"Before you arrive, I have reached an agreement with the two vice hall masters and all the deacons of the semi divine realm in the temple. Next, our Terran will give up the seventh heaven and defend the sixth heaven in an all-round way. If the demons invade, we will gather the strength of the whole family... Fight to the death!!"

Linghu Xuedi's words made the demigods present silent. Up to now, the Terran seems to have no other choice but to fight to the death.

Are you going to surrender to the demon family?

That's impossible.

If we are not of our own race, our hearts will be different.

Even if it is a surrender, the Tianmo clan may not agree. Moreover, once it surrenders, the whole Terran is bound to be subject to the Tianmo clan.

If so, I can't imagine what kind of situation it will be.

be at sb.'s mercy.

At that time, I'm afraid that the whole Terran will become a slave of the Tianmo clan for the Tianmo clan to drive and play, and even become their captive meat for them to eat.

After all, in Tianwaitian, it's no secret that demons eat people.

In that case, the only way is to fight to the death.

No blood, no truce, Terran... Willing to fight until the last one.

In a short moment, Linghu Youdao took the lead in saying: "I Linghu Youdao would like to lead the whole family to fight against the demons with the temple, without losing blood and without truce."

"So is my Huangfu family."

"Count me in the dantai family."


"It's a good saying that there is no blood flow and no truce after death. Since there is no retreat, both jade and stone will be burned. Even if you die, you should let the Tianmo family know that our people... Can't be bullied."


Linghu's words fell, and all the other demigods began to speak.

They had a firm tone and a determined look.

In the face of racial justice, the past gratitude and resentment and everything in the past have become insignificant.

Terrans should unite as one to fight against the demons and foreign enemies.

Every prosperity is equal to every loss.

"Linghu Xue thanked everyone on behalf of the whole Terran." Looking at the demigods of all the families in front of her, Linghu Xue immediately said, Then he said: "in addition, you can rest assured that if the devil Tianjin attacks, our Linghu Xue will lead all the demigods in the temple to fight against one. Even if moths fly to the fire, we are not afraid at all. Even if we can't kill them, our temple is willing to do anything. In a word - this war, if we want to fight, our temple will be the pioneer. If we want to die, our Linghu Xue will be the first person."

Linghu Xue's words made the demigods of all the families present tremble fiercely.

Especially Linghu Youdao.

To fight, the temple is the vanguard.

To die, she asked Hu Xue to be the first person.

Generous and passionate;

Sacrifice your life and forget to die.

Since ancient times, soldiers have never died. Why should they die.

But Linghu Xue did the opposite.

She is ready to tell everyone with her own actions that the temple is willing to be the pioneer in this war and burn the jade and stone of the Tianmo family at all costs.

In this way, how can people remain unmoved.

"Now, please start to take action. Later, the temple will also issue a notice to the whole Terran. From now on, all the saints, flying, soul melting, and demigod martial arts of the Terran will enter the sixth heavy heaven. If the demons attack, we will fight against them in the sixth heavy heaven."

Before everyone thought about it, Linghu Xue had said, her voice was resounding, and her expression was firm and resolute.

"We will obey the order of the temple Lord."

The demigods of all families instantly recovered. After saying a word in unison, they left directly. After all, time waits for no man. Now the Terran must race against time and be ready before the Tianmo army attacks.

As Linghu Xue's grandfather, Linghu Youdao just looked at her and left.


After seeing that all the demigods of the families had left, Linghu Xue gave a long sigh of relief, and then said in a harsh voice: "give me an order, and order the twelve commanders to immediately lead the troops to evacuate the seventh heavy day, and return to the sixth heavy day in an all-round way."


Jiuchong tianwai, the demon battleship.

After the great Dharma protector of the heavenly demon family, Mo Yan, told the news from Huangfu's family, all the heavenly demons in the demigod realm fell into endless silence in the whole battleship hall.

No bones of ouyangxian?

Yebufan is dead without a whole body?

Now, not only the devil Tianjin, but also the other demigod demons in the scene began to doubt the authenticity of ouyangxian's sudden death.

The Holy Son of the temple plotted against the Lord of the temple. The two most important people in the temple, the Holy Son yebufan and the Lord ouyangxian, fell one after another. Are they all dead?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world.

For a moment, the demons present smelled the smell of conspiracy.


Sitting on the throne of the demon lord, Mo Tianjin gave a cold Snort and said: "let the family continue to monitor and probe every move of the Terran. I want to see what the Terran wants to do this time."


ten minutes later.

A heaven devil of the flying realm hurried in from the outside, knelt in the hall, looked at the devil and said: "tell the Lord, there is a message from the seventh heaven that the twelve commanders of the Terran temple are leading the Terran army to evacuate from the seventh heaven."


The devil said, "if ouyangxian has really fallen, and if our demon army really attacks the Terran on a large scale, can they withdraw from the seventh heaven and Shenwu star?"

"Ignore it and let them go."

"Yes, Lord."


In Tianwaitian, the Tianmo clan closely followed the every move of the Terran, but always stood still. On the contrary, among the Terrans, with the release of another notice from the temple, all the saints, soul melting, flying and demigod warriors of the Terran rushed to the sixth heaven.

