"Dear Lord, are you still running?"

Yebufan's simple words made the demon lord's spirit tremble uncontrollably.

He was out of his mind and even more out of his temper.


I ran away from your sister.

In front of the God, can I escape the mole ants who are just half gods?

The devil Lord was so frustrated that he knew that yebufan was mocking and humiliating him. However, the devil Lord knew that any "resistance" would be futile, so he simply didn't say anything and just sat back and waited for his death.

Looking at the unresponsive Demon Lord in front of him, yebufan sneered and ignored the Demon Lord. Instead, he looked at the wind scar and said, "Uncle Feng, let's start."

The wind trace knows.

Naturally, he knew what yebufan meant, so he didn't hesitate and started directly.

Sky soul seal!

Tamper with memory!

In a short moment, thousands of demons in front of us, including the Demon Lord in the demigod realm, were all tampered with by the wind trace, and they recognized that ye Bufan was the main one.

"Our Lord is eternal, has unparalleled powers, has conquered the world for thousands of years, has avoided gods and demons, and has conquered all races..."

"Our Lord is eternal, has unparalleled powers, has conquered the world for thousands of years, has avoided gods and demons, and has conquered all races..."

"Our Lord is eternal, has unparalleled powers, has conquered the world for thousands of years, has avoided gods and demons, and has conquered all races..."

"Our Lord is eternal, has unparalleled powers, has conquered the world for thousands of years, has avoided gods and demons, and has conquered all races..."


After being tampered with by the wind trace, thousands of demons, led by the demon lord, watched ye Bufan speak in unison.


Seeing this scene, the members of the three ethnic groups in Shenwu mainland were stunned, and even the members of the seven kill army were also a little distracted.

This slogan

And thousands of heavenly demons in the holy land have surrendered in this way?

It was a terrible time that they didn't even know what had happened.

Therefore, the eyes of the members of the three clans in Shenwu continent looking at Xiangfeng trace were full of fear.

The demon masters in the semi divine realm were so easily "accepted", not to mention those who entered the holy realm.

But yebufan didn't care. After all, he had already seen it once.

In the move of burying the heavenly palace, yebufan summoned more than 300 Holy Land demons he had previously subdued.

At this point, the eternal abyss, all the powerful in the holy land of the Tianmo clan, and the rest of the Tianmo clan are no longer afraid. It can be said that the Shenwu continent crisis has been lifted.

As for these heavenly demons in the holy land, yebufan plans to give them all to fengheng. I believe that with the guidance of fengheng, the strength of these heavenly demons can definitely be further improved.

"Let's go."

Without the slightest hesitation, yebufan looked at the members of the three ethnic groups in Shenwu mainland and said faintly.

Now the strong of the Tianmo clan has been settled, and the only thing left is the army of the Tianmo clan. At the right time, the eternal abyss can be used as a training place in the divine land.

Seeing that ye Bufan had spoken, the members of the three ethnic groups in Shenwu mainland did not stop after they recovered, but went into the burial palace one after another. After this battle, it is obvious that the mentality of the members of the three ethnic groups has changed dramatically.

From now on, Shenwu will be the era of the seven murders and the era of yebufan.

Nothing to shake!!

After leaving the Shenwu cemetery with members of the three ethnic groups in the Shenwu mainland, yebufan began to arrange the trial of the second batch of reserve troops of the seven kill army and the selection of the third batch of seven kill army.

Of course, ye Bufan will not do these things by himself, but just explain them. After all, he has to improve his accomplishments and strength.

As for the candidate for commanding the overall situation, ye Bufan directly arrested situ Nan, the president of the martial arts academy, and believed that with his ability as a master of the Academy, these things would not defeat him.

But this is only temporary. After all, situ Nan is not a member of the seven murders.

Once longxiaobao and others grow up and have the ability to command the overall situation, they will still take over the seven killings. However, it will take a process and time.

Of course, these are just yebufan's own preliminary ideas, and the specific implementation remains to be discussed.


On the seventh day after the first war between Shenwu mainland and Tianmo clan, yebufan announced the establishment of the "seven kill hall" to the whole Shenwu mainland through the vast array of killing heaven.

Moreover, it was announced that one third of the territory of Wangyao mountain, that is, the area occupied by Tiangong headquarters, is the exclusive territory of Qisha hall. In this area, except for the seven kill members, anyone else, no matter who, enters without notice, will be shot to death.

In addition, yebufan also announced the recruitment of the third batch of seven kill army.

Of course, I only mentioned a part of it without elaborating. For details, please see the notice of the martial arts academy.

After yebufan announced to Shenwu mainland, before the members of the three ethnic groups in Shenwu mainland reacted, several top families of the Terran dragon, Shen, Jiang and Gu also congratulated the establishment of the seven kill hall through the vast array.


The dragon family presented 10 billion yuan of stones and some natural and local treasures as gifts.

The Shen family presented ten billion yuan of stones and some natural and local treasures as gifts.

The Chiang family presented ten billion yuan of stone and some natural and local treasures as gifts.


The announcement of several top families almost set off a storm within the whole Terran, which shocked everyone. After all, everyone can see that these top families are courting the seven kill hall.

But it's not over yet.

After several top families, the three martial arts academies of the sky, the Beidou and the Tianchi also informed Shenwu mainland through the endless array of killing the sky, claiming that: since then, the three martial arts academies have been attached to the seven kill hall to select and train talents for the seven kill hall. Students who pass various examinations and reach the Shenwu level can directly enter the seven kill hall.

Of course, the first three groups of the seven kill army are no longer included in this list. These people can directly enter the seven kill army.

Never mind what you say.

As soon as the announcement of the three martial arts academies came out, all the members of the three ethnic groups in the Shenwu continent were stunned.

As the former leader of the human race, the three martial arts academies were directly attached to the seven kill hall?

It's incredible.

But it's not over yet.

After the three martial arts academies, the first man venerable of the barbarians communicated with the all encompassing sky killing array through situ Nan, informing the Shenwu mainland that from now on, the barbarians will return to the seven kill hall, and the first man venerable sent thousands of pieces of natural materials and earth treasures as gifts.

After the first man Zun, the snow wolf demon king, on behalf of the demon family, announced to the Shenwu continent that the demon family would also return to the "seven kill hall", but Han fei'er had wasted all the Tiancai and earth treasures in the Wangyao mountain, so the snow wolf demon king did not send any gifts.

Although there is no gift, the snow wolf demon king is even better than the human race and wild animals. He directly announced that from now on, his snow wolf demon king and even the whole demon clan are the dogs of the seven kill hall. The demon clan will bite whoever the seven kill hall asks.

No nonsense, right or wrong.

Under the repeated announcements of the all encompassing sky killing array, the Terrans, demons and barbarians were confused.

The whole Shenwu continent was silent.

Because the members of the three ethnic groups have realized that the Shenwu continent will usher in a new era - the seven kill era!!

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