"The origin of heaven and earth? Master, I'm too cheap, isn't it?"

The snow wolf demon king did not expect that yebufan sold him just because of the origin of heaven and earth. In his opinion, he was worth at least 100 origins of heaven and earth, or even more.

"Baby wolf, shut up."

As soon as the voice of the snow wolf demon king fell, the little fairy angrily scolded, and then said to ye Bufan: "deal, but you have to give it to the wolf baby first, and then to the origin of heaven and earth, otherwise... No talk."

"Then don't talk about it. I won't sell the wolf."

Yebufan said directly.


"How can you do this?" said the little fairy

"How is Ben Shao?"

"If the fairy gave you the origin of heaven and earth, but you didn't give the wolf baby to the fairy, what would the fairy do?"

"If Ben Shao gives you the wolf king, but you don't give me the origin of heaven and earth, what should Ben Shao do?"

"It's impossible. The fairy always keeps her word and never deceives people."

"I don't have much to say, but I have my word."

"Why does this fairy believe you?"

"Everyone here can testify to Ben Shao, but you... How can you make Ben Shao believe that you can keep your word?"

"Hum, this fairy never disdains to lie."

"Hehe... The holy prison is cunning and murderous. Do you think... I should trust you?"

"Son of a bitch, did that old man tell you?"

"Does it matter who said that?"

"It's important. He is slandering the fairy again. The fairy will sue him for slander."

"Whatever you want to do, if you want to buy a wolf, you should give it to the origin of heaven and earth first, otherwise... Nothing will happen."


The little fairy was gnashing her teeth in an instant.


Then she snorted angrily and said, "do you want to cheat this fairy? No way. It's just a baby wolf. This fairy doesn't want it."

As soon as the little fairy's voice fell, the space crack in the air disappeared instantly.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned, as was yebufan.

Just go?

Yebufan doesn't believe it. In his opinion, it is likely that this is the little fairy's plan to retreat for advancement, in order to make her compromise.

But this is just a guess in yebufan's heart. He is not sure what the truth is.

But yebufan also has his own ideas.

If the little fairy had really gone, it would mean that everything could no longer be retrieved. No matter what he said, it would be in vain.

But if the little fairy doesn't go, it means that everything is as you think. The little fairy is retreating to advance, and she will join the army. In this case, if she compromises, it will be equal to the little fairy's way, and she will become very passive.

Therefore, no matter whether the little fairy is gone or not, in yebufan's opinion, she should not speak at this time and can only respond to changes with constancy.

Therefore, yebufan ignored the little fairy and turned to look at the Terran army behind him, saying: "the demon crisis has been lifted. Now, everyone is scattered, and everything is the same. In addition... All demigods please come to the temple."

After leaving a word, yebufan flew directly to the distant Terran temple.

All the Terran members present were stunned.

In the holy prison space, the little fairy looked at yebufan flying away in the light curtain. She clenched a pair of small powder fists and was gnashing her teeth in anger.


"How could he do this? How could he ignore this fairy?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah......"

"Damn bastards, (hooligans, hooligans), (death, change, state), this fairy won't just let it go. This fairy must get the baby wolf, and this fairy must get the baby wolf."

"Hum, since you don't give it to me, the fairy can only use her killer mace."

While talking, the little fairy looked at the snow wolf demon king in the light curtain.

Outside, the snow wolf demon king was suddenly smart. He always felt as if something bad was about to happen. But he looked around and saw nothing unusual.

"Master, wait for me..."

In an instant, the snow wolf demon king shouted, and then directly chased ye Bufan.

In the eyes of the snow wolf demon king, yebufan, as the third strong God worshiper in the Shenwu continent after ouyangxian and Mo Tianjin, only by staying with him can he ensure absolute safety.

"Hum, you're smart. It's a pity... You can't run away."

In the holy prison space, looking at the snow wolf demon king who fled, the little fairy said confidently.

At this moment, the Terran army is no longer staying. People under the divine realm begin to withdraw, or return to their original positions. As for those who practice in the semi divine realm, they go to the temple one after another.


Temple of God, Temple of the son.

In the hall, hundreds of demigods of the human race gathered together. They looked at yebufan sitting on the throne of the son in front of them. They were silent, and many of them were dignified and worried.

Now, with yebufan's promotion to serve the gods, and his killing of the demon lord devil Tianjin, who was also serving the gods, he has resolved the crisis of the human race. Under this situation, it is obvious that yebufan has enough capital and strength to replace the former ouyangxian and become the new leader of the temple.

As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier.

Those who have made friends with yebufan will inevitably be reused by yebufan. But what about those who have had a bad relationship with yebufan, and even contradictory people and families?

Will yebufan settle accounts with them after autumn?

It is precisely because of this kind of psychology that many demigods present are uneasy and uneasy.

Especially Linghu snow.

