Ying duzui 2017/10/1214:43:31

Holy prison, killing God, the only two world treasures between heaven and earth.

Although Feng trace has seen relevant introductions about holy prison and killing gods in the ancient books of Tiangong, the descriptions of these two world treasures in the ancient books are very few, so Feng trace's understanding of them is limited, but it is undeniable that there are certain points:

First, the holy prison is cunning and kills gods.

Second, the treasures of the world can not recognize the Lord. At least Hongmeng level is not good. As for whether Hongmeng will be good or not, fengheng doesn't know, and is not sure.

Third, the holy prison has just awakened for less than a million years and is still in the process of self-healing.

Fourth, the holy prison has targeted the snow wolf demon king.

Fifthly, if you want to benefit from the treasures of the world, at most there is the origin of heaven and earth. No matter how many... The holy prison will certainly refuse, and it can't bear it.

Sixthly, the holy prison can spy on anyone's conversation except the messenger.

Therefore, after fengheng meets the little fairy, he has already made a decision for yebufan.

If you can get it, you can get it. But whether you can get it or not, the snow wolf demon king must give it to the holy prison, because this is a great opportunity for the snow wolf demon king.

And the wind trace is very clear. Now it is impossible to make the holy prison master. So there is another advantage to let the snow wolf demon king follow the holy prison. That is... If ye Bufan can break through Hongmeng and achieve supreme achievements one day, he may also have the opportunity to try to make the holy prison master, one of the treasures of the world.

If not, if we let the holy prison leave alone now, it is almost impossible for us to meet it again or find her with the holy prison's ability to shuttle through the world at will.

I don't even know where the holy prison is, let alone try to make it recognize the Lord.

So, from the moment I met the little fairy, Feng scar had already started to calculate her.

After being reminded by the wind trace, Hao Pang left the God devil cemetery as if he had beaten a chicken's blood.

Emperor Hongmeng

Just thinking about it, Hao Pang felt excited, excited and envious.

At the beginning, he was the first to obtain the inheritance of the heavenly palace, but now

People are more angry than wolves.

Tianwaitian, the sixth heaven.

Not long after yebufan entered the divine and demon cemetery, he reappeared in his original position.

Seeing yebufan reappear, the members of the two families were stunned. The demigods of the Tianmo clan looked at yebufan with alert eyes and asked:

"Where's Lord?"

"That's right. Where did you get the demon leader of our Tianmo clan?"

As soon as the voice of the two demigod demons fell, yebufan glanced at them and said, "your demon lord is dead."


When yebufan said this, the demons were all shocked, even the Terran side was no exception.

But some people are not included, such as Qian Duoduo, such as the snow wolf demon king.

In particular, the snow wolf demon king knew that ye Bufan could not let go of the devil Tianji. Now, the devil Tianji may have been absorbed by the God and devil cemetery. After all, all the vitality of a god serving God is far better than the martial arts in the divine realm for accelerating the cohesion of inheritance and crystallization, which can not be compensated by the number of demons.

As for whether it would be a pity for the Demon Lord in the realm of God to kill him like this, in the eyes of the snow wolf demon king, it is not a pity.

After all, there is a peerless inheritance in the heavenly palace. The snow wolf demon king believes that in a short time, there will be no shortage of gods in the seven kill hall, even the Xuan God and the earth God. In that case, what a pity to have only one God.


In a short moment, the demons and demigods all came to their senses, and then they were furious:

"How dare you kill the demon lord?"

"Damn it, the Terran's words are really untrustworthy. We have all surrendered, and you still don't let us go. In that case... It's all a death anyway. It's better to fight with you."

"Demons, give me... Kill!!"


In an instant, the demons were killing everywhere. However, most of them were more flustered and at a loss.


Seeing this scene, yebufan gave a cold hum.

The next second, his figure flashed and he came directly to the front of the army of heavenly demons. Then all the physical strength of the five gods burst out, and he directly punched out the semi divine realm heavenly demons who instigated the battle of heavenly demons.

Yebufan's fist was fast, fierce and fierce. Under the terrifying momentum, he did not give the demigod realm demon any chance to react, and he had already shot it down directly.


Under the powerful force bombardment, the demons in the demigod realm directly exploded into a blood fog, leaving no bones.

Not only that, after ye Bufan killed the demigod realm demons, he did not lose his power, and immediately swept over the other demigod realm demons around him.

"Bang bang!!"

In an instant, all the demons in the demigod realm flew upside down. They hit the army of demons behind them, making a large number of demons directly hit the ground.

Everything seems long, but not even a second.

Yebufan took back his right fist, stood up with his negative hand, directly faced the demon army in front of him, and said with disdain: "the Demon Lord is not the opponent of Ben Shao. Why should you resist?"

Yebufan's cold voice reverberated on the battlefield, making all the demons tremble, especially those in the demigod realm. Although they were angry, they were more unwilling and... Helpless.

