Outside the city, there is a smooth river.

The purple Martian lion wandered on the wilderness. The battle team had long been invisible behind him. On top of it, yebufan still held Qin Yao's waist.

"You let go of me."

Qin Yao's body twisted slightly, like struggling, but it had no effect. Her face was a blush.

Yebufan was naturally unwilling and ignored.

As Uncle Cai said, there is no resistance. In fact, it is a kind of acquiescence. Qin Yao's response has explained many problems.

At this time, if you really let go, you are a fool.

Yebufan not only didn't let go, but on the contrary, his body was slightly close to Qin Yao, which made Qin Yao's body tremble. However, he had said softly in Qin Yao's ear: "you are my woman. It's natural to hold you. Why should I let you go?"

With a little heat in his voice, Qin Yao's ears were touched.

Qin Yao's heart trembled.

Then she said, "who is your woman?"


Yebufan's words sounded, very firm.

Before Qin Yao could react, he changed the subject again and said in a low voice, "Yao Yao, can you tell me something about the war department?"

More haste, less speed.

For ye Bufan, such a short time and Qin Yao's development to this stage are enough. If we continue to deepen, it may backfire. Now, it's better to shift the topic and Qin Yao's attention, so that she can slowly accept and get used to it.

Men and women, water into the natural canal.

"War department?"

Yebufan suddenly changed the subject, obviously Qin Yao didn't react for a while, but it was only a moment. "What do you want to know?" she asked in a low voice

Yebufan was delighted and said, "all."


Qin Yao suddenly turned her head and looked at yebufan.

But they didn't want to. Their bodies were already close together. Moreover, yebufan's head was behind Qin Yao's right ear. Qin Yao turned her head, and her cheek immediately stuck to yebufan's lips. Suddenly, a strange feeling came.

Qin Yaojiao's body trembled and hurriedly turned back. Her heart was pounding, and her cheeks were more blushing.

Yebufan looked at the shy Qin Yao and recalled the kiss. He smiled in his heart, but did not mention it. Instead, he continued: "yes, since I have joined the war department and am going to the War Department, I naturally need to know something about the war department before that."

After a pause, yebufan said again, "although it's not the first time I've heard the Word War Department, I don't know anything about war department. For example, what is war department? What is war department?"

"What is war department?"

Qin Yao took back his mind, gave a deep thought, and said in a soft voice: "in fact, the war department is the army guarding the human race."

Yebufan was stunned: "guard the Terran army?"

Qin Yao replied: "yes, just like the armies of the major empires. However, the armies of the major empires are to protect the Empire, while the war department is to protect the Terrans."

After a pause, Qin Yao continued: "the War Department was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago by the three martial arts academies. In the past, the War Department was managed and commanded by the three martial arts academies. However, although the war department is still subordinate to the three martial arts academies, it has become one of its own. It is no longer under the management and command of the martial arts academies. The August 11th War Department defends the territory of the people in all directions, and everything is controlled by 81 commanders."

"Eighty one commanders?" Yebufan was a little stunned, and then said in a startled voice: "this can't be eighty-one Shenwu venerable?"

"No." Qin Yao shook her head: "in the War Department, strength is important, but merit is everything. Merit is a contribution to the human race. Among the war departments, the commander may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the most meritorious."

"Not the strongest?" Yebufan raised his eyebrows and said, "how can you convince the public if your strength is not strong? A warrior who can command the whole war department, such as Shenyuan, Guiyuan, or even Congyuan?"

"Do you think a Ning Yuan Jing can become a commander in chief?" Qin Yao asked back with a smile.

Yebufan was stunned: "why not?"

Qin Yao shook her head. "Of course not."

Before ye Bufan could speak, she continued: "the ranks in the war department from the lowest are: ninth class soldier, eighth class soldier... Second class soldier, first class soldier, one star general, two star general... Five star general, general, commander, a total of 16 levels. The corresponding ranks need corresponding meritorious deeds. How many meritorious deeds are needed to promote from ninth class soldier to commander in chief."

"You can get meritorious service by killing demons, wild animals, seizing the holy pool and capturing the fortress, but you can't do without strength."

"Let's say that hunting monsters is good. Monsters of different levels represent different feats. Martial artists in Ning yuan territory can obtain 5000 feats by hunting a hundred six level monsters. However, it only needs to hunt a nine level monster in Zhou Tian territory. There is no comparison between the two. In addition, seizing Shenchi and attacking fortresses can not be accomplished by one person alone. This requires regiment operations. Meritorious deeds are allocated according to strength."

