Bear the consequences!!

The words "man in black" made situ Nan's body tremble, and his mind was shocked.

The audience was even more silent.

Everyone could tell that the black robed man was the threat of red fruit.

For a moment, all the people were angry, but when they thought of situ Nan's attitude towards these people, all the people were terrified and did not dare to refute.

"At your own risk?"

But at this moment, a disdainful and thoughtful voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.


Hearing this, the eighteen black robed people all had a frozen eyebrow, and they followed the prestige.

The same is true of everyone else present.

In the crowd, yebufan came slowly. A moment later, he stood next to situ Nan, looked up at the eighteen black robed people in the air, and said with a smile: "Ben Shao is very curious. He is so-called responsible for the consequences. How can he be negative?"


The eighteen people in black robes were stunned, immediately dissatisfied and furious.

When the members of the sky martial arts academy saw yebufan, they were all inspired.

Who is yebufan?

That is the Lord of the "seven kill hall".

It can be said that he is now the leader and the only king of the entire Shenwu continent.

He alone represents the entire Shenwu continent.

In the face of these arrogant 18 Black robed people, they dare not refute, which does not mean that yebufan dare not either. After all, there is a demigod in the "seven kill hall".

However, the 18 Black robed people did not know this. They looked at yebufan, and one of them angrily said, "boy, what are you? Do you have a share here?"

Yebufan smiled: "I'm an ordinary student of the shaotian martial arts academy. I don't care much about it, but..." after a pause, yebufan continued: "I'm really curious. If we can't offer you the so-called ten times, then... What will you do with us?"

"What to do?"

The man in black sneered and said, "hum, if you don't give it, don't blame us for being rude."

"How could that be so rude?"

"Of course..."

The black robed man just spoke, but was interrupted by yebufan: "as far as I know, although there are two channels between Shenwu mainland and Tianwaitian, it seems that the powerful in the holy land of Tianwaitian can't enter Shenwu mainland? In that case, why are you so rude to us? Are you just 18 Shenwu venerable?"

"If so, is your self-confidence a little inflated?"


When yebufan said this, everyone in the sky martial arts academy was stunned.

Yes, there are huge restrictions on the passage between the two places. The saints from heaven can not enter the Shenwu mainland at all. In this way, what are these so-called extraterrestrial visitors afraid of?

Just Shenwu realm?

When it's gone, it's gone.


As soon as I read this, everyone burst into laughter, which was undoubtedly a mockery of the eighteen black robed people.

Eighteen Shenwu venerable masters also dared to come to Shenwu mainland to make a lot of nonsense. They were so ambitious and daring.

Situ Nan's face changed.

Before he could speak, the eighteen black robed men were already furious. One of them looked straight at yebufan and said, "boy, do you think that the strong in the holy land of heaven can not enter the Shenwu continent, so we really can't help you?"


Yebufan said quite strangely, "well, what can you do to me?"


The black robe was so popular that he ignored yebufan, but looked at situ Nan and said, "President of the heaven courtyard, are you really going to stop giving this offering?"


Situ Nan hesitated slightly.

Yebufan said, "it's useless for you to ask the dean. The financial affairs of the college are not under his control."

"Who's in charge?"

A man in black looked at yebufan again and asked instinctively.


Yebufan said with a smile.


Eighteen people in black robes were stunned.

"That's right."

Yebufan replied with a smile: "I forgot to say just now. Besides being an ordinary student of the sky martial arts academy, I also took a part-time job as the chief financial officer in the Academy. All the money in the academy is managed by me."

"Are you kidding us?"

Hearing this, one of the black robed men suddenly became angry.

"Playing with you?"

Yebufan shook his head. "Ben Shao really didn't fool you. Ben Shao is really the chief financial officer of the three martial arts academies. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

While talking, yebufan pointed to the members of the sky martial arts academy.

Eighteen people in black were stunned.

The students and tutors of the sky martial arts academy have already spoken:

"Yes, ye Dian... Ye Shao is indeed the chief financial officer of our three colleges."

"You don't know that ye Shao wants money?"

"Dean of the school of management, ye Shao manages money. If you want money, you will naturally find Ye Shao."



All of them were like this, but the eighteen people in black were stunned.

How old is yebufan?

In their eyes, yebufan is only about 20 years old. At this age, how can he be the chief financial officer of the member colleges and also the chief financial officer of the three martial arts academies.

