The sixth heaven, the temple.

As usual, groups of temple guards were scattered around the square. They

Patrolling back and forth around the huge building complex of the temple.

As the only channel for the fifth and seventh heaven, the square transmission array is naturally guarded by the temple guards. However, at least it is also a temple and a concentration camp for the peak power of the human race. Therefore, the power responsible for guarding the transmission array is not strong, only four flying martial artists. Their accomplishments have not even reached the peak of flying territory, just the first and middle levels of flying territory.

At this moment, at the edge of the transmission array, four flying martial artists are separated in four different positions of the transmission array. They are chatting idly:

"Was that the hall leader just now?"

"There should be no mistake."

"When did the temple lord go out? Why didn't I find out before?"

"Cut, what do you think? We're just flying in heaven. The hall leader is a strong man who serves God. He doesn't want us to find it. We can find it?"

"Yes, but... What did you say about the temple Lord just now?"

"That goes without saying. It must be the eighth day."

"Is something wrong with the eighth heaven?"

"How could it be that if something happened to the eighth heavy day, the hall Lord could come back so soon? I would say that nine times out of ten the demons in the eighth heavy day had been killed by his Highness the son. The hall Lord saw that they were safe and sound, so he didn't stay long in the eighth heavy day."

"Tut Tut, if we say that our new son of God is really aggressive, he led our Terran army to attack the eighth heavy heaven of Tianmo clan shortly after he took office. Compared with him, Yin Qiufeng is a soft egg."

"Do you think everyone can be as crazy as our new son of God? Don't you think about what he did before he became our son of God? He is a complete madman, called... Ye madman."

"Ye madman? Since he is a madman, shouldn't he be called Ye madman? Why is there another Ye madman now?"

"Even the Lord of our temple, a strong man in the realm of serving God, dares to challenge openly. Do you think he is crazy?"


"So, the Tianmo clan is going to have bad luck, and it's still going to have bad luck."

"Ha ha, who says not. It's a pity that we can't go to the eighth heaven. Otherwise... Tut Tut, a million meritorious deeds can be exchanged for one divine crystal. Depending on our strength, we should also be able to get a few divine crystals."

"What's the hurry? Our son's life motto is to follow him. We must have meat to eat and wine to drink. Think about the city of heaven before. Now that he has become the son of our temple, can he give us any good?"



But at this time, a white light suddenly appeared on the transmission array in front of the four people.

The four instinctively glanced at it.

However, just one glance, they were shocked and even more stupid.

On the transmission array, a body was visible to all eyes.

Purple scales, long whip like tail, bloody eyes, sharp claws

It's special... It's clearly a demon.

Most importantly, it was a purple demon.

Among the Terrans, there are absolutely few people who know the demon lord, but the vast majority of people know that the demon lord, the devil, is purple, and only the demon lord, the devil, has purple scales.

Isn't this the purple demon?

what the fuck!!

This is not only a demon, but also the demon leader of the demon family.

Demon Lord comes to the temple?

The four guards of Feitian territory felt like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

But the shock returned to shock, and they had come to their senses in just a moment.

The next second, they made a quick decision and immediately shouted: "hurry, hurry, the demon lord invaded the temple and asked for reinforcements, for reinforcements..."

The eager voice, with deep fear and fear, resounded through the heaven and earth.


In an instant, the whole temple was boiling.

The demon lord invaded the temple?

Although shocked, all the members of the forbidden guards inside the temple did not stop. They rushed out and rushed to the square transmission array.

Where the transmission array is located.

"Mole ants!!"

The devil said in a cold voice after sweeping the four people in front of him.

The next second, he waved his right hand.


A terrible force rushed out in an instant and directly attacked the four guards of Feitian territory.

At this moment, the guards of the four flying realms trembled, and their spirits trembled. The crisis of death swept through, but they found that their bodies could not move.


But at this time, a light curtain appeared in front of the four guards of Feitian territory, which directly blocked the random blow of the demon lord, but it was also a fatal blow to Feitian territory.

"Don't go too far, Mo Tianji."

In the middle of the air, ouyangxian stared at the devil and shouted angrily.

Then he flashed and came directly to the devil's basket. At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the four guards of Feitian territory instantly retreated to dozens of people.


After escaping from danger, the four guards of Feitian territory could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Their feelings for the rest of their lives were so strong. At the same time, they finally saw the terror of the strong man who served God.

Although the attack of the Demon Lord was very casual and simple, if there was no ouyangxian, they would have been killed by the demon lord, or even destroyed.

This is the power of the realm of serving God. There are ants under the realm of God. This statement is not empty.

When ouyangxian saved the four guards of Feitian territory, the forbidden guards of the temple also came one after another. In an instant, they surrounded the transmission array.

However, neither ouyangxian nor Mo Tianji cared about this.

"I'm going too far?"

Looking at ouyangxian, the devil scolded him angrily. Then he looked directly at ouyangxian, and said angrily: "ouyangxian, you are the human race who bullied the devil too much."


Hearing this, ouyangxian frowned. He really couldn't figure out why he was so angry when he and Mo tianzhai had just separated.

However, devil Tianzhen ignored it. He stared at ouyangxian straightly, endured the overwhelming anger in his heart, and continued: "ouyangxian, now, I give you three choices. First, release all the members of our family you arrested in the eighth chongtian."


Hearing this, ouyangxian was stunned, even the temple guards present.

Release the Tianmo clan members captured by the Terran in the eighth heavy day?

The Demon Lord came to the temple for this?

After a while, ouyangxian slowly opened her mouth and said, "do you think the Lord of this hall will believe you? What do you want to do?"

"Just a little? Some?"

Devil Tian Zhen was so angry that he pointed to ouyangxian and roared angrily: "that little bastard named Ye openly violated the demigod agreement, attacked our Tianmo family, and captured one third of the people in the eighth heaven of our Tianmo family. Among them, the Holy Land Tianmo is not left. How can you tell me something about it? Is it special?"


As soon as the devil said this, all the members of the temple guard could not help taking a breath.

Ouyangxian was also stunned.

The third demon of the eighth heaven?

There are at least fifty or sixty million, not to mention all the Holy Land demons.

Ouyangxian had already known about yebufan's arrest of demons, but he never thought that yebufan had caught so many demons in such a short time.

This is nothing special. It clearly means that the demons of the eighth heaven can be consumed in a pot. After all, the demons under the holy land can be completely ignored.

It's no wonder that Mo Tianzheng is so angry. It's no wonder that Mo Tianzheng runs away.

Ouyangxian asked himself, if he were Mo Tianjin, he would do the same.

Before ouyangxian could think more, Mo Tianji stared at him, opened his mouth again, and asked angrily, "ouyangxian, will you let it go, or... Won't you let it go?"

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