When the wind blows, the flames of war die out.

After the battle, the fire subsided. In front of us, on the battlefield, there were pieces of scorched earth and wisps of smoke. At a glance, the members of the demon clan were covered with corpses. On the corpses, there were dark iron guns, which looked like hedgehogs, ferocious; Even, most of the demon clan's corpses have been burned by the former martyrs beyond recognition.

Bloody, ferocious, even more desolate.

Blood filled the air.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dead silence.

All the Terran members stood in place, staring at the scene in front of them. Even some recruits could not help feeling sick.

In the first World War, 363 recruits, 87 veterans, 1466 minor injuries and 63 serious injuries were killed.

Totally annihilate 3000 troops of demon clan.

Big win!!

Such a result was unexpected.

Not only did the remaining twothousand recruits in the wilderness city not think of it, but also the more than 400 veterans left in the war department.

You know, the personnel of the two sides are almost the same, and their strength is equal. Moreover, more than 2000 people on the Terran side have only set foot on the battlefield for the first time. They have never experienced such a scene of fighting and fighting between the two armies. It can be said that the Terran side has little chance of winning.

But what happened?

If the Terran wins, it's still a big victory.

At this moment, everyone knows that all this is because of one person. Although everyone has made great contributions, without him, perhaps the Terran side will be completely destroyed. Even if it wins, it will win miserably in the end, with countless deaths and injuries.

He, in the end of the world, is a young man.

On the battlefield, all eyes are on it.

Yebufan stood proudly, his cold eyes glanced at the bloody battlefield. Suddenly, he shouted: "everyone, clean the battlefield."

The thunder resounded through the world.


Twothousand remaining recruits in the wasteland City shouted in unison.

After this battle, ye Bufan's prestige in their hearts has risen to an unprecedented level. If in the past they obeyed yebufan because everyone in Tianhuang City thanked the Ye family, now they really believe in the Ye family.

Without him, they were afraid that they would have lost their bones in the wilderness.

Not only the recruits of tianhuangcheng, but also the veterans of LianZhan department were fully convinced of yebufan. This battle made them feel full of joy.

All the people stepped out and were just about to clean the battlefield, but yebufan raised his eyebrows and shouted again: "all demon families, skinning, cramping, meat cutting and bone removal!!"

Suddenly, there was a dead silence.

Everyone's body and even soul trembled for it when they walked, and their trembling eyes looked at yebufan one after another, looking strange.

Skinning? Cramps? Cut meat? Eviscerate?

Is this a torture?

Beside yebufan, Qin Rong was also a little stunned. He looked at yebufan, hesitated, and said: "yeshao, I'm afraid it's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Yebufan glanced at Qin Rong and said.


Qin Rong hesitated slightly and said, "if we use this method to deal with the corpses of the demon clan members, the demon clan will certainly retaliate. In the future, I'm afraid... They will also treat our human soldiers in this way."


Hearing the speech, yebufan immediately snorted coldly: "this is a battlefield. Both sides will not die. If we don't do this, the demon clan won't? Are you afraid of his revenge?"

Qin Rong was speechless.

Yebufan also frowned, and his tone eased a little. He said, "as you said, how do the war departments deal with these bodies all the time? Do you want to ignore them?"

Qin Rong recalled and immediately said, "of course not.

"How is that?"

"All battalions of the war department are equipped with Quartermaster's offices. In every battle, we will take the corpses of these demons or barbarians back to the war department and hand them over to the Quartermaster's office, which will be responsible for handling them. Of course, the demons or barbarians at all levels can also get a corresponding monetary reward. Instead of abusing the corpses like Ye Shao, it will only stimulate the demons and barbarians, which is meaningless."


Yebufan raised his eyebrows at the words.

Soon, he was relieved again. After fighting with demons and barbarians for so many years, the War Department naturally had perfect handling methods.

However, what Qin Rong said made yebufan feel funny.

To Quartermaster?

Although yebufan doesn't know what kind of existence the Quartermaster's office is, there is no doubt that these monsters or barbarians can't escape the fate of being dismembered in the end, and their flesh, bones, muscles and fur will make full use of.

What's the difference between this and body abuse? It was even worse than abusing corpses, but a demon clan could see it, and a demon clan could not see it.

Of course, ye Bufan didn't care about them at all, and he didn't want to abuse the corpse. Picking skin, extracting scriptures, cutting meat and removing bones are just to clean up the valuable parts of the demon clan.

Now, since there is a quartermaster's office in the War Department, he can sell the bodies of these demon families directly to the Quartermaster's office.

Convenient and labor-saving.

Immediately, yebufan looked at Qin Rong and said with a smile, "Captain Qin, you are worried too much. You are not interested in abusing corpses. The reason why you want to skin and cramp these demon families is just to sell their valuable parts. After all, this time we sacrificed so many brothers and sisters. Although the War Department will have a pension, how much can it have?"