"So the eighty-one commanders are not necessarily the strongest in every war department, but their strength is certainly not weak. They are all at the level of zhoutianjing."

"Besides, military orders are like a mountain."

"In the War Department, meritorious service is the first and strength is the second. In peacetime, even if you are only a ninth class soldier, as long as you have strength and courage, even if you provoke the commander of a war department, it's OK. However, in case of a war, the whole army must obey the command of a higher-level officer. If you disobey orders, or if Yang worships Yin, there is no amnesty for killing, and the general is no exception."

"Therefore, it is impossible and impossible for you to say that you will not obey the public and command the army."

Qin Yao's words fell, and yebufan hesitated slightly, as if he were thinking about something. A moment later, he said again, "can I be promoted to general as soon as I have achieved the rank of general?"

Hearing this, Qin Yao was stunned. Her face, which had already eased, showed a blush. She couldn't help thinking of her three conditions.


Then she shook her head and said.

Yebufan frowned: "no?"

Qin Yao went on to say, "in eighty-one war departments, there is a limit on the number of generals leading the troops except the soldiers. Take the commander and general for example. A war department only allows one commander and three generals."

"The military rank is changed once a year on July 7, and it cannot be promoted until July 7. Of course, this refers to the general and the commander, and the generals are not restricted. In addition, the assessment of the commander is arranged by the three military academies, so if your meritorious service exceeds the current commander, you must pass the assessment of the military academy on July 7. I'm sorry if you pass the assessment, replace it, and fail the assessment."

"As for the three generals, each war department changes once a year on July 7, and the three who have performed meritorious deeds after the commander-in-chief are the three."

"However, the rest can only become five-star generals. Because the number of generals in each war department is limited, the meritorious service of five-star generals may only be four-star or three-star generals. Even, some war departments can only be first-class soldiers. Each war department has a ranking list of meritorious service, which can be seen at a glance."

Listening to Qin Yao's explanation, ye Bufan couldn't help but draw a little from the corner of his mouth: "that is to say, if I want to become a general, my meritorious deeds must remain in the top four of a war department, and... Until July 7? Otherwise, if I am surpassed on July 6, there will be no play?"

Qin Yao's mouth could not help but arouse a smug smile: "yes."


Yebufan was speechless.

Then he asked, "what is the rank of the general? What you just said is the general and the commander in chief."

"Generals? Generals are very simple. They are fighting." Qin Yao replied.


"There are three generals in a war department. Each general is in charge of three five-star generals. There are nine five-star generals in a war department. Each five-star general is in charge of three four-star generals, a total of 27 four-star generals, and so on. There are 81 three-star generals, 243 two-star generals, 729 one-star generals, and 10000 one-star generals. This is the basic organizational structure of the war department."


Qin Yao said, and yebufan couldn't help taking a breath.

It is not difficult to see that among the war headquarters, one star general is the lowest leader. However, even so, a one star general also leads tenthousand soldiers. However, 729 one star generals mean that a war headquarters has 7.29 million soldiers.

How many war divisions of Terran?

81, 600 million soldiers.

The most important thing is that these soldiers are just ordinary soldiers, not including generals, generals and even eighty-one commanders at all levels. In addition, there are other informal combatants.

Yebufan can hardly imagine the strength of the war department. At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the number of personnel in the war department that the battlefield on the Shenwu continent is far beyond the earth.

Absolutely magnificent, absolutely huge.

Before ye Bufan was shocked, Qin Yao continued: "in the war department system, every soldier must have his own ten thousand person battle group, and this battle group must have a one star general. If he wants to be promoted from a first-class soldier to a one star general, he can challenge his own one star general on the day of July 7 every year. If he wins, he will change his rank and lose, needless to say."

"Of course, this is the case when there is only one person in a ten thousand person battle group to challenge. If there are two or more people who want to challenge the one star moon general, these people will compete first, and the winner will challenge the one star general one-on-one."

"In addition, if a one star general wants to be promoted to a two-star general, he can challenge his superior two-star general on July 7 as long as he has made enough contributions, but he can only be the two-star moon general who commands himself, not the other two-star general."

"Three stars rise to four stars and the moon rise to four stars and five stars are the same."

It has to be said that for hundreds of thousands of years, various systems of the Terran War Department have been very perfect, especially the advanced system.

However, yebufan is just learning about it for the time being.

Listening to Qin Yao's explanation, ye Bufan glanced at her again. At the moment, Qin Yao was still struggling, as if she had been used to it.

Seeing this, yebufan smiled and said, "what rank do you have now?"

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