The fall of gods?

The catastrophe is reduced to?

So what!!

There was no anxiety and fear when ouyangxian fell. At this moment, the overwhelming majority of the Terran members only had the sense of war in their hearts.

Our Terrans are united as one.

Since there is no retreat, I will fight to the death.

In the face of the survival of the race, we are willing to do everything we can to fight to the death with your Tianmo clan in the sixth heavy day.

There is no truce until the blood runs dry.

Even if you die, you will have no regrets in this life.

In three days, the twelve commanders of the temple led all the Terran troops back to the sixth heaven.

Within three days, all warriors in the holy land of the Terran will also enter the sixth heaven.

In three days, in the sixth heavy day, the souls of the human race are as many as dogs, flying everywhere.

It can be said that all the holy land combat power of the Terran has been assembled in the sixth heavy day.

If defeated, the human race will die.

However, within three days, the Tianmo clan did not take action and did not invade on a large scale, which made most people extremely confused. However, the demigods in the temple knew that it was not that the Tianmo clan did not want to attack the Terran, but that they did not dare to attack the Terran.

True or false, false or false.

As Qian Duoduo said, true also pretends to be dead, false also true; When false is true, true is false.

Before the Tianmo clan had found out the specific situation, and before the Tianmo clan had determined whether ouyangxian had fallen, they simply did not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, at present, no one knows the truth except Qian Duoduo, Linghu Xue, the two vice hall masters of the temple and all the deacons of the demigod realm. Even in the past three days, the demigods of all families have been blocked from the temple.

Qian Duoduo did this because, first, he wanted to hide everything without being suspected by the Huangfu family. Second, he wanted to create a false impression of another purpose for the Huangfu family and the Tianmo family.

Of course, just doing so is not enough.

Temple, Temple of the virgin.

"Mr. President, now all the warriors in the holy land of the Terran have assembled on the sixth chongtian, and the twelve commanders have all led their troops to withdraw from the seventh chongtian. What shall we do next

Looking at Qian Duoduo, Linghu Xue asks directly.

Although Qian Duoduo secretly controlled her and the temple, at the moment, Linghu Xue didn't have any dissatisfaction in her heart. On the contrary, she felt lucky for it.

After all, if there was no money, even if the Tianmo clan had already tried after learning that ouyangxian was seriously injured, it would never dare to act rashly as it is now, and... Linghuxue also knew very well that without money, she could not suppress and control the current situation alone, let alone deal with the major changes that might happen next.

Therefore, Qian Duoduo's sudden appearance, controlling her and controlling the temple, for her, for the Terran, is definitely more beneficial than harmful.


Linghu Xue's words fell, and Qian Duoduo said one word.


Linghu Xue was stunned.

"That's right."

Qian Duoduo said with a smile, "wait another fourorfive days, and you will begin to arrange for people below the holy land outside the heaven to evacuate, so that they can all enter the Shenwu continent."

"Let all the people under the Holy Land withdraw to the Shenwu continent?" Linghuxue was stunned again.


Qian Duoduo said lightly, "the president of Shenwu mainland has already arranged. People from Tianwaitian can transfer to Shenwu mainland at any time."

"In that case, then... Why don't they start moving now?"

Linghu Xue is puzzled.


Qian Duoduo shook his head and said, "no way."


"Let me tell you something, the Tianmo clan must have doubted us now. In their opinion, ouyangxian may not be dead yet. All this may be a trap deliberately set by our Terran to pit the Tianmo clan, so... Even now the people under tianwaitiansheng begin to transfer, they won't doubt it, but it won't do us any good."

Qian Duoduo said slowly. Then a funny smile appeared on his face, He continued: "but if we wait a few more days, the effect will be completely different. You know... Now our Terrans are ready to fight at any time. That is to say, in the next few days, we have nothing to do. Since we have nothing to do, why don't we directly transfer the Terrans under the holy land, and we have to wait a few days to do it?"


Linghu Xue hesitates slightly.

Qian Duoduo said directly: "at that time, the Tianmo clan will certainly think so. The reason why our Terran didn't take action before is that it took so many days to start the transfer. That's because... The fall of ouyangxian was a conspiracy. Our Terran saw that they hadn't been cheated for a long time, so we began to transfer members under the holy land. We did this... To stimulate them and make them fall into the trap."

"In this way, they are even more afraid to act rashly."

It's too insidious

Qian Duoduo's words fell, and Linghu Xue couldn't help thinking of them.

She never thought that the transfer of Terrans could be used by more money.

This product... The speculation about other people's psychological reactions has reached a magical level.

But it's a good thing.

At least what Qian Duoduo has done now can give Terrans more time.


Suddenly, Linghu Snow's face appeared a lost color.

Nowadays, ouyangxian is dead, and the gods of the Terran have fallen. Even if Qian Duoduo can win more time for the Terran, what will happen? After all... It's been concealed at this time. It can't be concealed for a lifetime. The Tianmo clan will always attack the Terran. At that time... The Terran will still be defeated and die.

Aware of the lonely color on linghuxue's face, Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "are you worried? What should I do next?"

