Shenwu continent, with Terrans in the middle.

Hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in the center of the continent belong to the Terran territory, including countless empires, main cities and aristocratic families. The three martial arts academies are located in the center of the Terran territory, and the 81 War Department is guarding the four directions and guarding the main roads entering the Terran territory.

Outside the War Department, the demon barbarian battlefield.

On the demon barbarian battlefield, mountains, plains, hills and various terrains are boundless, surrounding the entire Terran territory and rich in resources. Inside, Shenchi, fortress, people, demons and barbarians are fighting, fighting and competing for resources.

Across the demon barbarian battlefield is the Wangyao mountain. Compared with the territory of hundreds of millions of miles of Terrans, the whole Wangyao mountain is not small, which belongs to the demon clan.

It is said that there is an eternal abyss behind the Wangyao mountain. No one among the people, demons and barbarians knows the origin of the eternal abyss. They only know that this is a dead Jedi. Even if the divine warrior enters, he must die.

Among the three clans, the barbarians occupy the top ten forests in Shenwu continent. Some border on the territory of the human race, some border on the Wangyao mountain, and some are on the demon barbarian battlefield.

The top ten forests are rich in resources.

Therefore, the barbarians are the richest, the demons are the second, and the humans are the second.

The Terran territory, Wangyao mountain, the ten forests, and the three races hold one side respectively. On the other hand, the three races agree that all parties shall not attack on a large scale where the three races live. At the same time, in addition to the Terran territory, the top ten forests and the Wangyao mountain range, members of the three clans can go to explore in addition to a large-scale attack. However, life and death are safe.

It seems that the Terrans have taken advantage of this, but it is also inevitable.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, countless members of the demon and barbarian tribes infiltrated the Terran territory, burning, killing, looting and looting. The strong Terrans were so angry that they came out together to kill thousands of people and fight against the two races. Although the powerful demons and barbarians had to join hands to repel the strong Terran, after the first World War, both demons and barbarians knew the power of the Terran. If they fought against the Terran on their own, they would not be the enemy at all, but if they were allowed to cooperate.

Later, there was one more item in the three clan agreement. The demon and the barbarian should not easily set foot in the Terran territory. If they want to fight, they will die on the demon barbarian battlefield. If the two clans break through the defense line of the war department and enter the Terran territory, the Terran will have nothing to say.

On the contrary, both jade and stone burn.

Terran power.

This is an agreement and a tacit understanding.

Therefore, Tianhuang city is located in the border of Ziyun Empire, the most peripheral of the Terran territory, and borders on the wild beast Taigu forest, but it has not been invaded by wild beasts.

Of course, this is just a rumor. The rumor came from 100000 years ago. Up to now, no one knows or can trace the truth.

These are the news ye Bufan learned from Qin Yao.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Yesterday, yebufan and Qin Yao had returned to the team of the war department. Qin Yao changed her little daughter's posture and still looked like a cold female general.

Led by Qin Yao, the team marched forward in a mighty manner.

However, compared with before, the forward speed of the team has slowed down a lot. Besides, Qin Yao and the 500 soldiers of the war department did not say anything, but yebufan and others could feel the changes of the soldiers of the war department. Compared with before, they looked solemn and seemed to be on a high alert.

The vast plain, the air with a touch of bleak.

Here, it is already a demon barbarian battlefield.

Dead and desolate.

The weird and depressing atmosphere makes people feel nervous.

At the end of the team, all ye family members.

"Ye Shao, what have you done with Commander Qin these two days? It seems that you haven't taken her down. Anyway, it's OK. Why don't you tell us about it?" Hao Pang narrowed his eyes and looked at yebufan and said obscene, completely heartless. The tense atmosphere in the team didn't seem to affect him.

The members of the Ye family were also a little curious and looked at yebufan one by one.

Yesterday, when yebufan and Qin Yao came back, the gauze on yebufan's feet had long disappeared. The most important thing is that he did not come back with Qin Yao riding the purple Mars lion, but Qin Yao riding the purple Mars lion and carrying him back.


Yebufan glanced at Qin Yao in front of him, and suddenly his mouth twitched.

"Say a fart."

With an angry cry, he looked directly at the financial uncle and said, "old man, young master asked you to stay at home. Why did you follow?"

Uncle CAI was stunned immediately.

This isn't about the young master and young lady. How can it be about me? Look at you, young master. Are you trying to take it out on me?

Blunder, blunder.

Uncle Cai thought in his heart and smiled bitterly and said: "young master, that... It's boring for me to stay at home alone, so..."

"Young master, didn't I leave you money to marry your wife and live a good life?"


Uncle CAI was speechless.

He is old enough to marry a daughter-in-law?

Before uncle Cai could speak, the temperature suddenly dropped and a chill swept through the sky and earth.


Uncle CAI was stunned.


In the whole team, including yebufan and his party, all the newly recruited soldiers of the War Department shivered involuntarily.

The world is changing. It's cold in the slightest.

The team suddenly stopped.


In front of him, Qin Yao shouted loudly.

In an instant, all the soldiers in the war department were shocked.

