And what surprised the audience even more was that at the same time that Kurosaki Ichigo once again captured the Heavenly Lock Moon.

The picture turned out to be transitioned again.


In another spiritual space, Kurosaki Ichigo sees the person in the world of Shinigami who best represents the fighting instinct.

More wooden sword hachi!!

And Kenhachi cut it up when he saw Kurosaki Ichigo!

"I'm here to kill you!"

The words of Kenba made the originally confused Kurosaki Ichigo even more confused.

"You... What do you say..."

"More wooden sword eight! Isn't my battle with you over long ago? "

Genmu Jianba said excitedly:

"Is it over? Battles are not fights, and they won't end unless the opponent dies! "

At this moment, it is the turn of the combat philosopher Kenhachi Gengi to start life education for Ichigo Kurosaki!


Seeing this scene, the gods of death were also very surprised.

[Kenhachi Kangi: Oh, am Ichigo Kurosaki and I going to fight again?] But this is normal, I haven't had enough addiction in the first place. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: This is definitely not the actual battle, it is Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual space. It seems that Captain Gengi is in Kurosaki Ichigo's heart... It's quite important. 】

[Kusakalu Yachiryu: Haha, some people think about Xiaojian, Yachiryu is very happy. 】

[Orochimaru: What an accident. Is Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting instinct slowly awakened by nothingness? Therefore, it is understandable that Kurosaki Ichigo, who fought with Captain Gengi, has Captain Gengi in his mind, after all, he is also a monster who fights by instinct. 】

[Kenhachi: Hehe, is this really the case? Then let me properly educate this kid Kurosaki Ichigo, what is true instinct! I know a lot more than this! No Grim Reaper knows the battle instinct better than I do! 】



Faced with having to fight with yourself ... No, it's a more wooden sword eight who kills life and death.

Kurosaki Ichigo was even more confused.

"Kenhachi... Me and you, there is no reason to fight at all! "

Hearing this, Genmu Jianba laughed madly:

"Do you need a reason to fight with people? You admit it, Ichigo Kurosaki! "

"It's you who are constantly looking for someone to fight!"

"Deep down you are hungry for strength, you want to become stronger, so you need to keep fighting, keep killing."

"That's why we're in the same way!"

Ichigo Kurosaki was once again taught 21 by a life mentor.

More Mu Jianba's words further awakened his fighting instincts!

Genmu Jianba brandished his sword and shouted loudly:

"In order to become stronger, we have nowhere to go."

"Fight, Ichigo Kurosaki!"

"The only way to gain overwhelming power is to pick up your knife and completely kill the enemy!"

"Whether it is the smooth road ahead or the abyss behind, you have no way back!"


After receiving extracurricular tutoring from Kenhachi Gengi, Ichigo Kurosaki once again strengthened his will to fight!



He's going to fight!!

Mental space switch again!

Kurosaki Ichigo pulled out the slashing moon that Haku had inserted into his body before, and quickly rushed towards Shiro Ichigo.

Bai Ichigo seemed to be stunned, and he couldn't react for a while.

Just watched Kurosaki Ichigo attack himself with a knife...


This time it was Haku Ichigo's turn to be cut!

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo become stronger, Haku Ichigo seemed a little relieved.

But he still looked unwilling, and said with a smile:

"You still seem to have a bit of an instinct to fight, you won..."

"Since I lost to you, I have to continue to serve you as king."

"But don't let your guard down, you and I always have one king and one is a horse!"

"If you let your guard down, I will pull you off the horse at any time!"

"If you want to use my powers, then before I next appear, Ichigo, you can save your life!!"

That's right!

Haku Ichigo is still laughing now!

As he spoke, Bai Ichigo's body gradually disappeared.

Of course, it's not about being injured or killed.

Instead, he gradually assimilated, even like becoming part of Ichigo Kurosaki!

It's just that in the eyes of the audience, Bai Ichigo is defeated.


After seeing this, countless barrages floated by again.

Hahaha, the whiteness of the mouth is upright, and here to tease Kurosaki Ichigo!

It is clear that he is worried about Kurosaki Ichigo in his heart, but he has always wanted to trip him.

For the sake of teaching Ichigo, Mother Bai broke her heart!

Good guy, the acting skills of Void Bai releasing water this time are too bad, right?

I was symbolically defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki before, but now I don't even go to the standard process?

It was obvious enough to throw the slashing knife to Ichigo before, but now he directly turns the weapons into Ichigo's?

No way, Ichigo is too dish, he has lost his fighting spirit and is slaughtered by others, and you let Ichigo play the scene of being counter-killed by Ichigo, it's too difficult for him.

It's okay to hit Ichigo so many knives in vain, Ichigo stabbed him and it's gone, it's too fake!

Don't be blind and white, or where will you let the tsundere face go?



After seeing that Kurosaki Ichigo really defeated Void White, the audience was also shocked.

Although many of them know that Kurosaki Ichigo will eventually be able to turn into a murderer...

