
Qin Yao shot out with his gun, and the fivehundred soldiers of the War Department woke up instantly. They rushed to the demon clan camp with their weapons in hand, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

The monster of Ye family is powerful.

The soldiers of the War Department cut the demon with a horizontal knife.

At the moment, more than 2300 recruits in the wasteland city are full of enthusiasm. This is the battlefield, this is their battlefield, and this is their stage.

If you enter the battlefield, you will not be afraid of life or death!!

I'm a young man. I'll be a horizontal knife, kill demons, and kill barbarians immediately.


In an instant, more than 2300 recruits of the war department did not hesitate, and rushed into the demon clan camp with guns.

The sound of the long spear is so loud.

Three thousand demon clan troops, ye Bufan killed hundreds of people in a fire, and was seriously injured. The original chaotic team has not been integrated. Now, facing the strong attack from the War Department of the Terran side, the demon clan camp is even more chaotic.

A thunderbolt swept through.

There are more than 2800 veterans and recruits in the War Department, who are no worse than the demon clan.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The chaos of the battlefield, the sound of killing, anger, screams, one after another, blood, life fell.

Qin Yao ran away with his gun and attacked the unicorn red flame beast. He waved his long gun. Everywhere he passed, all the demon families, without exception, were shot and killed by one gun. The momentum was like breaking bamboo. No demon could stop him.

Qin Yao came rushing, and the unicorn red flame beast also came out in anger.

"Bang bang!!"

The three meter high beast has upright legs. The one horned red flame beast in the fury ran all the way. All the demon clan members, without exception, were knocked away by its fierce attack, but the one horned red flame beast did not care.

It seems long, but it's a moment.


In the blink of an eye, Qin Yao had come to the unicorn red flame beast without any hesitation. Her right hand shocked the eight treasures silver dragon pattern gun. Then, with the momentum of thunder, she directly stabbed the unicorn red flame beast in the face.

One shot, as if to pierce the air.

The unicorn red flame beast did not dare to have the slightest hesitation or even the slightest slackness. His right arm shook and his right hand stretched out. In an instant, a two meter long, blood red heavy sabre appeared in his hand.

The blade is sharp, killing the machine.


The unicorn red flame beast roared and cut out his long knife.

Fast, fierce, fierce


With one horizontal blade, the bloody long blade in the unicorn red flame Beast instantly fell on the barrel of Qin Yao's long gun. With the powerful impact, the long gun shifted and the attack deflected, and Qin Yao lost his shot.


At the moment when Qin Yao's spear shifted, the unicorn red flame beast felt a huge force on the blade, which made his right hand numb.

At a glance, there was a half inch gap on the blade, which was shocking.

The unicorn red flame beast was shocked.

He looked straight at Qin Yao: "local soldiers?"


Qin Yao ignored it and shot into the air. She immediately withdrew her gun and returned. She turned around and removed the huge force from the gun. At the moment when the unicorn red flame beast was shocked, she shot it head-on.

"Damn it."

The unicorn let out an angry scold.

He cut it with one blow.


Long knives and gun barrels collide, and metal collision sounds.

Add a notch to the long knife.

Qin Yao's spear momentum is not reduced. She sweeps out one by one. Each shot is fast, fierce and fierce. Moreover, her five-star power to return to the yuan territory has not been retained at all. Her combat power is fully open, and she is crazy to fight.

With a combat strength of nearly 3000 kg, plus more than 1000 kg of soldiers, each gun has a force of 4500 kg, which is comparable to the eight star return to yuan.

The unicorn red flame beast was shocked and could only resist it.

He found that he had underestimated the female general of the Terran War Department in front of him. In terms of strength, the two were equal, but the other side had an absolute advantage in the weapons in their hands.

Xuanbing fought against the soldiers on the ground, and returned to Yuan's hands. There were great differences between heaven and earth.

"Ka Ka!!"

A moment later, a strange sound sounded. Under the impact of the weapons, the blood colored long sabre in the unicorn red flame beast's hand was covered with cracks along the gaps. In a flash, the blade was broken inch by inch.

Soldiers, destroy.

Qin Yao was thundering, and another shot hit him.

The unicorn red flame beast saw this. His instinctive right hand was holding a knife. He fought with it and wanted to kill Qin Yao's long gun.

However, he had no knife in his hand, only a handle.

A knife fell through.

The unicorn red flame beast was shocked.

Qin Yao's eight treasures silver dragon pattern spear kept its momentum. It swept down the front of the unicorn red flame beast, between the waist and abdomen.

The sharp point of the gun breaks the flesh.


A red blood spurted from the waist and abdomen of the unicorn red flame beast. Qin Yao shot down and left a seven inch wound between the waist and abdomen of the unicorn red flame beast. At the wound, the skin and flesh turned outward, and the red blood spilled out.


The unicorn red flame beast was in pain, and a roar sounded.


He stepped back again and again. Three meters away, the unicorn red flame beast lowered his head fiercely. The shocking wound between his waist and abdomen made his eyes shrink.


