"Little three, remember to take the money. My king will go back to have a baby first. Hahaha..."

Yebufan's excited, joyful, excited and impatient voice echoed between heaven and earth, but everyone present fell into a dead silence.

Looking at him, Xuanyuan Wudi couldn't help drawing at the corners of his mouth. The four major gods looked disordered, and the others were all crazy and speechless.

Kill people, seize treasure, rob money and abduct people.

In Tianwaitian, a world where the strong are the most respected, there are not many, even many, such things.

Although not all of the people present were used to it, at least most of them were able to adapt, but it happened that... Seeing yebufan doing this, everyone had a feeling that it was hard to accept. Yebufan was acting too rampant and unscrupulous.

There are people outside, and there are days outside.

King Niu, you are so unscrupulous. Aren't you afraid to offend the people who can't offend one day, and then bring yourself death?

Although speechless, the vast majority of the people present were relieved. In their view, perhaps the king of heaven did not consider these at all.

To put it mildly, he did what he wanted.

To put it mildly, he is young and frivolous, and has no brain at all.

This is the case with the Zhao family in the city of annihilation.

Blackmail Fengling city Fengjia.

At present, the same is true of robbing this gorgeous woman.

All the way, all the way crazy.

However, such a bull king makes people more afraid and dare not provoke him. Especially after today, I'm afraid that those demigods in Tianwaitian will call him "bull city master" politely when they see the bull king in tianzhicheng.

After all, barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes.

It's definitely not wise to provoke a mindless and lawless lengtouqing who has the combat power of the demigod realm.

And this is exactly what yebufan wants to see. After all, only such a king can make it easier for him to stand and work in Tianwaitian.

Just like now.

If ye Bufan's illusory King Niu is a man of order, how can he save Gu Qingyin from Xuanyuan's invincible hands?

This is certainly not a simple thing.

But it would be different to be a lawless bull king.

Xuanyuan invincible?

One of the twelve commanders of the temple?

Demigod strong?

It's none of your business.

This woman is in your eyes, so you want to take her away. It's as simple as that.

"Lord Niu."

Seeing that ye Bufan was about to leave, Xuanyuan Wudi shouted.

"For what?"

Yebufan's steps to leave stopped immediately. Then he looked at Xuanyuan invincible and asked angrily.

Hearing the words, Xuanyuan Wudi drew a little from the corner of his mouth.

What for?

You tried to steal someone from the commander without even an explanation. Did you go too far, or did you take the commander too seriously?

Although he was dissatisfied, Xuanyuan Wudi didn't say much. After all, Xuanyuan Wudi knew very well that even if he said it, it was just casting pearls before swine. What's more, he came to find yebufan this time for other things. If yebufan was dissatisfied with such an "insignificant" woman, it would definitely not be a wise choice.

At this point, Xuanyuan Wudi didn't mention Gu Qingyin at all, but looked at yebufan and said: "yes, I have something important to discuss with Lord Niu."

"Something important?"

Yebufan said suspiciously.


Xuanyuan Wudi answered.

"What the hell is important."

Yebufan scolded fiercely and said, "the world is vast. What else is more important than my king going back to have children?"


Xuanyuan invincible immediately stopped talking.

"What's the matter? I'll wait until the king has given birth."

Yebufan said a word and no longer paid attention to Xuanyuan invincible, but flew directly to the transmission array in Fengling city with the ancient light tone.

Your uncle

Watching ye Bufan leave, Xuanyuan Wudi's mouth twitched and he was so angry that he even had an impulse to vomit blood.

Who is he?

He is a strong demigod and one of the twelve commanders of the temple.

This kind of strength and identity, in the outer world and the inner world, doomed the vast majority of people, except a few, to see him, which would be polite, even respectful, even the strong in the semi divine realm.

But now?

So he was ignored by a young man who melted his soul.

It's not as big as having a baby?

Nima's, are you a hungry ghost? Can't you wait a day?

However, Xuanyuan Wudi also knew that talking to yebufan about this was just casting pearls before swine. It was useless and completely invalid.

What's more, ye Bufan has left now.

Looking at Xuanyuan invincible in the middle of the air, looking at his ferocious, angry, but angry, helpless appearance, everyone present was stunned.

One of the twelve commanding envoys of the magnificent temple, the strong man in the semi divine realm, was rejected and ignored by King Niu?

They wanted it, but they didn't dare to laugh.

It seemed that he felt the thoughts in the hearts of the people present. In the middle of the air, Xuanyuan Wudi looked at all the people below. His eyes flashed cold. Then he roared angrily, "what are you looking at? If you don't want to die, get out of here."


As soon as Xuanyuan Wudi said this, the residents in the Fengling city below did not hesitate, and the birds and animals scattered in an instant.

However, the residents of the city of heaven were unmoved.

Xuanyuan invincible?

Demigod strong?

One of the twelve commanders of the temple?

If you don't want to die, get out of here?


We are from the city of heaven. We are protected by King Niu. Dare you move us? Believe it or not, King Niu killed you every minute.

Therefore, in the face of Xuanyuan's invincible howling, the residents of Tianzhi city didn't pay any attention at all. They sniffed, disdained and even mocked.

Son of a bitch!!

Feeling the disdain and disdain of the residents of the city of heaven below, the anger in Xuanyuan invincible's heart instantly climbed to the extreme.

He was one of the twelve commanders in the temple. Was the strong man in the semi divine realm ignored by a group of mole ants? Mocked?

It was a great humiliation.

These villains

Xuanyuan Wudi really wanted to kill them directly to vent his hatred.

But when he thought of yebufan and everything in the city today, he stubbornly killed this idea.

A soldier will bear a nest.

Why are these villains in the city of heaven so rampant, and why dare they so recklessly ignore his temple commander in the semi divine realm?

Not because of the king of heaven.

Now, under the leadership of King Niu, not only he but also others in Tianzhi city have become a group of lawless and unruly villains.

But it happened that Xuanyuan Wudi really didn't dare to give this group of villains anything. After all, no one knew what the king of heaven thought.

Kill them?

Who knows if the king of heaven will jump at him like a mad dog after killing them.

Such a thing is impossible for others, but it would be totally different to be the king of the city of heaven.

After all, the goods have no brains, so he can do anything.

Dare not take the residents of the city of heaven out of anger, Xuanyuan invincible could only look at the four half gods and angrily said: "Wang Feng, why hasn't the 200 billion yuan stone been delivered yet?"

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