But it's so simple, it's still unexpected!


And a little bit of a tiger?

That's how you convince the audience?

If it weren't for the fact that this dead tsundere would have intimidated Ichigo Kurosaki and replaced him as king...

Everyone will subconsciously feel that this void is releasing water!

In other words, other people with fighting spirit, such as the eight explosive species of more wooden swords, others also understand.

But how can Kurosaki Ichigo, a bloody dog who was scolded by the void and completely lie flat, suddenly explode and get a chance to fight back?

And people who don't know the white and arrogant nature are still analyzing fiercely.

After making an analysis that let the void know, it has to be ridiculous...

Invisible Empire.

Youhabach twisted his beard and muttered absently:

"How did Kurosaki Ichigo overcome this void?"

"Well, maybe it's because of the power of the Exterminator in his bloodline, right?"

"That's right! In the spiritual space, apart from this void, only my image remains. "

"It may be my soul, which has not been devoured, but secretly helped Kurosaki Ichigo in an unknown place!"

"After all, I've been helping Ichigo Kurosaki defeat the top powerhouse of Kenhachi Gengi!"

"Besides, this is someone who qualifies to be my son!"

"Isn't it normal to defeat a void of blue dye?"

Of course, I don't know why, he didn't seem to be able to convince himself.

It is obviously a good thing, but no matter what you think about it, I feel that something is wrong.


Above the throne in the Void Night Palace.

Lan Ran was also stunned.

Although he hopes that Kurosaki Ichigo can win, he also knows that Kurosaki Ichigo can talk to him in the future, and it is estimated that he will be able to defeat Void with a high probability!

But such a quick victory was still far beyond his imagination.

It always feels a little strange...

Never mind......

Sure enough, it's the person I fancy!

Even the perfect void he made, Kurosaki Ichigo can still defeat it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is worthy of his own perfect work!

Looking forward to his further mastery of the blurring ability, breaking the boundaries of species, and having the opportunity to fight himself in the future!

Of course, thinking that the "friend habach" in Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual space at this time was missing, Lan Ran was also a little puzzled.

Kurosaki Ichigo has the bloodline of Kurosaki Masaki on his body, so he should be able to obtain the power of the Exterminator, right?

So when will this power of destroying the master awaken?

The virtual transformation of the god of death, or the virtual god of death, should be a way to break the boundaries of species and evolve into a higher dimension.

So if you add another exterminator power, will it be 1+1+13?

At this thought, Lan Ran was even more looking forward to Kurosaki Ichigo's growth.

I am also curious about when the power of the Exterminator of Friend Habach will be fully activated!


As for the Grim Reaper in the Corpse Soul Realm.

After looking at each other, they also made a similar analysis to affirm the power of their own side.

It must be that the power of death in Kurosaki Ichigo's body is strong enough, so even if this void obtains the power of death no matter how powerful it is, even if he can use the swastika solution, he will not be able to defeat Kurosaki Ichigo!

That's right!

The Grim Reaper is stronger than the Great Void!

That's all they can say.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Did Kurosaki Ichigo win?] Can we cheer? 】

[Jingle Chunshui: Yo he, it seems that our Shinigami is strong! ] Otherwise, how could this aggressive, almost killing Ichigo Kurosaki's vainness, fail so quickly? 】


In order to make the audience clearer, the Three Realms projection also emits sound.

【Ding!! 】

[The correct respondents to this answer are the following people...]

[The following people will receive a few points.] 】

[Yohabach... Lan Ran Yusuke... Rukia Kurumi... More wooden sword hachi...]

All are answerers who support Ichigo Kurosaki!

After receiving the official reply of the Three Realms Projection, many people who supported Kurosaki Ichigo were secretly relieved.

[Ukitake Juro: That's right, Ichigo Kurosaki just won! ] All because of the superiority of the Shinigami bloodline! 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Blue dye unites the power of the Great Void and opposes the Shinigami of Death in the Corpse Soul Realm, which must be fundamentally the wrong line! ] 】

[Grimjow: Hmph, you guys put this on hold to write propaganda slogans... Then this so-called vaishdod king in vastod is really crotch-pulling, maybe he was originally a dish, so Kurosaki Ichigo who defeated him is not something to be proud of. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Nonsense, he's not a dish! ] 】

[Grimjow: So Kurosaki Ichigo, you mean you're strong? Come on, let's find another place to practice! 】

[Heribel: Our Lan Dye Lord's void, it is impossible to fail like this, at most it is a short retreat, and it will definitely continue to devour you next time! ] 】

[Bailegon: That's right, winning so quickly is just an illusion that he confused you. I didn't think he died so soon. 】

Of course, the Face breakers instinctively opposed Ichigo Kurosaki only out of their own position.

The Shinigami were also unimpressed, still happy for Kurosaki Ichigo.

At this moment, they were still looking forward to what Kurosaki Ichigo would become further after gaining the power of the void?

