx is the name of our God, Mom says that one day she will come and end-all of our sufferings and give us a happy life. Mom said that I will never be hungry and everyone will be super happy." 

Is this one of those make-believe stories, where people lie to each other to give them false hope. Sometimes, being delusional is better than facing the reality. 

"So, how am I like Nyx?" I asked.

"Big brother gave me food!! and big brother fed me food with his own hand, which made Illya really really happy!! So big brother is just like Nyx!!" 

My heart, that's sweet. It's okay if I kidnap her and adopt her as my own kid, it's okay right?!

{Author: No, that's a crime.}

Even though her explanation was all over the place, I understood what she meant. She meant to say that I am just like Nyx because I gave her food and made her happy.

"So your name is Illya?" asked Annie.

"Yes, Illya is Illya." 

"Cute!! hey Illya, call me big sister," said Annie, Thrilled. 

"Big sister?" said Illya tilting her head. 

Being called big sister by someone smaller made her really happy, as she was currently on cloud nine. 

Looking at Illya, I think she is around age 6 or 7.

"Where are your parents Illya?" I asked.

"Illya, Mummy, and Papa, were going to a place. Some people promised us that they would give us food and a job, so papa and mummy went with them. I was taken separately to the same place, but then they accidentally left me here." explained Illya, which was a broken explanation, to be honest. but she is a little kid. So whatever explanation I am getting is already a lot.

Basically, she is separated from her parents. For now, I will take her with me since I can't leave a little kid outside. 


Back to the inn, I entered our room, 

In the middle of the room, there was an oak wood bed. The bed was big enough to fit around two adults. 

We only booked two rooms because we are still not grown-up adults, so we decided that we will somehow fit three people in one bedroom. 

But that arrangement won't work out anymore, because we have one more person that will sleep with us.

As I entered the room, I found Rai seated on the bed, apparently, she had just woken up. It was obvious by looking at her sleepy eyes. 

Besides Rai, Kuro was still asleep. In case you are wondering who is Kuro, it is the name of my cat. I kept that name randomly, it felt like the right name for her.

I walked up to Rai, I grabbed her cheeks. Squishing her cheeks between my hand, I looked at her.

"What? are you going to kiss me?" asked Rai.

"No, I want you to become a mom." 

"Huh? aren't you skipping a few steps? Like first we would have to get married, then we will have to do the thing to produce a baby. I mean, marrying is not necessary, we can do it now. please be gentle--"

Before she could say anything more, I placed my hand over her mouth as I said,

"Shut up!! too lewd!! That's not what I meant, what I meant was that you would have to take care of this kid for some days." I said pointing towards Illya who was standing behind holding Annie's hand.

"You purposefully mislead me didn't you?" asked Rai squinting her eyes, letting out a sigh she continued "You purposefully play with my maiden heart, what will you do if I start hating you?"

"Sorry," I said with the most unapologetic face I could put on, "So you will take care of her, right?"

"Sure," said Rai as she turned to face Illya, she stretched both of her hands as she called "Come here!! Come to mama!!." 

"Don't do that, you will just creep the kid out."

Apparently, Kuro had just woken up, stretching her body once she jumped on my shoulder. Kuro likes to rub her head against my face.

Patting her head I asked, "Had a good sleep?"

Kuro replied with a sweet "Meow!", cute.

Ellya grabbed my hand tightly and hide behind me, "Stop being creepy Rai or you will scare the kid more."


After that I left Illya with Rai and went back to my room, of course, we booked an extra room for Rai and Illya. For now, I will do whatever I can for Illya.

Will I do this for anyone? No. I am just helping this kid since she is just a kid. Many people had helped me when I was a kid, so it's obvious that I will do the same.

---------Next day----------

"You see, about two weeks ago, there were a bunch of people migrating. Apparently, they were people of Gefall nation." said the owner of the Inn. 

I was asking him for information about anything related to Illya. The question I presented him earlier was 'was there any large group of people that had passed Hoperui?' 

"Gefall nation? wasn't it destroyed in past?" I asked,

"It was destroyed, but some people survived. The nation lost its old glory and the people there became poorer and poorer, they eventually plunged into poverty. Many people extended their hand to help the people of Gefall nation, they gave them jobs and shelter. But there were still a lot of people, so helping everyone was not possible. But people still try to help as much as they can." 

"So you are saying that the people that were migrating two weeks ago were promised food and a job?" 

"Apparently yes, the duke of Chipworth town is planning on helping them. Due to the less population of Chipworth town, they need manpower. That's why they are migrating people from Gefall nation to provide them jobs."

"is Duke of Chipworth town a good person?" 

"Yes, he is said to be a very kind person. So there is nothing to worry about."

So her parents are heading towards Chipworth town, there is one thing good out of the information that I got. 

The one good thing is Chipworth is the neighboring town of my home, so it will be pretty convenient. 

I walked out of the Inn as I said, "Thank you for your service.". 

We have already taken our exit from the inn, I just came back since I needed the information about Illya.

"Thanks for visiting!! you are always welcome back!!"

Everyone was already waiting for me outside, on their horse. 

Mounting on the top of my horse, we headed toward the Hunsti mountain range, exiting the Hoperui town. 

Illya was seated in front of me on the Horse, patting her head I opened her mouth, "Don't worry, I will take you to your parents."

"So, big brother is Illya's Nyx?" 

"Yes! big brother is Illya's Nyx," I replied as I shot a gentle smile towards her. 

She loves to call me her Nyx since I am taking care of her. She had also started calling Rai 'Mama Rai.'. I am sure that Rai made her say it.

When I first entered their room, I found them sleeping together holding each other. Well, they are at least getting along well. 

{Author: This Arc is a short one, will probably end in 6 more chapters. HOPEFULLY!!}

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