The next second, he roared and rushed at Qin Yao.


Qin Yao's eyes were cold, his right foot pushed on the ground, and his body was like a sharp arrow, which directly attacked the unicorn red flame beast.

In an instant, the two approaches.

Qin Yao stabbed the unicorn red flame beast head-on with his eight treasures silver dragon pattern gun and the momentum of thunder.

The sharp point of the gun flickered, and a shot seemed to break the sky.

However, the unicorn red flame beast did not care at all. His body was slightly on one side, and his footsteps kept on attacking Qin Yao.

Qin Yao's eyes narrowed.


The eight treasures silver dragon pattern spear in his hand was not reduced. Qin Yao stepped forward instinctively. With one shot, he directly broke the flesh and blood through the waist and abdomen of the unicorn red flame beast.


The unicorn red flame beast suffered from eating, and a roar sounded.

"Go to hell."

The next second, he let out a roar, and his right hand suddenly lifted up. Then, he slapped Qin Yao face-to-face.

Ignoring the ground troops' offensive, just for this palm.

Exchange injury for life.

The unicorn red flame beast dropped his palm, and on the palm, five sharp fingers appeared instantly, like five sharp blades.

Qin Yao's eyes narrowed and he was shocked.

At this moment, she did not understand the purpose of the unicorn red flame. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to leave.


The one horned red flame beast clapped his palm down from Qin Yao's chest. From top to bottom, five sharp fingers looked like magic weapons. They instantly broke Qin Yao's silver armor and left five ferocious claw marks on the armor chest.

When Juli came, Qin Yaojiao trembled.


Her body was like a broken kite. She flew backwards in an instant, holding the eight treasure Silver Dragon gun in her hand. With Qin Yao's body flying backwards, the eight treasure Silver Dragon gun was also pulled out of the unicorn.


A scarlet blood arrow spattered from the wound.

The unicorn red flame beast felt pain, and his body trembled slightly. At the same time, a trace of blood could no longer be suppressed at the corners of his mouth, overflowing.

The unicorn red flame beast had a ferocious smile on his face.


During the fight, Qin Rong, who was attracted by the "go to hell" roar of the unicorn red flame beast, could not help screaming when he saw Qin Yao being slapped by the unicorn red flame beast.

Other war department soldiers were also terrified.


Yebufan looked at the proud and abusive face of the unicorn red flame beast, and despised it. He didn't care about Qin Yao's' life and death '.


He attacked with a long gun and instantly killed a monster.

Then he shot the next monster.

At the moment, yebufan doesn't know how many monsters he killed. However, it doesn't matter. The continuous increase of blood essence in the jade of the ancient Qin emperor is enough to make yebufan crazy.

Kill! Kill! Kill!!

With great power impact, Qin Yao flew five meters upside down.


Five meters away, she stood on her toes, stepped back seven steps, and shook her long gun. Only then did she stabilize her figure.



The unicorn red flame beast suddenly gave a cry of surprise. He stared at Qin Yao, shocked, stunned and incredible.

You hit her with all your strength, but you didn't hurt her?

Not only the unicorn red flame beast, Qin Rong, but also the soldiers of the war department who happened to see this scene were stunned one by one.

"Ground soldier soft armour?"

Suddenly, the unicorn red flame beast sounded again.

His eyes widened. In his sight, Qin Yao's silver armor on his chest was broken, and four claw marks were clearly visible. However, through the four claw marks, it can be clearly seen that under Qin Yao's silver armor, a few strands of purple metal cold light can be clearly seen.

Purple soft nail?

It must be the ground soldier level that can resist the demon king's attack.


Qin Rong was stunned when he heard the words and saw what had happened.

Ground soldier soft armor?

No one knows better than Qin Rong that Qin Yao doesn't have any soft armour at all, and there is no ground soldier level.

However, facts speak louder than words.

At the moment, Qin Yao is wearing a purple soft armour, and it must be at the ground soldier level.

Qin Yao ignored the reaction of anyone on the battlefield. She looked down at the four claw marks on her chest and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Soon, a blush appeared on her cold cheeks.

Earth soldier, Xuantian purple soft armor?

This is from yebufan, and it was put on by yebufan himself. I thought of that day and that scene.


Qin Yao was coquettish and angry.


The next second, she looked at the unicorn red flame with her gun.

"You, who on earth are you?"

Feeling Qin Yao's cold eyes, the trembling voice of the unicorn red flame beast could not help but ring out.

Ground soldier spear, ground soldier soft armour.

Is this really just an ordinary general of the war department?

He didn't believe that he killed the unicorn red flame beast. He had fought with the Terran for countless times. He knew that it was very rare for the generals at the general level in the Terran War Department to have even one ground soldier. How could it be possible to have complete weapons and armor.


However, Qin Yao didn't talk nonsense with him. He shouted angrily and walked out quickly. He took his gun and killed the unicorn red flame beast opposite him again.

The unicorn red flame animal's eyes shrink.


In my mind, a voice sounded instantly.

This battle is doomed to defeat.

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