"Inform the whole family that ouyangxian, the Lord of the temple, has fallen. From now on, the saint Linghu Xue will take over as the Lord of the temple!!"


When Qian Duoduo said this, not only Linghu Xue but also zhugeming and Dongfang Qiuyu were shocked.

Ouyangxian died.

Waiting for God to fall.

For the Terrans, this is just bad news at the level of destroying heaven and earth. Once the Tianmo clan knows this news, it is bound to invade on a large scale. At that time, the Terrans without the strong man who serves God will be defeated.

Defeat means death.

Defeat means the annihilation of the nation.

Therefore, what the Terrans need to do is to try every means to keep this secret as long as they can, just like the previous Linghu Xue.

But Qian Duoduo is a good man. He not only doesn't plan to keep this secret, but also plans to tell the whole family.

The whole human race knows it. Will the Tianmo clan know it?

By doing so, Qian Duoduo is pushing the entire Terran to a place of eternal doom.

"I disagree."

Suddenly, Linghu Xue's firm voice rang out. She looked at Qian Duoduo and said decisively: "you are committing a crime against the whole Terran. You are going to completely destroy the whole Terran. I... strongly disagree."

"You don't agree. Are you... Determined?"

Qian Duoduo sneered: "don't forget, now, the president of the whole temple has the the final say."


Hearing this, Hu Xue was furious.

Qian Duoduo continued, "and do you really think how smart you were before?"

"What do you mean?"

Linghu Xue couldn't help but be stunned and said something puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

Qian Duoduo sneered and said, "it's good to keep secrets and delay time, but the reality is cruel. Even in the president's opinion, you are just being smart." After a pause, Qian Duoduo continued: "to tell you the truth, the day ouyangxian was seriously injured in the first battle with devil Tianjin, the devil family already knew."

"What? How is this... Possible?"

Linghu Xue was shocked instantly.

Zhugeming and others present were no exception.

"How is that possible?"

Qian Duoduo sneered and said: "Nothing is impossible. The fact is that Mo Tianji has already known the news of ouyangxian's serious injury. The reason why he hasn't made a big attack on ouyangxian is that he can't be 100% sure of the truth of the news. Or... Once bitten by a snake, he has been afraid of the well rope for ten years. The last time he was calculated by Xiaofan in the temple, he was almost besieged by the Terrans. So he didn't dare to act rashly, But... If he doesn't act now, it doesn't mean that he will never act. Once he can't help trying, do you think... Ouyangxian can still hide his story? "


Linghu Xue said softly, and then said, "how do you know this?"

"I said, as long as I want to know, there is nothing I can't know."

Qian Duoduo smiled.


Linghuxue frowned: "even if, as you said, devil Tianjin really knew the news of Ouyang hall master's serious injury, at least he still had doubts and did not dare to act rashly, but if he told him the news of Ouyang hall master's fall at this time, it would be different from letting him attack the Terran directly."

"Of course there is a difference."

"What's the difference?"

"True is also false, false is also true, false is also true, sometimes, true and false, false and real, who can tell."

"What do you mean...?"

"It means... Although Mo Tianjin already knew about ouyangxian's serious injury, he still had doubts. If he suddenly told him about ouyangxian's death at this time, he would not believe it. Even he would think it was a human conspiracy and directly choose to ignore it."

"But what if he believes it?"

"No way. Would you believe it if it were you?"


"You won't believe it, because... There is a premise for all this, or the biggest doubt in everyone's heart. How can ouyangxian fall suddenly when he serves the strong in the divine realm? Is it because he fought with devil Tianzhu? Don't tease me. Without talking about others, devil Tianzhu said" damn... "

The next second, Linghu Xue angrily scolded and said, "ZHUGE Ming, Dongfang Qiuyu, take someone with you. Now go to Huangfu's house with my saint and destroy these damn clan judges."


As soon as Linghu Xue's voice fell, Qian Duoduo coughed and said, "Your Highness, now the president of the temple has the the final say, so please don't give orders easily, and... The Huangfu family can't move."


Linghu Xue couldn't help but be shocked. She didn't care about Qian Duoduo's previous words of accountability, but directly asked: "the Huangfu family, as a Terran, betrayed the Terran and pushed the whole Terran to a place of eternal destruction. Don't they deserve to die and die?"

"They deserve to die, but they can't be moved yet."


"Young people, don't be too impulsive. You should have a little perspective on the overall situation." Qian Duoduo smiled and then said, "this is the end of the matter. Even if you destroy the Huangfu family, what's the point except to relieve your hatred?"

"What's more, once the Huangfu family is destroyed, it is equivalent to telling the Tianmo clan that the Huangfu family has been exposed. It is easy to frighten the snake by mowing grass. At that time, how will the president's plan be carried out? It's better to use them as waste."

Qian Duoduo narrowed his eyes and continued: "things make the most of their talents and people make the most of their use. Sometimes... Traitors can also become a sword to win!"

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