"They may have wives, children and parents to support. Although there may not be too much money to sell these demon clan corpses, it is also the intention of our living brothers and sisters. The dead are gone. That's all we can do."

"Since the War Department has a quartermaster's office, it's just right to sell all these demon clan bodies to them."


Hearing this, Qin Rong was stunned.

The same is true of others.

Yebufan ignored it, but continued: "in that case, everyone now starts to take action to collect all the demon clan corpses. Remember, don't drop even a hair or a piece of meat. This is the booty of war and the pension of sacrificing brothers and sisters!!"


Hearing the speech, everyone woke up instantly.


Then the crowd shouted in unison, and there was a trace of gratitude in their voices. Today they treat their sacrificed brothers like this, and other brothers will certainly be able to treat them like this in the future.

So, on the battlefield, life and death do not worry.

They have no worries about the future.

Seeing everyone busy, yebufan looked at the people of the Ye family: "Ye Fu and ye Shuang, help the young master collect all the iron guns. Ye Wang, you are responsible for loading all the demon clan bodies into this Xumi ring."

With these words, yebufan directly threw a Xumi ring to Ye Wang. At this time, Linglong Pavilion used the Xumi ring to hold 100000 fire oil. Now all the fire oil has been put into the artifact space for yebufan. The space for Xumi ring is large enough to hold 3000 demon clan corpses.

Qin Rong was stunned.

One xumijie holds 3000 demon clan corpses?

There must be a lot of room for caution.

Qin Rong became more and more curious about the yebufan in front of him. A young man from the frontier and wasteland, with 100000 iron guns and countless fire oils, even though there was such a large space of xumijie.

Moreover, it is no secret that the ground soldier spear in Qin Yao's hand was originally sent by Ye Bufan. In addition, Qin Yao had no ground soldier soft armour, but now he has it. There is no doubt that it must also be sent by the boy in front of him.

Hundreds of thousands of iron guns, countless fire oils, xumijie in large space, ground soldiers' long guns, ground soldiers' soft armour

Qin Rong was shocked by these items, but he didn't ask much. After all, everyone has his own secrets.


Ye Wang took xumijie, answered, and began to act. So did others. On the battlefield, he became busy again.

The battle is over, and it is still a time of harvest. It should have been a time of joy. However, the sacrifice of more than 400 recruits and veterans made no one happy. Everyone's heart was extremely heavy. Especially for all recruits, this was their first time to enter the battlefield and fight. It was also the first time to face life and death separation, which naturally made them more uncomfortable.

And this is just the beginning.

In the future, they will surely have more battles, more casualties, and more people will leave forever.

This is the battlefield.

Bloody and ruthless, life and death are changeable.

To survive, you must be strong.

Moments later, after the battlefield was cleaned, all the demon clan corpses were collected into xumijie, and Ye Wang also handed xumijie to yebufan.

On the battlefield, the troops regrouped.

Twothousand recruits from the wasteland city lined up and gathered at the moment. More than twohundredandthreehundred people had left the wasteland City, but they had already sacrificed more than threehundred people before they entered the war headquarters. This made everyone look nervous and sad. Even many young men and girls were still crying at the corners of their eyes.

They experienced the cruelty of the battlefield for the first time.

Here, life and death are changeable.

Veterans of the War Department stopped to look at the recruits and yebufan. They looked a little complicated and curious. They didn't know what yebufan was going to do.

There was a dead silence.

A moment later, yebufan looked at the twothousand recruits of the wasteland city in front of him and slowly said, "today is your first time to set foot on the battlefield and face the battle. Facing life and death, you are not allowed to be nervous, afraid or even sad."


As soon as the conversation turned, yebufan's tone sank: "just this time, now, immediately, immediately, put away your tears, your sadness, and your so-called fear. These are meaningless on the battlefield."

"The demon clan will not be merciful because of your cowardice. The beast will not let you go because of your tears."

"When the two armies fight, they will never die."

"The weak weep in cowardice, while the strong shed blood."

"I am afraid of life and death."

Suddenly, the twothousand recruits in Tianhuang City trembled. They raised their heads and looked at yebufan with a slight change in their eyes.

Yebufan continued to open his mouth and said sternly, "today, I am the same as the war department. How many people will there be when I leave?"

"I can't guarantee that every one of you will be safe and sound. However, if you die in the war when you go out of the wasteland city together, I can guarantee that your family will have no worries about food and clothing and will be rich all their lives. You wait..."

Suddenly, yebufan stood up like a sharp sword, facing the twothousand days of famine with a solemn look, and said: "may I accompany Ben Shao in this fierce battle on the demon barbarian battlefield, making contributions, establishing a career, beheading demons and slaughtering barbarians, not seeking fame, but seeking no regrets!!"

The thunder sounded everywhere.

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