Fivehundred soldiers, all on alert.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

The sudden scene made yebufan and his entourage, as well as more than 2300 other recruits in Tianhuang City, unclear. Therefore, looking at the reaction of the soldiers of the War Department, they looked stunned, surprised, curious and confused.

"Wow, wow!!"

Without waiting for yebufan and other recruits to think about it, between heaven and earth, the space where the temperature had dropped sharply suddenly drifted a little snow.

Snow dances all over the sky, and the world is desolate.

It snows in June, and it gets colder and colder around.

"Is it snowing?"

"Just now, I was sweating hot. How come I was shivering with cold. Who has clothes? Lend me one."

"Damn it, what kind of weather is this battlefield?"


More than twothousand and threehundred recruits were shocked.

Ahead of the team.


Qin Rong stood beside the purple Mars lion, frowning, looking straight ahead, with a touch of anxiety and dignity.

Qin Yao frowned.

"Prepare for war!!"

The word "Li" sounded instantly.

"Yin ~"

There was a long sound of weapons. The next second, Qin Yao held the eight treasures of the ground army silver dragon pattern grab in her hand. She lifted her gun and looked straight ahead.

"Miso miso!!"

Without any hesitation, the soldiers of the fivehundred war department took their swords out of their scabbards and looked straight ahead. In their eyes, the killing opportunity flashed.

Prepare for war!!


The sudden accident surprised all the recruits.

"Bang bang!!"

Before more than 2000 recruits could think for a while, the space ahead suddenly heard waves of huge noise, which made the earth tremble. Even if they were thousands of meters away, everyone could feel the vibration of their body, as if the whole space was shaking.

It sounded like a thundering bell.

Instinctively, everyone follows prestige.

Ahead, smoke billows.

Ahead, blurred vision.

Thousands of people could not see clearly what was in front of them. However, everyone could feel that a large group of creatures were approaching them.

People? Demon? Pretty?

In just a moment, the answer was revealed.


However, although the answer was revealed, all the recruits were stunned at a glance, and then they took a breath.

At that moment, the look in the eyes seemed like a thousand years. Everyone's eyes solidified instantly, and the pupils shrank fiercely.

Monsters gallop like arrows.

The iron hooves are rolling like a rainbow.

In the sight, thousands of monsters came rushing to kill, the dust was flying, and the blood color and killing power were in the dark eyes.


More than twothousand recruits took a breath.

Qin Yao's eyes narrowed.

Demon clan brigade, 3000 monsters.

There is no doubt that the demon team in front of us is a demon clan brigade, 3000 demon animals, plus a seven level demon king and ten six level demon generals.

Look at yourself.

Qin Yao suddenly turned around.

Behind him, there were 500 soldiers from the war department and more than 2300 recruits. War veterans have long been used to fighting on the battlefield, but what about these recruits?

However, Qin Yao looked more dignified.

In a flash, she said in a fierce voice: "the demon clan brigade and 3000 monsters are as powerful as you. Since you have joined the War Department, it will be a matter of time before you fight with demons and barbarians. Although the war department would have arranged for you to be familiar with the battlefield for a period of time, now that you meet them, you can't avoid them."

"No war, no death."

"War is a thread of life."


Qin Yao's voice echoed in the whole team, making everyone tremble. Although they were ready from the moment they joined the War Department, that second. However, seeing thousands of monsters coming from afar, such a scene had a huge impact on their vision and soul.

Instinctive tension, instinctive fear.

"Qin, commander Qin, but we, we don't even have weapons. How, how can we fight with these demon families?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out in the crowd.

Qin Yao was stunned.


According to the rules of the War Department, all newly recruited soldiers will be issued armor and weapons after arriving at the war department. However, the current situation is that they have not entered the War Department, but they have met the demon clan team, which was unexpected to her.

This has never been the case.

Moreover, Qin Yao's situation is quite special, because she went to the natural wasteland city not for recruiting, but for Zhang Xiong's sake, and recruiting is only incidental.

If the war department were a conscription team, how could there be only such people.

If the War Department recruits troops, how dare the demon clan attack.

"Weapons? I have!"

Before Qin Yao could answer, yebufan shouted.

The next second, with a wave of his big hand, nearly 4000 iron guns appeared out of thin air. Standing in front of him, a handle was inserted into the ground, striking and shocking.

Yebufan had reserved 100000 iron spears for other purposes, but he didn't expect to be able to use them at this time.


Qin Yao couldn't help looking at yebufan.

"Take your gun and fight."

Without the slightest hesitation, she gave another shriek.

Thousands of monsters, approaching 300 meters.

"Terran War Department, no one left."

In the monster camp, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Wolf, bear, lion, Tiger

Thousands of animals roared and rushed forward.

The next second, yebufan left thousands of iron spears and a lunge. He came to Qin Yao and looked straight ahead.

Qin Yao was stunned: "what are you doing?"

"Ha ha."

Yebufan smiled calmly and looked at the 3000 monster brigade coming from the front. In his eyes, the essence flashed, leaving only excitement.


No, this is blood essence.

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