"President, I......"

Linghu Xue doesn't know how to speak.

Qian Duoduo has already said with a smile: "in fact, you don't have to worry. This war may not defeat our Terran."


Hearing this, Linghu Xue was shocked. She looked at Qian Duoduo with a look of disbelief.

The Terran may not be defeated?

This... How can it be.

Qian Duoduo said again: "do you really think that all the president has now is just to delay time and slow down the pace of the extinction of our Terran?"

"Isn't it?"

Linghu Xue couldn't help feeling a little stunned.

Qian Duoduo smiled and said: "it's true that the president is delaying time, but this is not to slow down the extinction of our Terran, but... The president is doing this to increase the odds of our Terran."

"Does this... Make any difference?"

"Of course there's a difference. Now if we fight against the Tianmo clan, our Terran has no chance of winning and will certainly lose, but... As time goes on, we can tell the difference between victory and defeat."

While talking, a meaningful smile appeared on Qian Duoduo's face.

Linghu Xue was completely confused.

Before she could think about it, Qian Duoduo said again: "so next... Besides arranging the transfer of the Terran in a few days, you also have to find a way to hide from the Huangfu family. When they are not aware of it, they secretly gather all the top martial artists in the holy land, soul melting land and flying land."

"What do you call them for?"

"Let them break through."

"What? Let, let them break through?"

"Yes, once the warriors of these levels break through the holy peak, the soul melting peak and the flying peak, their combat power will increase exponentially. In particular, once they break through the peak of the flying realm, they will be demigods. Even if they are only the first level of demigods, they will be demigods at least. And... Adding one demigod may not be of great use to our Terran, but 100, 200, or even more?"

After a pause, Qian Duoduo continued: "based on the president's investigation and understanding of Tianwaitian over the years, there are absolutely a lot of martial artists at the peak of Feitian territory in Tianwaitian. The reason why they are unable to break through is that they have not accumulated enough. To put it bluntly... There are not enough resources to support them to break through Feitian and advance to semi gods."

"But they don't. I do."

"Isn't it divine crystal? I can give them as much as they want."

"As long as all the top martial artists in the three realms of holy, soul melting and flying break through, our Terran's overall combat power can be increased by at least half. This is one of the purposes of the president to delay time. However... This matter must be kept secret. Neither the Tianmo clan nor the Huangfu family can know it. Otherwise... The Tianmo clan is likely to enter the Terran on a large scale right away."

When Qian Duoduo's words fell, Linghu Xue was confused and stupid.

Isn't it Shenjing? I can give them as much as they want.

This... Is very domineering, very domineering, extremely domineering.

But... Where did Shenwu land get so many divine crystals?

You know, as the leader of the human race, there are not so many gods in the temple.

Suddenly, Linghu Xue thought of yebufan.

Isn't yebufan from Shenwu?

Moreover, yebufan summoned a large human army to attack the eighth heaven of the Tianmo clan and hired himself in Shenmu city. All these have fully explained that yebufan does not lack divine crystals, and even he has countless divine crystals.

However, after returning from the eighth heavy day, before ye Bufan could exchange Shenjing for the families, ouyangxian suddenly fell. Later, ye Bufan was even more at a loss. If not, the families and the Terran members who participated in the war at that time simply did not lack Shenjing.

But no matter what, one thing is not wrong, that is... There are countless divine crystals in Shenwu continent.

Did... Shenwu found a relic tomb left by Shenjing Daneng?

Linghu Xue thought in her heart, but immediately returned to God: "in that case, President, I'll arrange it now. Although we can't compete with the God of mortianjin, if the top martial artists in the three realms of our Terran can break through, I think even if we are defeated in the final battle, we can definitely make the Tianmo family pay a heavy price."

"Serve God? Defeat?"

As soon as Linghu Xue's voice fell, Qian Duoduo sneered and disdained: "as long as president Ben can delay enough time, the so-called serving God... That's a scum."

Now yebufan is taken away by the unknown magic weapon in the temple, and can't count on it at all. However, don't forget that yebufan may not be the strongest in the present Shenwu continent.

The God and devil cemetery is an unparalleled heritage.

In the seven kill hall, which one of the people who has been inherited by the heavenly palace is not a demon generation? Among them, any advanced God servant, even if he only serves the God, can absolutely crush the demon lord and teach him to be a man.

Not only that, breaking through the demigods and serving the gods at an advanced level is absolutely difficult for the vast majority of demigods in the outer heaven. However, with the peerless inheritance of the heavenly palace, it is not difficult for the demons in the seven kill hall. All they need is time.

Although the vast majority of people have no time to break through because they are too far away from serving God, there are also some exceptions in the whole seven kill hall.

Demigod high level, ye Jingyu.

Demigod high level, long Xiaobao.

They are only one step away from the peak of the demigod, and they are also the closest to the spirit of the martial arts.

Therefore, after learning about the fall of ouyangxian, Qian Duoduo has sent a message to the Shenwu mainland. Now, whether ye Jingyu or long Xiaobao, they have begun to retreat and make every effort to reach the Shenwu realm.

Once either of them entered the realm of God, then the devil was a scum.

But it takes time

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