False Hero

Chapter 90 - 89: Wicked Prince?

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"About the oracle...." mentioned Hina, if she didn't have mentioned it, I don't how long this old man would have talked about random stuff.

"Oh yes, the oracle!! Oracle---" said Old man.

"By Oracle, I mean the one which is related to you getting beaten up," said Hina interrupting him before he goes on another random tangent., 

"Apparently me getting beaten up will lead to the birth of Nyx." said the old man, blatantly.

Isn't it a piece of important information? 

Leaning closer to Hina, I whispered  "Can this old man's oracle be trusted?"

"Yes, you have my word for that. I might not trust this old man, but his oracle is a different case." 

I turned my attention towards the old man as I said "Can you please elaborate in detail." 

"The oracle said that rather descending from the heaven, she will rise from beneath the earth. This time she will not lead the people of the Amay nation, she will walk with her companions to follow the Wicked prince in his quest to rebel against the divine." 

"Wicked prince?" I questioned, curious.

"I don't know who that is, I just heard his name in my oracle." 

"Did you receive any other oracle?" asked Hina.

"Yes, I can't say the details of the oracle, since--" He leaned closer to us, covering his mouth from one side, he whispered, "since it's top secret." 

"Understood," said Hina. 

"When you go back, let the princess know that he will be joining her rank soon. The stage has been set, everything is in motion. Soon he will declare the holy war, when that happens he will first rely on the princess and her subordinate. Tell her that she will acquire the strongest subordinate, she will be able to achieve her goal." The old man looked quite serious while saying this.

Cryptic... but well, it doesn't have anything to do with me. 

"Understood, I will let her know," said Hina. 

"By the way, I heard one more thing----- Ummm---- I don't --- exactly--- remember what it was, but it said something along the lines of 'After death, A soul shall not perish until a full lunar resonation cycle. A soul could be brought back to life in a time limit of a lunar resonation cycle, that is if enough energy of ten thousand mortal souls is acquired.', I don't know what it meant though." 

"Dead can be brought back to life?" questioned Rudi. 

Before he could get his hopes up, I spoke up saying "One full lunar resonation cycle means one month, so a soul can be brought back to life only till one month of death. Over that, you would have to kill ten thousand mortals to channel their energy in reviving the dead."

"That's insanity." 

Hina got up from the seated position as she said "Then I will take my leave, I will let her know what you have said."

"You are going so early? at least spend some time with me, it gets lonely here!." 

"No, I would pass on that. I have work to do." denied Hina, walking out towards the exit.

Following her, I walked out towards the exit. 

Before walking I turned around to face the old man,  "I will be back here since I want to know more about the demonic energy from you." 

My statement caught the old man in surprise, raising his eyebrows, he laughed "What an interesting kid, you are always welcome!!"

There was one thing I had noticed about the old man that I didn't mention. He seemed to be in possession of demonic energy, A tremendous amount of demonic energy at that.

There is no mistaking it, this old man is from the demon race.

We left the temple and descended down the spiral stairs. 

As I was mounting over my horse, Aetna opened her mouth asking,

"Grey, what do you want to know about demonic energy from that elder sir?" 

"Yes, I am also curious. What does demonic energy have to do with the priest?" asked Hina joining Aetna. 

"How about we exchange information? I will tell you the information about the priest and you will let me know something that I want to know. Of course, you can decide the value of my information, before answering my question" I proposed.

There were things that I wanted to know, but I wanted to make fair trade with Hina.

"Very well, I will judge the value of your information before answering your question," said Hina agreeing to my proposition. 

Mounting on the horse, we continued our journey towards Colmoor city. 

"So the thing about the priest is, I am not sure if you know about this or not. But he is not human," 

The priest being not human part caught Hina's attention, she questioned "Not human?"

So she didn't know that he was a person from the demon race. Well, I must give credit to the priest for his great disguise as a human. 

"He is from the demon race."

"How did you find out?" she asked. 

Without saying anything, I pointed my finger towards my eye. 

"The power of owl?" 

"Yes," I confirmed.

"All this time, I thought that he was human. This is indeed a great piece of information." she was riding her horse right beside mine, "So, what do you want to know?" she asked.

"Where do you work? in the army or something else?" 

She didn't answer my question right away. She took a proper minute to give a reply to my question, she seemed to ponder over something.

"It was a great piece of information, so it's fair to answer your question. But I must apologize in advance that I can't provide detailed information," 

Waving my hand, I shook it off saying "No no, I just want a gist of it. Not detailed information."

With a brief pause, she spoke up, "I work---- well, work wouldn't be a proper term, since the organization hasn't been formed. My boss--- the princess, she is forming an organization---"

Before she could complete her sentence, interrupting her, I questioned "Are you talking about the Celestia?"

She halted her horse, all her attention was focus were shifted on me, the expression of shock on her face was pretty apparent. 

"How---How do you know?"

"Since, I got the invitation to join Celestia about a year and a half ago"

"So the princess had invited you too? who invited you?"

"A girl named Rin invited me, I rejected her. She also said that I will join the Celestia out of my free own will in two years"

She later regained her composure, 

"Oh, it makes sense, but how did you manage to get Rin off your back. She is a very stubborn girl, she wouldn't have left you alone till you have agreed to join the Celestia."

"Yes!!! she was very persistent!! but later I made a bet with her and she lost, so she gave up on me." 

"It's actually a great idea," said Hina, letting out a chuckle, it was a damn elegant chuckle.

As we were talking, we had arrived at the gates of Colmoor city. Halting her horse, Hina turned to face us, 

"So, we have arrived. It was a great pleasure to be able to travel with you all.", with a slight bow, "then I shall take my leave, have a safe journey."

"I hope we meet again!!" said Annie, waving her goodbye. 

"Thanks for taking us to, Nyx temple!!" said Illya, waving her bye.

Everyone waved her bye. 

Before walking away, she turned around once more to face me,

"Grey, if you change your mind and want to join the Celestia. You are always welcomed and you can visit me in this city." 

"I will remember that," I said shooting a gentle smile at her.

We weren't going to stop at Colmoor city, since the Chipworth town was a sixteen hours travel from the Colmoor city.

We thought that it would be good to return Illya to her parents as soon as possible since they might be worried about her.

Passing right through Colmoor city, we entered right back the Farfern forest. The Colmoor was at the heart of the Farfern forest, so it was surrounded by the forest from all sides. 

We traveled up to nine hours until the sky was getting dark. We decided to camp in the forest and leave early morning in the night. 

It was dead at the night, I was seated near the dim flickering flames near the campfire. I have given up on trying to sleep, the voices seem to never stop. 

I was pointlessly gazing at the campfire, thinking about the things that the old man had said. If his oracle is correct, then the world will son engulfed in chaos.

As much as I would like to say that it has nothing to do with me, I can't. Being royalty means that I would have to take part in this chaos. 

And what's the deal with the wicked prince? holy war? and declaring war against God? Declaring war against god is the most stupid thing a mortal can do.

I don't know whether they are gods or not, but they are beings that possess a stupid amount of divinity and claims to be the gods. 

Each nation has its own gods, those gods rule over those nations and are generally worshipped by the mortal that resides over those lands.

But well, there are exceptions, the Amay nation is known as a nation with no god, no god can be born on this land. Then there is Frey nation where the god doesn't even care about ruling over that nation. 

People of the Frey nation don't even know whether their gods are alive or dead, since no one has seen them for centuries. 

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