"Panda, you are right to think so. Although you are only an instrument spirit, you should also be an ideal instrument spirit, instead of acting like monkeys who do evil all day, sitting on food and waiting to die..."

"Well, well, the palace leader is right. From now on, I will be an ideal spirit." The giant panda in neifu nodded repeatedly.

After ye Bufan's "wake-up call", neifu giant pandas feel that they have found a life-long goal to strive for, that is, learning, making money and marrying a daughter-in-law.

However, looking at the combative look of the giant panda in neifu, yebufan is a little guilty. After all, his words have a lot of deception.

But yebufan doesn't care too much about this, nor will he truthfully tell the neifu giant panda all this. After all, he still needs the neifu giant panda to supervise the other 11 spirits.

It can be said that this is good for yebufan, Qisha hall and neifu giant panda.

As for whether the giant panda in neifu can finally marry a daughter-in-law, this is not what yebufan can guarantee.

No longer bothering about this issue, yebufan looked directly at the giant panda in neifu and said, "well, now I'm going to start the prohibition on the first floor of neifu. Where is the core of the prohibition?"

Hearing this, the giant panda in neifu immediately recovered. Looking at yebufan, he said with full fighting spirit: "please follow me, palace master."

Later, neifu giant panda took yebufan all the way to the first floor of neifu.

Walking along the seven or eight meter corridor, looking at the shelves made of white jade on both sides, or looking at the exquisite objects on the shelves, yebufan could not help sighing in his heart that there were too many good things in it, enough to dazzle anyone.

Let's just say that the number of holy soldiers here is good.

There are 50million Saint level armours and 50million Saint level weapons.

These alone are enough for yebufan to equip a holy army of 50million people.

What does such an army mean?

In the realm of God, such a large army can sweep away at will.

What's more, besides holy soldiers, there are nearly a million fake magic soldiers here, including battle armor and soldiers. These fake magic soldiers are different from those worn by longxiaobao and others. These magic soldiers are not sealed. Therefore, these nearly a million fake magic soldiers can play their full power.

If the Terran had these fake magic soldiers in the previous war with the Tianmo clan, even without ye Bufan, the God of service, the Terran could kill the whole Tianmo clan with the power of blowing dry and decaying. Even the devil Tianzhu in the God realm could only be beaten to death.

This is the power of nearly a million fake magic soldiers.

Not to mention serving the gods, even the Xuan gods will also be threatened.

As ye Bufan went deeper and deeper into the first floor of the inner mansion, he saw more and more items, including holy soldiers, divine soldiers, elixirs, divine medicines, and even saw the strange fire of heaven and earth.

An hour later, led by the giant panda in neifu, yebufan came to the deepest part of the first floor of neifu. At first glance, there was a wall carved with nine color dragon. The Dragon hovered and lived in the center. Although it was only a wall, although it was only a carving, the Dragon gave people a vivid feeling that it could rush in at any time.

Not only that, there is a golden bead in the mouth of the dragon. The bead is golden and translucent, and a layer of nine color magic light shines on it.

On the left and right sides of the wall are stairs leading to the second floor of the inner mansion.

"Palace leader, this bead is the forbidden core on the first floor of the inner mansion."

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, the giant panda in neifu pointed to the golden beads in the air of the nine color dragon and said.

Looking at the golden beads in the mouth of the nine color dragon, yebufan was stunned and said, "this thing is the prohibition core on the first floor?"


The giant panda in neifu answered.

Yebufan: "what should I do to break the first ban?"

Neifu Giant Panda: "the palace leader only needs to send a magical power to Jinzhu, and the first level of prohibition will be automatically eliminated."

"That's it?"

Yebufan was stunned.


The giant panda in neifu responded and said: "however, it is because the palace master has been inherited by Tao without limit, which means that he has been recognized by the treasure house in neifu in a disguised form. Therefore, as long as the palace master relies on the divine power above the peak of the demigod, he can directly lift the ban on the first floor, but it would be different if he were someone else."

"If other people were different, how could they be different?"

"If it wasn't the palace leader himself, whoever input the divine power into the forbidden core will trigger the killing array in the inner house treasure house, which was personally arranged by Dao Wuli. At that time... There is no doubt that Hongmeng will die. Even the great emperor of Hongmeng will be seriously injured by the killing array and directly driven out of the inner house treasure house."