Is it possible to better control the power of the void?

Is it possible to fight more powerfully, and more rationally?

The audience is also very looking forward to this and is eager to see the next scene.


When everyone is talking about it.

Soon, the picture flashed again.

According to the wishes of the audience, the Three Realms projection also quickly broadcast the battle scene after Kurosaki Ichigo fused the power of Void and White and trained.

In the sky above Kuzacho.

Grimjow, who broke into the present world, soon collided head-on with Kurosaki Ichigo with his breath!

Kurosaki Ichigo also seemed to form a tacit understanding, sniffing Grimjow's breath to find it.

After seeing that it was his appearance, Grim Jow was very proud.

[Grimjow: Hmph, it seems that it is time for me to perform! ] You're definitely not my opponent anyway. Even if it is a false whiteness that claims to be a king? I also want to become a virtual king. 】

[Bailegon: Hmph, the name of the virtual king, now everyone wants to be a name? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Grim Joe, you are finished, the previous broken face was all abused by our god of death, and you will definitely lose under Kurosaki Ichigo next! ] 】

[Kyoraku Harushui: This Kurosaki Ichigo, in the future, can only be a person who can stalemate with Lan Ran for a short time, and it is definitely not something that your strength can deal with. ] 】

[Grimjow: What are you kidding?] The future can change! Did I see a few future pictures and admit defeat? I may have to destroy a few more exterminators in the future!" Maybe after the battle with Ichigo Kurosaki, I will evolve further. 】

Grim Joe has "leopard king" in his words, which is indeed a broken face with the spirit of a king.

What about the future Kurosaki Ichigo devouring the void.

As long as they have not fought, no one can say that they will win.

Even if this so-called void is claimed to be the most powerful void of Lan Ran, he will not admit defeat.

Isn't the title of strongest to be surpassed?

Why can't you surpass it yourself?


Soon, the battle between the two sides in the picture is about to break out.

Ichigo Kurosaki has just mastered the blur. Knowing that you can only be a real man for 11 seconds, so no more wasting time.

He quickly put on his mask and rushed towards Grimmjow.

Seeing such a powerful Kurosaki Ichigo, Grim Joe was also a little confused.

But I didn't expect that Kurosaki Ichigo, who had been abused by himself before, could suddenly burst out with such a terrifying momentum.

And what is this mask he wears?

It's unheard of!

They want to break their masks in order to gain the power of death.

Why did Kurosaki Ichigo still wear a mask?

It was actually stronger than the state he was in when he used the Heavenly Lock to cut the moon.

For a time, Grimmjow was beaten very embarrassed by Ichigo Kurosaki.


When the rest of the audience saw this, they were all amazed.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hahaha, it's great, Kurosaki Ichigo can really defeat the enemy with his own strength, and now the broken face of No. 6 is nothing. 】

[Asanai Koji: You basically haven't won a few battles when you break your face, so you still obediently admit defeat! ] You are definitely no match for our Grim Reaper. Only the Exterminator is a little more troublesome. 】

Lan Ran did not stand on the side of Grimmjow at this time, but praised the enemy of the virtual circle...

[Ryosuke Ran: Yes, Ichigo Kurosaki, you are doing well. This is worthy of the false whiteness I created! But only this bit of strength is still far from enough to become a real king, sorry for this false king status. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Don't worry! Sooner or later, I will completely harness the power of nothingness. I will also defeat you with my own strength. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Very good, it is indeed very combative, but your tone does not show any firmness! ] Even if it's just a simple cruel word, at least convince yourself to believe it! 】

[Kurosaki Isshin: Okay, you're so annoying! ] It's a big deal, I plus my son, I must kill you. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Yes! Father and son work together, and their profits break gold. 】

[Blue Ran: It really sounds good! ] But Zhibo is single-minded, and your strength is a little worse in the end. It can only barely become a pawn. 】

[Grimkjow: Damn it, isn't anyone supporting me now? 】

[Uluchiora: Well, come on, Grimjow! 】

[Yuhabach: Kurosaki Ichigo, although you can now defeat the enemy of this virtual circle by relying on your own strength, it is still barely possible, but relying on this virtual power alone still makes me not very satisfied. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: What are you talking about?] Why are you nosy again? Do I have anything to do with you? I'm not familiar with your exterminator now!" 】

[Youhabach: If you don't think clearly about the nature of man, you won't be able to go far in the end. 】

【Ichigo Kurosaki:??? What are you...... What to say...]

[Youhabach: Sometimes, the improvement of strength too fast is not necessarily a good thing, it is better to go fast than to go far, do not want to know what the source of your own strength is, sooner or later you will fail! ] Sooner or later, your slashing knife will have to be broken, and your mask will have to be shattered. 】

Youhabach also began to incarnate as a philosopher at this moment, educating his son!

Only rely on the Grim Reaper and the Great Void Power to die!

Let's throw yourself into the arms of the Exterminator!.

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