"Alas, you can only be reduced to meat tickets after all. You can only let the commander pay more ransom..."

He shook his head and Hao Pang left directly.

The threethousand red refining army didn't know about this. At the moment, they were dividing into threethousand routes to inquire about yetianxiong.

The Big Dipper, the Tianchi and the firmament, the three great martial arts cities, are located outside the wild ancient land. They are the three largest and most prosperous cities of the whole human race. This should have been the best choice to inquire about information, but the 3000 red refining army directly ignored him.

After all, they should not be exposed for the time being, and the three martial arts academies are in charge of the three martial arts cities. There must be so many experts in the three martial arts cities. Now their 3000 people are acting independently, and they simply do not have the strength to compete with the strong in the holy land.

In this way, we can only avoid the three Wucheng.

Lijia village.

This is an ordinary mountain village under the rule of "Tianmu city", which is located in the southwest of Tianchi martial arts academy, within a secular Empire called "Wu state".

In the past, demons and monsters attacked, and the Terrans opened the eternal border. All the clansmen took refuge in the main cities, and the people in Lijia village were no exception.

Now, the demons have been subdued and the demons have been killed. As a native of Lijia village, they have naturally returned to their homes.

Of course, many people in Lijia village have also participated in the assessment of the "seven kill hall", but relatively speaking, they are only a few.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Compared with other places, life in this small mountain village is much simpler.

At this time, near noon, every family was preparing to eat. On a vacant lot outside the village, a group of five or six-year-old children were playing and fighting.

But at this time, a red light rushed from the distance. He was so fast that he fell on the open space outside the village just a moment later.

The visitor is dressed in red armor. He is a member of the red refining army from Tianwaitian.


The sudden arrival of the members of the red refining army surprised the more than ten children in front of them. They immediately gathered together. One of the oldest boys looked at the members of the red refining army and asked, "uncle, who are you?"

Members of the red refining army swept over more than ten children in front of them, then squatted down, looked at them and said with a smile, "children, where are your adults?"

"Who is the child? I am eight years old."

As soon as the red refining Army member said something, the head child in front of him said something dissatisfied.

"Well, well, uncle is wrong. Uncle apologizes to you. Are you an adult?"

The red refining army members said with a smile.


The child snorted angrily.

The red refining Army member smiled and said, "since you are an adult, can you answer my uncle's questions?"

"What's the problem?"

The child looks like you asked.

"Do you know yetianxiong?"

The red refining army members smiled.


The child was stunned.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

But at this time, behind the members of the red refining army, a voice full of alert suddenly sounded.

The member of the red refining army smiled. As a strong man in the Shenwu realm, he had already noticed that someone was approaching, but he didn't care at all.

At this moment, with the questioning of the people who came later, the members of the red refining Army stood up, turned around and saw a white haired old man staring at him with a crutch.

Immediately, the members of the red refining army looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Hello, old man. I just want to inquire about some information. There is no malice."

While the members of the red refining army spoke, all the children ran to the old man.

"What do you want to ask?"

Looking at the members of the red refining army, the old man asked cleanly.


The member of the red refining army hesitated and said, "old man, I want to ask you... Do you know yetianxiong?"


The old man frowned. Then he looked at the members of the red refining army and said, "why do you ask?"

He knows!

And he was on his guard.

Looking at the old man's reaction, the members of the red refining army immediately thought of it.

Not only that, members of the red refining army immediately thought that an old man in such a remote mountain village knew yetianxiong, so yetianxiong must have a great influence in Shenwu.

Immediately, the members of the red refining army smiled and said: "old man, I come from outside the Shenwu mainland. I am a member of the flying dragon army under general Ye. This time, at the general's command, I came to the Shenwu mainland to pick up the general's family and go to Tianwaitian. Before coming, the general said that in the Shenwu mainland, you can find his family by mentioning his name, so..."

"Are you from the flying dragon army?"

As soon as the red refining army's voice fell, the old man couldn't help crying out.


The member of the red refining army smiled and nodded, then said: "old man, you look like you know my general. Can you tell me where you can find the general's family?"

"Seven kill Hall..."

The old man immediately said.

"Seven kill hall?"

The members of the red refining army were stunned and said: "old man, where is the seven kill hall? Where is it?"

"You don't even know that?"

The old man said instinctively. Then he patted his forehead. The conversation changed: "look at my brain. You are not from the Shenwu mainland. You don't know that the seven kill hall is normal. Let alone you, I'm afraid general Ye doesn't know the seven kill hall."


Hearing this, the members of the red refining army were stunned: "old man, can you tell me something about the seven kill hall?"