When the giant panda in neifu said something, yebufan couldn't help taking a breath.

There is also a killing array in the treasure house of the inner mansion, which was set up by Dao limitless himself?

Under Hongmeng, once you touch it, you will surely die? Even the great emperor Hongmeng will be severely damaged and directly expelled from the inner treasury?

Yebufan really didn't expect that such a terrible killing array was hidden in the calm inner mansion treasure house.

Thinking about it, yebufan looked at the giant panda in neifu, and confirmed: "are you sure that it will be ok if you don't send magic power to the forbidden core? You won't be killed by the second attack by activating the kill array directly?"


The giant panda in neifu determined: "as the inheritor of Tao, the palace leader has been recognized by the whole heavenly palace, so the killing array is invalid for the palace leader."

"Are you really sure?"

"I'm really sure."

"All right."

Yebufan answered and walked directly to the wall. Then he looked at the golden beads in the mouth of the nine color dragon. He raised his right hand and hesitated for a while. After that, a magical force was directly input into it.


As soon as yebufan's magic power entered the golden bead, the nine color light outside the golden bead suddenly vibrated, and the shining yebufan couldn't even open his eyes.

The sudden accident, without the slightest hesitation, yebufan immediately flashed back.


The next second, the golden bead in the mouth of the nine color dragon was directly broken.

"Horizontal groove!!"

Seeing this scene, ye Bufan was shocked.

But at this time, with the explosion of the golden beads, the nine color light curtains on the white jade shelves on both sides of the aisle on the first floor of the inner mansion also scattered in an instant.

The first floor of the whole inner mansion was swept by a cold wind from the inside out. It was only a moment, or even a breath, and the purple light curtain on all the shelves had disappeared.


Seeing this scene, yebufan was stunned: "has the prohibition been lifted?"


The giant panda in neifu responded and said, "now, the first layer of items in neifu can be taken by the palace master at will."

Free access.

The simple words of neifu giant panda made yebufan feel excited and excited.

Although yebufan's vision has exceeded that of other people in the Shenwu mainland because of the heavenly palace, he has not left the Shenwu mainland after all. Now that he is sitting on the Baoshan mountain, how can he not be excited.

You know, even if the resources and wealth of the entire Shenwu continent are integrated, it is not as good as one ten thousandth, or even one onehundredth, of the collection in the imperial treasury.

Neifu treasure house, this is a real treasure house.

Without the slightest hesitation, yebufan came directly to a white jade shelf beside him. There were bottles of pills on it, and it had been noted on the shelf that the whole shelf was a pill called Tianshen pill.

What is Tianshen pill?

However, if a martial artist of the Heavenly God level takes the Heavenly God pill, he can directly improve his cultivation of yichongtian. However, each martial artist can only take three pills. After three pills, the fourth pill will be invalid.

Even so, the God pill has gone against the sky.

The level of the Heavenly God can directly improve the cultivation of a heavy heaven. What about the earth God, the Xuan God, or the serving God?

Well, it has been noted above that if a warrior below the Heavenly God takes it, he will directly explode and die because he can't bear the power of the Heavenly God pill.

Therefore, if you want to use the heaven God pill, you must reach the heaven God level, otherwise it is no different from looking for me.

But this restriction does not exist at all for ye Bufan.

Tianshen pill?

Too strong?

With the swallow heaven seal and the Hongmeng seal, yebufan doesn't worry about the strength of the medicine at all. Instead... He only worries about the weakness of the Tianshen pill.

At this point, yebufan immediately took one of the bottles of Tianshen pill, then opened the bottle and poured out a green pill the size of a thumb nail on the palm of the other hand.

Immediately, a touch of attractive drug fragrance came directly to yebufan's nostrils, which made yebufan's spirit unbearable.

Tianshen pill.

God can improve the cultivation of yichongtian after taking it. What about himself?

Yebufan really can't imagine. Maybe... This heaven pill can make his body reach the level of Xuan God or even earth God.

However, without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, the green color on the Tianshen pill in his palm suddenly faded and dissipated, just a breath. The original green Tianshen pill directly turned gray white, and then directly turned into a pool of powder.


Seeing this scene, yebufan was stupid.

What happened?

Why did the heaven pill become a pool of powder??

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