The eighteen black robed people were not convinced, and they had never heard of the position of chief financial officer in the martial arts academy before, but they didn't seem to be lying.

For a time, the eighteen black robed people felt confused and confused.

How could they know that the present Shenwu continent was not the Shenwu continent in those days.

Today is the age of seven murders.

The three martial arts academies of the sky, the Beidou and the Tianchi have announced that they will be incorporated into the "seven kill hall", and yebufan is the leader of the "seven kill hall". In this way, it is not wrong to say that yebufan is the chief financial officer of the three martial arts academies.

After all, the three martial arts academies are all his, not to mention some internal finance of the Academy.

So they didn't lie.

Since they had not lied, how could the eighteen black robed people see anything different.

Before the 18 Black robed people could think more, yebufan said again, "do you believe it now?"

After a pause, yebufan continued, "so if you want money, you still have to find less."


Eighteen people in black robes were stunned and impatient.

Yebufan ignored it and said with a smile, "now, you should answer Ben Shao's question."

"What's the problem?"

"Why are you so forgetful? Of course... What would you do if you didn't give this offering book?"


The popularity of the eighteen black robes was badly damaged.

Although it was the first time for them to come to the Shenwu continent, and it was also the first time for them to collect offerings, they had heard the "elders" who had been to the Shenwu continent before they came. After they arrived as temple envoys, the Shenwu continent gave them a courtesy, which was like offering them as their ancestors. The other side of the offering would be directly delivered to them at the first time.

Originally, they wanted to spend a few days in the Shenwu mainland and make some profits for themselves.

But now?

The passage between the two places has been closed for three years. When they came to Shenwu mainland, they almost started to work with the aborigines here. Although they were stopped by the president of the Tianqiong martial arts academy, now, after receiving the offering, there was an inexplicable property manager on the other side?

The most important thing is, according to the appearance of the chief financial officer, is he going to give it?


The eighteen black robed people were extremely unhappy, and their anger also climbed to the extreme.

As a member of Tianwaitian, they always feel good about themselves. At the same time, in their cognition, they are more noble than the aborigines in Shenwu. If the people in Shenwu are poor, they are aristocrats.

Now the poor people dare to provoke and disobey the aristocracy. It's death.

Immediately, a man in Black said angrily, "since you want to know so much, I will tell you that although we can't do anything about you, if you don't give it to us, the people in the Shenwu continent won't want to go to heaven again, or... Go to one, and we'll kill one."

"That's it?"

Ye Bufan was stunned and said, "well, why don't we go to Tianwaitian?"


The man in black was speechless.

Another man in Black: "do you think it's just that?"

"Do you have any other means?" Yebufan pretends to be surprised.


The black robed man snorted coldly and said angrily, "at that time, except that you don't want to enter Tianwaitian again, none of the people who have entered Tianwaitian from the Shenwu continent will want to live. I believe that many of those people should be your relatives, friends, and even ancestors."

Hearing the speech, yebufan instantly looked indignant and said, "you... Are so mean."


The black robed man sneered: "you forced this. If you gave it up for worship, wouldn't it be all right?"


Ye Bufan is in a hurry.

"Now, are you going to continue to resist and not offer sacrifices?"

A man in Black said proudly.

"No money, no payment."

Yebufan's head tilted and he decided.


The black robed man was stunned and impatient: "are you not afraid that we will attack your relatives and friends?"

"Ben wants less money than life."

Yebufan straightened out his chest, and then the conversation changed. He said: "besides, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. In turn, ancestors have their own blessings. If you want to kill them, we can't help it..."


Hearing this, especially seeing ye Bufan's attitude, all the 18 Black robed people were furious:

"Are you kidding us?"

Not only they, but also the members of the sky martial arts academy saw that yebufan was playing with them.


For a moment, everyone laughed.

Yebufan looked at 18 people in black robes and said faintly, "Ben Shao is playing with you. Why, do you still want to bite Ben Shao?"


Eighteen black robed men clenched their fists and gnashed their teeth in anger.

In vain, yebufan's voice sank and became cold, saying: "only 18 Shenwu people dared to come to the Shenwu mainland to talk nonsense and threaten, and even intended to trap the white wolf with nothing. I really don't understand. Where did you get the courage, where did you get the courage, and where did you get the self-confidence?"

"Do you really think I can be cheated?"

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