"Of course it's OK, but... There seems to be something wrong with standing here. Why don't you go to my house, general? The old man will talk to you in detail?"

Looking at the members of the red refining army, the old man suggested.

This is the flying dragon Army

Recalling yetianxiong's deeds in those years, the old man couldn't help being excited and excited.

"That would be annoying."

The red refining Army member smiled.


In the old man's house.

As soon as the red refining Army member took his seat, he couldn't help looking at the old man and said, "old man, can you tell me what happened to the seven kill hall?"

"No problem, no problem."

The old man smiled and said, "didn't you just ask the old man where he can find general Ye's family? The seven kill hall was founded by general Ye's son, major commander of the flying dragon army, ye Bufan and ye Shao."


Is this the name of yetianxiong's son?

The members of the red refining army immediately wrote down these information in their hearts, and then looked at the old man and said with a smile: "the tiger father has no dogs and sons, and the young commander really didn't lose face with the general, but... Old man, I don't know where the seven kill hall is located? How can I find it, younger generation?"

"This is simple."

The old man said, "as long as you keep walking in the opposite direction of Tianchi Wucheng, go out of the Terran territory, and soon you will reach the Wangyao mountain. When you reach the Wangyao mountain, you will naturally see the seven kill hall."

"Wangyao mountain?"

Members of the red refining army were stunned: "old man, isn't this Wangyao mountain the territory of the demon clan?"

"It used to be, but it's not now."

"What do you mean?"

"Now, the demon clan and the barbarians have all been subordinated to Ye Shao, and even the three martial arts academies have been incorporated into the seven kill hall, so... To put it bluntly, the whole Shenwu continent is Ye Shao, and his seven kill hall is in the Wangyao mountain. It is said that the whole seven kill hall accounts for one third of the Wangyao mountain, so you can see the seven kill hall when you see the Wangyao mountain."


Hearing this, the member of the red refining army suddenly got up. His eyes widened and he was shocked.

Yetianxiong's son subdued the demon clan and the barbarians? Even the three martial arts academies have submitted to him?

Also... The whole Shenwu continent is his?

The information came so suddenly and so shocking that the members of the red refining army could not react for a while.

Previously, when they left Tianwaitian, Xuanyuan Wudi also instructed them that if necessary, they could join the demon clan and wild beasts to deal with the human clan.

But now it's good that the demon clan and the barbarians have all surrendered to yetianxiong's son?

How can we unite the demons and barbarians?

Not only can they not unite the two races and use the hands of the two races to fight against the Terrans, but they also have to catch Ye Tianxiong's son and face the demon and barbarian races outside the Terrans at the same time.


At this point, the members of the red refining army felt like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Eightthousand red refiners can fight the demigod.

But only threethousand of them came.

Threethousand red Lian, if you die, you can only fight with the strong in the soul melting realm and win.

However, even though 3000 Chi Lian can kill the strong in the soul melting realm, they can't compete with the three clans of Shenwu mainland people, demons and barbarians at the same time. After all, they can't afford this kind of wheel warfare.

In this situation, how can we fight and why should we catch ye Bufan?

For a short moment, the members of the red refining army pressed their restless emotions, looked at the old man and asked again, "old man, what is the matter? Ye... How did our young commander subdue the demon and barbarian tribes?"

"How did you subdue them? Naturally, they suppressed them with strength."

"Use, use strength to suppress?"

"How else do you think you would have surrendered?"

"Well... We, our young marshal, are so strong? Can we suppress the three Shenwu clans with our own strength?"

Although they are still talking, the members of the red refining army have been a little hoodwinked.

To suppress the three ethnic groups on their own?

How strong is this.

I can't imagine.

Therefore, he grabbed the tea on the table in front of him with his trembling right hand and sipped it gently, but this was completely a subconscious behavior, because at the moment, the red refining army members' hearts had been completely disordered, and even though he was very powerful, he was a little at a loss.

But don't want to, the old man once again said: "what are the three clans of Shenwu mainland people, demons and barbarians? Only the Tianmo clan outside the eternal abyss is a powerful one."

"You know, the whole Shenwu continent has become a super strong man in the holy land, but the Tianmo clan has even the legendary soul melting and flying strong men, and... It is said that the demon lord of the Tianmo clan is already a strong man in the semi divine land."

"But so what?"

"Now they have not been accepted by Ye Shao. Even the demon master in the semi divine realm has become Ye Shao's servant."


As soon as the old man's voice fell, the tea that the members of the red refining army had just tasted burst out:

"What did you say?"

"Half, half of the demon masters in the divine realm have been subdued by him, and have become his slaves, slaves?"

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