False Hero

Chapter 97 - 96: Declaration Of War.

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"Oh, did I do something to anger you, Little mortal?" asked the pink figure, her tone of voice was as if she was dealing with a child.

It all made sense to Grey...

The church.....

the god's whisper.....

the divine king.....

the attack that happened five years ago...

The attack that had happened today, everything was connected.

"Why is this human not kneeling in the sight of---" 

cutting off what the blue god was saying, Grey turned towards the pink god,

"That blue one was saying that little girl and Alice were part of the future that will lead to the doom? explain it to me." 

"I have taken liking that's why I am will answer your question, or else I would have already removed your head in an instant---"

"Try it." said Grey as he looked at the Pink, "You are just astral projection, this is not your real body, you can't do much to me."

Couldn't being able to contain her laughter, Pink god burst into laughter, "Interesting, I really have taken a liking to you. I happen to get glimpses of the future, a future that will lead to the doom of us gods. So we eliminate those individuals who are a threat to our existence according to the glimpse of the future.

Among the bunch of humans that had died, apparently, there was a girl named Illya that would lead us to our doom. So we ordered the divine king to kill her off, the church sacrificed rest of the humans for the awakening of death." 

"Oh, I see."

Grey was speechless, he had gotten too much information at once. There were too many things to process and he was feeling a load of emotions at once that had led to his speechlessness. 

"So many people had died because they had faith in you all. they thought they would be taking part in the greater good, they gave their life away for you all. Do you all not feel anything about it?" asked Grey.

"Why would I or any of us feel anything. We are superior beings. We are born to rule over all mortals, mortal is given birth to serve us, that's how it is." said the pink god blatantly as if it was the most obvious thing.

Grey couldn't help but chuckle. 

"What are you laughing for mortal?" 

"No, I just found it funny that you all call urself superior beings, the rightful ruler of mortals and all that bullshit, yet aren't you all just afraid? 

'Superior being' my ass, you all are petty enough to kill 'weak mortals' just because they might come to bite your ass someday. I mean aren't you powerful to defend yourself when the day comes?

Nah, you all are just shitty fucking tyrants, there is nothing 'superior' about you all."

In that very instant, Grey felt a jolt that shook him off the ground he was standing upon, nearly tripping him. The jolt was the result of an intense tremor that shook the entire dimension. 

This tremor was accompanied by the laughs of the god, "You are really funny little mortal."

"A daring one, I see. But such a daring one won't survive for long."

"Can I keep him as my slave??! this mortal seems really funny, I will make great use of him." asked the red figure, excitedly. But that excitement felt fake as if he was acting excited to cover up his other emotion.

"Cmon you don't need to cover up your anger. Show me your vulnerable side, Don't be shy and show me your vulnerable side.", as a vile smirk curved up Grey's lips as he said, "Since I will be the one that will be ending you all."

Hearing what Grey had to say the gods burst into even louder laughter, "We are immortal, how are you going to kill us? how can you possibly kill us? do you have the power to do so?"

"Killing god? I would like to test that theory." 

Grey started walking out of dimension as he condensed a ball of divine energy in his hand. Shooting the divine energy, Grey tore the fabric of dimension to return to his original dimension. 

The Divine body that was growing has started regressing, it had regressed back to a fetus and with each passing second, it was getting smaller and smaller. It was happening because the nourishment provided for the reawakening for the death god was not enough.

The church would need an even bigger sacrifice to reawaken their god. 

Looking at the sight of the death god's body getting regressed into nothing, the gods started going back as their astral projection started disappearing.

"Ah, it was boring." said the blue god as he disappeared. 

"Well, I got to see something interesting." said pink god as she disappeared.

Eventually, all gods disappeared with the exception of a violet figure. She stood behind Grey who was walking out of the dimension. 

"Mortal, are you in Greif?" 

"Gods took things that I loved the most, what do you think?" answered Grey as he paused, "But, no I am not in grief or in anger."

"Perhaps your facial expression could lie, you try to put on a fake smile or you try to ridicule us for hiding your grief. But the blood pouring out of your hands doesn't lie." 

The blood pouring out of Grey's hands was due to him squeezing his hand too tight, it was out of frustration. 

Without saying anything Grey continued to walk away. 

Before disappearing the god spoke "If you ever need help with anything, even with destroying the gods. I am ready to help you since I am the goddess of compassion." 

Grey still didn't answer anything as he walked out of the dimension. At this point, the divine fetus had disappeared and Grey was back to the church, the church that was filled with hung bodies. 

Walking towards the door, Grey picked up Illya's body. He condensed mana in his palm as he froze the entire body in solid ice. 

Grey was preserving her body since he will be reviving her soon. He had a plan, a plan to kill the god and use their energy to revive Illya.

"God surely has the energy of over ten thousand mortal, perfect to revive someone." said Grey out loud, he looked up to the sky as he said "One month...."


After that Grey went back to this group. After learning the truth about what happened to Illya and the reason for the attack that happened over five years ago. The group decided to go their separate ways. 

They all needed to process their own thoughts. Rai went her separate way because the involvement of gods reminded her of one particular person. She decided to go back to her mother, the person that will provide her the truth, the truth about the gods. Since her mother is ----- the goddess of thunder.

Ulrich had decided to go his own separate ways since he wanted to process his thoughts and decide what he wanted to do going further, he need information. Grey instructed him to gather intel of Sentor nation and their involvement. it was a mutual decision between Grey and Ulrich to work separately towards one single goal.

Rudi had decided to go his own separate way, but his reason was unknown. His last words before going his own separate way were "I need to find my answers." 

Whereas Aetna and Annie decided to follow Grey to wherever he was going. Even if Aetna and Annie wanted to go alone, Grey would have let them go alone. Grey has a plan to take them both to a particular place, his house. 

Grey is going his own separate place, he needs to go his own way to execute his plan and revive Illya. For that, he needs the help of a particular organization. 


Back in Colmoor city, Hina had packed her things since she will not be going back home for a long while. 

"Where are you going." asked her dad as she was walking out of the door. 

"There is a place I have to be."

"When will you be back?" asked her dad.

"I don't know, but you don't have to worry since brother will take on your legacy as a general. I am not cut out to be a general." 

"You are not cut out to be general, but you can always be a knight." said her dad apathetically. 

Hina chuckled at what her dad said, "then I will be taking my leave, " said Hina as she walked away out of the door. Before walking out she turned around once more saying, "Next time we meet, we might meet as an enemy."

"I won't show mercy."

"Neither would i." 

Hina walked out of her huge mansion, walking down the porch she exited the gate. She picked her luggage up to place it in the wagon. 

But she saw someone particular standing beside the wagon, leaning his back on the back of the wagon. 

As he saw that Hina had arrived, He waved his hand greeting her, "Hey hey, we meet again!!"

"Grey? what are you doing here?" asked Hina, confused. 

A cheeky smile curved up his face, "You were the one that told me to contact you in this city if I wanted to join." 

With a shock, Hina let out a sound of "Oh,", before a smile curved upon her face as she said, "Welcome to the Celestia ."

----------------End of Hanging Church Arc---------------------

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