"Money opens the way, the divine crystal is the guide, thousands of incarnations, give me... Open!!"

"Bang bang!!"

In an instant, thousands of divine crystals over the snow wolf demon king suddenly burst.


The sudden scene made the devil suddenly stunned, even his body shape was stagnant.

Originally, in his opinion, the snow wolf demon king took out the divine crystal to exercise absolute defense. Unexpectedly, the thousands of divine crystals suddenly exploded.

For a moment, Mo Tianzi was a little confused about what the snow wolf demon king wanted to do. Therefore, even as a servant of God, he did not act rashly.

This is the case with the devil, as well as with other Terrans and demons.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The next second, after the tens of millions of divine crystals burst, in the middle of the air, a snow-white wolf demon continued to appear. These snow wolves were exactly the same as the snow wolf demon king.

Blinking, in the middle of the air, thousands of snow wolf demon kings instantly condensed into shape.

what the fuck!!

Seeing this scene, both the demons and the Terrans were completely confused.

Thousands of snow wolf demon kings stand proudly in the void. What kind of picture is that?

Powerful visual impact, only shock.

Even the devil Tianzi, who was in the realm of serving God, could not help being slightly absent-minded.

"Whew whew!!"

The next second, without waiting for the members of the two families to come to their senses, thousands of snow wolf demon kings had scattered in the void, and they ran away in all directions. The speed was so fast that the members of the two families were dazzled.

Just for a moment, the original thousands of snow wolf demon kings have spread all over the space, and some are even running farther away. Even more victorious, several wolf kings have disappeared on the transmission array in the temple square.

"Come on, hit me..."

The next second, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from one of the snow wolf demon kings.

Nima, that's it again.

Members of both ethnic groups could not help but draw a corner of their mouth.

The devil was furious.


With a flash of his body, he came directly to the talking Snow Wolf demon king, and then clapped it with his palm.


The snow wolf demon king turned into a ball of powder directly under the palm of the devil.

But he didn't want to kill a snow wolf demon king just now. Other snow wolf demon kings began to say:

"Come on, hit me..."

"Dregs and demons, just serve God. Do you think Lord wolf will be afraid of you?"


"Look, everyone. It's really ridiculous that this Joker, who only serves God, wants to kill wolf Lord."

"Scum, do you dare to fight with the wolf master? One-on-one, it will not only decide the outcome, but also decide life and death."

"Come on, hit me..."

"You son of a bitch, you didn't know where you were when the wolf Lord came out. How dare you be presumptuous in front of the wolf Lord? Did you face it?"


One voice after another, or serious, or rogue, or laugh, or scold... Countless Snow Wolf demon king shouted devil Tianjin, this scene, all the members of the people and demons were numb.

However, devil Tianzi was furious, and he went away in a rage. He said with a cold snort: "thousands of incarnations, right? Whether you are true or false, mole ants are only mole ants after all. If you have thousands of incarnations, I will destroy thousands of incarnations."


As soon as the words were heard, devil Tianzhen rushed out and killed thousands of people.

The snow wolf demon king immediately sent a message to Qian Duoduo: "Lord Qian, I will drag him. You should hurry up and kill as soon as you can and run as soon as you can."


Hearing this, Qian Duoduo's body trembled in the battlefield.

Run? Where are you going?

The Shenwu continent has an all encompassing sky killing array. Once the soul melting martial arts enter it, they will be expelled immediately. Even if they run back to the Shenwu continent now, they will still be expelled to tianwaitiannei the next second.

Since we are doomed to be inseparable from heaven, what's the difference between running and not running.

Since we can't run away, we can only fight, fight and die. We can kill every one we can.


At this point, Qian Duoduo shouted word for word, and then shot out in an instant.


The human demigod and other members under the demigod also came back one after another, and they all killed in an instant.

Up to now, they have no choice but to fight with blood and death.

Kill one to get back, kill two to earn one.


When the human race is killed, the Tianmo clan will not wait to die. In an instant, the two races will fight again.

Seeing this scene, the devil looked at the battlefield below and frowned.

The snow wolf demon king said, "come on, slag demon, hit me."


After hearing this, the devil gave a cold Snort and said: "do you think I don't know what you're up to? But... This time, even if I know I've been fooled by you, I won't stop."

After a pause, Mo Tianji continued: "the defeat of the human race has been decided. In that case, what about the total annihilation of the demon clan? I don't care about their life and death. Now... The only thing I want to do is to extract your spirit, and then... Torture you day and night, and destroy you. Otherwise, I can't eliminate my hatred."


After that, devil Tianjin killed again and continued to kill thousands of people of the snow wolf demon king.


The snow wolf demon kings laughed: "well, I like it. It's really true that they are the demon lord of heaven. They are aggressive enough. In that case, come on, kill me, ha ha..."

On the battlefield, the two races fight.

In the void, the devil killed thousands of incarnations of the snow wolf demon king crazily.

However, at the moment, whether the Terrans or the demons, even if the demon Tianzhu in the God realm didn't find it, there was a fist sized crystal ball sitting in the void above the battlefield. If Linghu Xue saw this crystal ball, he would certainly recognize that it was the crystal ball formed after the temple burst.

Holy prison space, central area.

Although it is also an independent space, it is somewhat different from other spaces. At least there is nothing in other spaces. However, the space in front of us has pavilions, bridges and flowing water, which looks like a paradise on earth and a fairyland on earth.

At this moment, the whole space is echoing with a girl's silver bell like laughter.

In the center of this space, there is a round pool with a diameter of about 30 meters. There is a light layer of mist on the pool. Through the mist, you can see that a graceful body is soaking in the pool. It is a young girl with child, face, giant and breast. At the moment, she is leaning against the edge of the pool, revealing the upper half of her body, With watery playful eyes, I watched a huge light curtain on the other side of the pool.

On that light curtain, what appeared was the fight between the human race and the demon race in the sixth heaven.

Obviously, the girl is spying on the struggle between the Terran and the demon.

Naturally, her identity was ready to be revealed. The girl was no other than the only magical weapon in the holy prison... Little fairy.



At this moment, looking at the picture in the light curtain, the little fairy sometimes laughs and sometimes slaps the water. She looks like a happy fairy. She is laughing loudly without the image of a lady: "I am so happy, this snow wolf... How can this snow wolf be so cheap."

"Hahaha, the fairy decided to catch the snow wolf and take him to harm the world of heaven. No, she took him to teach the world of heaven."

"Hahaha, no, no, I can't stand it......"

PS: at five o'clock, my brothers, Happy Mid Autumn Festival. I worked so hard alone. I didn't rest and watch during the festival. Should I encourage you? Flowers and trees? Do you have a reward?

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