As the goddess of the temple, she is not very familiar with yebufan, and even they have not met more than three times, but this is not the point. The point is... She once plotted against yebufan.

Of course, it's a conspiracy. In fact, it's not a conspiracy. After all, Linghu Xue didn't harm yebufan herself. She just wanted yebufan to improve her accomplishments as soon as possible and replace herself as ouyangxian's goal.

But anyway, it was Linghu Xue's concealment that almost led yebufan to be robbed by ouyangxian and lose his life.

So now, facing ye Bufan, Linghu Xue is full of fear.

Without waiting for Linghu Xue and the demigods present to think about it, yebufan looked at them and said, "today I would like to gather you here. I just want to tell you that from now on, the seven kill temple in Shenwu mainland has officially settled in Tianwaitian, and the seven kill temple has replaced the temple. Since then, the Terran has only the seven kill temple, and there is no more temple."

Just this?

When yebufan said this, most of the human demigods were stunned.

They have heard about the seven kill hall and are not strangers.

In their understanding, Qian Duoduo, long Xiaobao, and ye Bufan all came from the seven kill hall in the Shenwu mainland. It can be said that the overall strength of the seven kill hall is completely superior to any family or force in Tianwaitian.

In this case, the seven kill hall replaced the temple and became the supreme of the human race, controlling the whole human race and even the whole Tianwaitian. Naturally, they have no opinions and dare not have any opinions. After all, this is a world where the strong respect the world.

Even, in their view, it is reasonable for the seven kill temple to replace the temple.

Without waiting for the demigods to think about it, yebufan said again: "in addition, from now on, all the families in Tianwaitian must hand over their control over the main cities of the Terran. The leaders of all the cities will be members of my seven kill hall. In addition, the families in all the cities have to help. I don't know. Do you have any opinions?"


Hearing this, the demigods were stunned and hesitated.

Hand over the control of the major cities and let the seven kill hall run it. Do they still need help?

It can be said that this is a thankless thing. The most important thing is... These cities were originally under their control, but now they were "robbed" by the seven kill hall. To be honest, no family here can accept this.

But what if you don't accept it?

Just like the Tianmo clan just now, facing ye Bufan in the realm of serving God, these demigods of the human race have no choice at all.

Yebufan was naturally clear about the ideas in the minds of these demigods. Although he was not afraid of these people's resistance, he still said: "of course, what he wanted was only the control of the major cities, in order to better and more unified manage the whole human race. In addition... Everything else remained the same. The industries that originally belonged to you still belonged to you. I will never seize the seven kill hall."

"Not only that, as long as you can assist the seven kill hall in managing the whole Terran and make great contributions to the construction of the Terran in the future, I have additional rewards for the seven kill hall."

"Among these rewards, in addition to the divine crystal, there are also the cultivation methods, magical powers, secret arts and various divine weapons of the martial artists in the divine realm."


When yebufan said this, everyone in the audience took a breath.

Even the divine crystal, they didn't expect that the seven kill hall still had the cultivation methods, magic powers, secret arts and various divine soldiers of the divine realm.

Most importantly, the seven kill temple was willing to "share" these.

You know, every one of these things is a rare treasure.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the cultivation method of those in the divine realm is good.

Why are there so many martial arts masters at the peak of the demigod in the outer heaven and the inner heaven, but there are almost no gods?

That's because... There is no special divine realm method in Tianwaitian. All the top martial artists in the semi divine realm need to rely on their own accumulation and heritage to make a breakthrough and explore a breakthrough. In this way, it will naturally increase the difficulty for the semi divine to transform into an ordinary God.

But if they have the cultivation method of the divine realm for their reference, their chances of breaking through the demigod and serving the God will definitely increase.

At this point, all the demigods present looked at yebufan with a warm look in their eyes. It can be said that they simply could not refuse the things yebufan said.

Of course, for ye Bufan, these are nothing.

Now, he has advanced to serve the gods, and can open the first seal of the internal Treasury. At that time... There is no shortage of these things in the seven kill hall.

In that case, why not take a part to improve the strength of the whole Terran.

Feeling the fiery eyes of the demigods in front of him, yebufan smiled: "in addition, all the meritorious deeds obtained in the previous eighth heavy heaven war can be exchanged into divine crystals in the seven kill hall later."

"I wonder... Do you have any comments on these arrangements?"

"No, no, we have no opinion. It's all up to Ye Shao."

Yebufan's words fell, and the demigods immediately said again and again.


Stupid X has an opinion.

First of all, they are not qualified to refuse. They will not refuse the rewards promised by chongye Bufan.

"Ha ha."

Facing the response of the demigods, yebufan smiled and then said: "in that case, please go back for a while and wait for my seven kill hall to inform you later."

"Yes, yes, I'll leave."

The demigods left without saying a word.

But at this time, yebufan looked at the back of the demigods and suddenly said: "Your Highness, let's... Talk?"

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