"Come on, chop me..."

"Come on, chop me..."

"Come on, chop me..."

Yebufan's unbridled provocative voice reverberated throughout the magic weapon space.

The little fairy girl was stunned.

In the long river of history, she has imprisoned countless creatures in endless years. Among these creatures, she has seen everything from molting ants to the great emperor of Hongmeng. She has also seen many wonderful flowers, but she has never met such wonderful flowers as ye Bufan. She even asked herself to take the soul thunder of the holy prison to break him.

What is the soul thunder in holy prison town?

That is the criminal law of the holy prison, which represents pain, devastation and agony.

Not only that, the soul thunder of the holy prison will be adjusted according to the strength of the prisoners. If the prisoners are weak, the soul thunder of the holy prison will be weak. On the contrary, the stronger the prisoners are, the stronger the soul thunder of the holy prison will be. In a word, the soul thunder of the holy prison will not kill the prisoners, but will only make the prisoners' life worse than death under the limits of the prisoners.

But the man in front of him was so good that he begged himself to split the soul thunder of the holy prison town that others could not avoid.

Confused and speechless, the little fairy directly revealed three words: "neuropathy."

"You are insane. Your whole family are insane. You want to imprison Ben Shao. Let's see how Ben Shao will deal with you."

Yebufan ignored it, gave an angry rebuke, and then continued to refine the magic weapon space.

"You, you, you are presumptuous."

In an instant, the little fairy was furious.


The next second, in the space, a golden holy prison town soul thunder fell out of thin air.


The soul thunder of holy prison town fell on yebufan, penetrating the body and reaching the soul.


Yebufan couldn't help howling when his heart and lungs were torn. His whole body was shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. However, he was happy with the pain, because yebufan clearly felt that at the moment when the soul thunder of the holy prison town entered his sea space, his fusion of ouyangxian's divine soul fragments recovered more than ten times the previous speed.

That's what I want.

The next second, yebufan clenched his teeth and continued to cry recklessly: "hahaha, come on, chop me, what the hell holy prison town soul thunder, I tell you, Ben Shao won't give in..."


Yebufan's words fell, and it was another soul thunder of the holy prison town.


In an instant, ye Bufan's heart rending howl echoed throughout the space.


Also at this time, ye Bufan's accomplishments broke through instantly. From then on, he became a demigod in the middle level.

This feeling - cool.

But this is not enough, not enough.

"Hahaha, holy prison town soul thunder, what a holy prison town soul thunder, have fun, come on, continue to chop me, don't stop, who stops is a bastard..."


In the face of Ye Bufan's clamour, the little fairy roast. She didn't find ye Bufan's breakthrough at all. She just said: "since you like being struck by thunder so much, go on with it." after leaving a word, the little fairy lost her voice directly.

She was obviously unwilling to continue to deal with ye Bufan, a psychopath.

Yebufan doesn't care about this.

From the beginning to the end, his goal was the soul thunder of the holy prison town. Now that his goal has been achieved, the little fairy naturally doesn't matter.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The golden holy prison town soul thunder fell again and again, and yebufan was painful and happy.


Outside, temple, Temple of the virgin.

Now, seven days have passed since ouyangxian fell.

For seven days, Linghu Xue's mood was very, very anxious, even more abnormal.

Although she did not know whether ye Bufan was alive or dead, the fall of ouyangxian had become a fact.

Not only that, as the leader of the temple, but also the only strong person in the human camp who can check and balance the demon lord, Mo Tianjin, the fall of ouyangxian is a disaster for the whole human race.

Although the form of Tianwaitian is still the same as before, Linghu Xue knows that with the fall of ouyangxian, the whole Terran is already misty.

Once the Tianmo clan army invades at this time, the Terran will surely be defeated.

What should I do? What should I do?

For seven days, Linghu Xue racked her brains, but she couldn't come up with a solution.

It's not that she is incompetent, but... In the face of absolute strength, all the intrigues are in vain.

Ouyangxian is dead, and the devil is still there.

What can the human race compete with the Tianmo clan without serving the gods?

Although the fact that ouyangxian fell is now under her control, can you hide it for a while, or can you hide it for a lifetime?

This news will be leaked sooner or later. At that time... Linghu Xue can't imagine it.

Yebufan was struck by the soul thunder of the holy prison town for six days and six nights in the divine weapon space, but she could still sleep for one day and one night. However, Linghu Xue has been awake for seven days and seven nights. Now she is already exhausted.


Suddenly, the originally closed door of the temple was pushed open from the outside. Suddenly, a slightly harsh voice sounded in the hall.

Linghu Xue was instantly awakened. She looked at the gate of the temple. At the moment, the gate had not been completely pushed open, and Linghu Xue had not seen the people outside. However, she was worried and even exhausted. She was already furious: "I have said that no one should disturb me without my permission. Now... No matter who you are, get out of here."

However, people outside obviously ignored Linghu Xue. In an instant, the gate had been pushed open from the outside. Zhuge Ming and Dongfang Qiuyu, the two deputy Temple heads, left and right, took the lead in entering the saint's temple. Behind them were all hundreds of demigods in the temple.

Seeing this scene, Linghu Xue stood up from the virgin throne with a brush. Then she looked at Zhuge Ming and Dongfang Qiuyu and angrily scolded them: "ZHUGE Ming, Dongfang Qiuyu, what do you want to do? Rebel?"

If only Zhuge Ming and Dongfang Qiuyu came, Linghu Xue would never have such a big response. But now, not only Zhuge Ming and Dongfang Qiuyu have come, but also other demigods in the temple have been present. In this case, Linghu Xue naturally feels a bit unusual, even... Uneasy.

However, Zhuge Ming, Dongfang Qiuyu and even any demigod present did not pay attention to Linghu Xue. After they entered the temple, Zhuge Ming and Dongfang Qiuyu immediately separated on both sides of the hall, with Zhuge Ming on the left and Dongfang Qiuyu on the right.


The strange scene made Linghu Xue stunned: "you..."

Before Linghu Xue could speak, outside the hall, a fat man wearing a royal robe came in slowly.

"Bang bang!!"

After the fat man entered the temple, the guards outside closed the door of the temple again.

There was a dead silence in the hall.


Looking at the fat man in the Royal robe in front of him, fox Xue frowned.

Demigod medium level??

Linghu Xue can be sure that in her impression, there is no such demigod in Tianwaitian.

"Who are you?"

Immediately, her face was frozen, and she looked at the fat man in royal robes and asked in a deep voice.

Qian Duoduo lost his hands behind him, faced Linghu Xue directly, smiled and said: "Hello, your highness, my dear Qian Duoduo, you can call me president Qian."

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