False Hero

Chapter 92 - 91 Nyx's Promise.

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"Where are the people of the Gefall nation?" asked Rudi to one of the guards.

"Gefall nation? they are everywhere," he said to which Rudi gave him a puzzled expression.

He spoke again, "By everywhere, I mean that they have just arrived yesterday and they are functioning as a normal citizen of Chipworth town. So yeah they are all over the Chipworth town, like every other citizen of this town."

"Makes sense, I am looking for someone is specific, they have migrated here from the Gefall nation. Would you help me look for them?" I asked. 

"Sure I can!! Follow me, I will lead you to the place where all the migrated citizens are staying." said the guard as he insisted to show us the way.

"Thank you, that will be a great help," I said, following him.

Later, after five minutes walk, we reached the heart of the town.

"The duke is aiming to build this town into a city, that's why he needs those people. Duke will provide them with comfortable houses and jobs, they will help duke to build a city." 

He explained to us, as we were walking on the streets of the town.

Eventually, we reached the rows and columns of well-built houses. They looked like newly constructed houses. 

"This is the place, where Duke has constructed the place for migrated people to live. People who do not want to work at construction can work as different jobs, they are allowed to do whatever they want as long as they are contributing to the economy."

"Duke seems like a nobleman."

"He is!! In truth, he is actually a bastard of the Weber family. he is hated by his half-siblings and stepmother, so he has been given this land that has no worth, to keep him away from the family. I came here with the Duke since I wanted to build a city with him." explained the Guard.

Damn, that seems like a story straight out of one of those novels.

"That's something, I respect." 

Pointing towards the colony of houses, he said "You can ask around, you will find the person you are looking for."

"Thanks for your help," said Rudi thanking him.

"No need to thank me, it is my duty."

The guard also seems like a good guy.

"Illya, we are here," I said shooting a smile at her.

"Yes, we are!!"

Walking down the street, we first met a curly black-haired woman who was walking down the street and she seemed to recognize Illya,

"Oh, little Illya!! you are here earlier than the other kid!." 

"Aunt Sima!! have you seen my mom and dad?" asked Illya. 

"Yes I have, they were given houses around that side if I remember properly." said the lady as she pointed towards the northeast side of the colony.

It seems like other kids aren't here yet, it makes sense since we were traveling quickly. 

Traveling towards the northeast part of the Colony, we approached a house. Knocking on the door, we waited for the person to open the door.

After waiting for a second, someone opened the door. 

"Hello sir, do you happen to know the parents of this little girl," I said. Beside me stood Illya, holding my hand.

"Oh, Isn't it little Illya!!! the kids have arrived?" said the elderly man, his distinct feature was his bald head.

Yeah, that's his only distinct feature since there is nothing noticeable about this elderly man.

"No," I answered, then I went to explain that how I found Illya in Hoperui town. 

"Oh, so that's what happened." said the elderly man, he continued "Oh, by the way, your mom and dad are just living next door." 

"Thanks for the help!!" 

According to the elderly man's information,  we approached the next door. Knocking on the door, we waited for someone to open the door. 

After waiting for a good second, we heard footsteps approaching the door, which was followed by someone opening the door,

"Yes?" asked the person who had opened the door. He was an early middle-aged man, with facial features pretty similar to that of Illya. 

There is no mistaking it, he is the father of Illya.

His attention turned towards Illya who was standing beside me holding my hand, "Illya?" 

"Papa!!" she said as she hugged his leg. 

Picking her up, "The kids have arrived?" 

"No, Illya got lost. Big brothers, big sisters, and Mama Rai helped me in taking me to papa," said Illya with exaggerated gestures. 

Before he could say anything, I spoke up, "We found her in Hoperui town, we were coming this way anyway so we took her to you.", I specifically interrupted him because I didn't want him to ask that what's the deal 'Mama Rai'.

"Oh!! I see!! I am really grateful to you!! please come inside!" he invited us to his house.

Entering the house, we walked into the hall. It was a pretty empty house, no, it was an almost empty house. Well, it makes sense since they only arrived here yesterday. 

But there were some religious photos, statues, and some books all around the book. They weren't much, but they were -----Ummm--- how do I explain this...

Yes!! they were things that would easily catch one's attention. 

Book, in particular, had nothing that could catch someone's attention. But the various statues and religious photos hung on the wall were something that was hard to not notice. 

The person in the portrait was a very tall, muscular handsome man. He had a fair skin complexion, jet black curly hair, and a mild beard. 

Damn! this guy is handsome. who is this guy?

"Oh, this? this is our god Demis," said Illya's father as he saw me staring at his picture. 

"He is handsome," I said.

"Right!! he is the most beautiful thing to exist. I am glad that you could understand the beauty of God Demis." he said patting my shoulder.

He might be handsome, but you are definitely exaggerating things. Stop acting like a crazy chick!! you are a grown-ass man.

As we were talking, Illya's mother walked into the room. She asked the basic question of who we are and why Illya is here and all. 

We had to give her the same explanation as we gave to Illya's father.

"Oh, I see. Such a kind kid's, may God Demis always shower his grace over you kids." 

Why can't they hold a basic conversation, without mentioning God Demis in every other sentence? 

"Dear, We both were just appreciating that how beautiful god Demis is before you came to this room." 

"Is that so?! say kid, why don't you join the church, come to church with us today. Tonight we will witness the rebirth of God Demis." insisted Illya's mother. 

Rebirth of God Demis? huh? what are they doing over there in the church?

Waving my hand, I said, "As much as I am grateful for the offer, I will have to decline it since I have work to do." 

I turned to face Illya, placing my hand over her head, I gently patted her head, 

"Be a good girl, okay?" 


Kissing her cheeks, Rai spoke up, "Even if he doesn't visit, I will come and visit you." 


"What happened Illya?" I asked, crouching down to her height.

"Illya is sad." 

"Don't worry, big brother will come back to meet you."

"Illya knows, Illya trusts big brother more than anything. Illya finally found her Nyx, Illya was happy, Illya is----" 

With a second of pause, tears welled up in her eyes, 

"Everyone promise that they will be together, they will be close together, but everyone leaves, everyone changes. Illya is afraid, Illya doesn't want to be alone."

"You are such a grown-up," I said.

"No!! Illya is not grown up!! I want brother Grey to keep treating me like a kid forever." 

Embracing her in my arms, I spoke up "Then, that's a promise! Brother Grey will always treat you like a kid." 

She held me tightly for a good second, my clothes were getting wet due to her silent tears. But later she let go of me, her silent tears were changed with a smile.

Walking out of the door, I turned around to face her parents one more time, opening my mouth I said, 

"Please take care of her."

"Don't worry, we will take care. Since we are her parents. we know what's best for her"

They sound arrogant, but I guess that must be parenting pride? is there a thing like parenting pride? 

I am confused over whether to stay in town for the night or not since I am just twelve hours away from my home. 

I would prefer to reach my home as soon as possible, but there are things that I want to do in this city.

"Tonight?" asked Ulrich.

"Yes, tonight. Don't let anyone else know." 

"Don't worry it's our secret." 

We were staying tonight in this town to investigate the church, I want to know whether there is a link between this church and the attack that happened five years ago.

Most probably there is a link, but more information is always better.

"Do you know torture techniques?" asked Ulrich, out of nowhere. 

Huh? what this guy is up to?

"Why? well if I had to say, it depends on the person. For a guy, crushing his balls would be excellent torture." I asked.

"They wouldn't simply open their mouth, we would need to torture them, shall we crush their balls?" said Ulrich as a wicked smile curved his lips.

"Well, we would have to limit the force we are hitting their balls since it might just kill them?" 

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