Yes, the demon masters in the realm of God have been defeated. What can we do to resist?

Without waiting for the demons to think about it, yebufan said again: "from now on, all demons will withdraw to the eighth and Ninth Heaven. If they dare to set foot in the Terran area again, whoever they are, they will be killed directly."


When yebufan said this, the members of both races were shocked, especially the Terran side.

Even immediately there was a human demigod urgently dissuading him: "Your Highness, this matter... Absolutely not. Although the demon master is dead, these heavenly demons are still a potential threat. Releasing the tiger and returning to the mountain will inevitably bring endless disasters. Therefore... In my opinion, we should take this opportunity to wipe out the heavenly demons at one fell swoop and eliminate future disasters forever."


As soon as the voice of the demon in the demigod realm fell, the snow wolf demon king did not know when he had come to him. He directly kicked him with a wolf's hoof and said viciously: "you need to tell me what to do with the master's decision?"


The people in the demigod realm have a bitter face, but they dare not say anything more.

In front of yebufan, among the army of demons, the great Dharma protector of the devil heart has climbed up. Looking at yebufan, he is somewhat unconvinced: "are you really not going to kill us?"

"Half god, do you think it is necessary for ben to cheat you?"

Yebufan sneered, and then said, "but the death penalty is excusable, and the living crime is inevitable."

When yebufan said this, the big Dharma protector of the devil's heart could not help pumping at the corners of his mouth.

The same is true of other demons.

Death is excusable, but life is inevitable?

Nima, that's what you just said, but what happened? Isn't our demon lord dead?

Ignoring the thoughts of the demons, yebufan continued: "so from now on, as the defeated party, you Tianmo clan must turn in all the resources. Remember, it's all."


The demons were shocked again, and the great Dharma protector of the devil's heart said in a trembling voice: "what's the difference between you, you, doing this... And directly killing us? After all, once all our resources have been handed over, what will we eat? What will we use? What will we practice with?"

"Don't worry, from now on, you have become benshao's personal belongings, so... Benshao won't let you starve to death."

As yebufan said, the magic heart Dharma protector was stunned: "we... Became your personal belongings?"

"Why, do you have a problem?"

Yebufan glanced at him and asked coldly.

The great Dharma protector of the devil's heart trembled: "no, I don't dare. I, I don't mind."


Yebufan snorted coldly and said, "the winner is the prince and the loser is the Kou. Even if you have an opinion, it is invalid."

After a pause, yebufan continued: "Ben Shao announced that from now on, all the heavenly demons will be divided into several tribes based on the number of demigods of the heavenly demon family. Each tribe will be led by the demigod realm heavenly demons and supervised by the arrangers of Ben Shao."

"Remember, in addition to the resources that need to be handed in next, everything you have belongs to us, including your own life."

"Of course, I have just said that I will not starve you to death. Therefore, the person in charge of supervising you will distribute food and a small amount of cultivation resources to you every month. But one thing you should remember is that if the person in charge of supervising you suddenly dies, then... Whatever the reason, I will kill all members of your tribe. Remember, it is all, men and women, young and old."

Hearing this, the demons all trembled.

Yebufan continued: "in addition, every once in a while, Ben Shao will hold a martial arts competition among each tribe within your demon. The top 50 tribes can get corresponding resource rewards, even including Shenjing."

"As for the specific arrangements, just wait and see."

"In addition, since there are rewards, there will naturally be punishments. Therefore... All the demons of the whole tribe must be sent to serve in the God demon cemetery until their old age."

The last tribe, all the demons served in the God devil cemetery until their death?

Although they don't know what yebufan asked them to do in the God devil cemetery, the vast majority of demons are a little hard to accept just by dying. After all, it is not difficult to imagine that the days in the God and devil cemetery are clearly death in despair.

Who can accept such punishment?

Therefore, in the hearts of the demons, ye Bufan's rewards are attractive, but the punishment is even more frightening.

Unfortunately, the demons don't know that yebufan's so-called service is just a rhetoric. If they are sent to the God and demon cemetery, they don't need to serve at all, because they will be directly wiped out to accelerate the condensation of inheritance and crystallization.

Of course, ye Bufan would never tell the Tianmo family about this. After all, once the Tianmo family knew that they would be killed immediately after entering the Shenmo cemetery, it was difficult to ensure that they would rise up before entering the Shenmo cemetery.

Although yebufan is not afraid of the rebellion of the Tianmo clan, he also does not want the Tianmo clan to fight with death. After all, the dead Tianmo will become worthless.

After a pause, yebufan continued: "in addition, the Tianmo clan also needs to unconditionally cooperate with the seven kill hall, and even the whole Terran troop training."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that this is your only value now and the only reason why Ben Shao didn't directly erase you!!"

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