"Sorry, we have something else to do. Let's go first."

This is so special. It is obviously a pit. If you don't go, you won't be able to go.

Ji Chongxuan was like this, and yebufan couldn't help drawing a corner of his mouth.

Just now, he always felt that the eight words on the outside door were wrong, or awkward, but yebufan didn't think about what was wrong.

However, after seeing the ten jin Xuanshen level star beast in front of him at the moment, yebufan suddenly realized that he finally knew what was wrong.

Free tasting until finished.

But what if you can't finish it?

The meaning of these eight words obviously has the following meaning.

One person weighs ten jin of Xuanshen level star beast meat, and normal attendants can't finish it. Combined with the eight words at the door, it is obviously a pit.

Sure enough, Qian pangzi's wisdom is right at all.

The sky will not fall into pie, but into trap.

Every activity must be a pit.

Yebufan wants to understand, but other star pirates are ignorant. Even the lion tiger is no exception. They don't understand why Ji Chongxuan suddenly has such a big reaction and why he suddenly says he wants to leave.

Without waiting for the lion tiger to think more, the alien waiter looked at Ji Chongxuan and said with a smile, "since we opened the door to do business, the young master wants to leave. Naturally, there is no problem, but... Please settle the account before leaving."

Check out?

Ji Chongxuan's mouth twitched.

However, the lion tiger looked at the alien waiter and said, "waiter, what do you mean? Aren't you white cut star beasts free? Since they are free, what accounts do we have to settle?"


The alien waiter sneered and said, "the white cut star beast in our family today is indeed free, but not everyone can eat it for free. If you want to be free, you must meet the conditions for free."


The lion tiger was shocked. He suddenly got up and stared at the alien waiter: "since there are conditions, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Say? The door has been clearly written. Do you still need me to say more?" The alien waiter has a funny face.

Lion tiger: "the door has been clearly written? Is it... Free taste, until you finish eating? But... What does this mean?"

"Eight words? My friend, do you have a bad eye? That's sixteen words. How come there are only eight words left in your eyes?"


The lion tiger was stunned and looked at the other star pirates.

"No, there are eight."

"Brother Hu, what I see is also free to taste. These eight words are until I finish eating."

"Demon clan boy, don't pull the calf here. It's obviously eight words."


In an instant, the star pirates under Ji Chongxuan said angrily.

"Ha ha."

The alien waiter smiled calmly: "if you didn't see it clearly just now, you can go to see it again to see whether it is the eight words you said or the sixteen words I said."


The lion and tiger snorted angrily and said, "just look, Shiqiong, you go."

"Yes, brother Hu."

In an instant, an alien pirate answered and immediately ran out.

The alien waiter didn't stop him. He just looked at yebufan and his party with a smile.

A moment later, the alien pirate ran back, but his face was ugly.

Seeing his expression, the lion and the tiger were stunned, but they couldn't help but ask, "how about eight or sixteen?"

"Tiger, brother tiger, yes, it's sixteen words." The alien pirate looked very ugly.


For a moment, everyone was shocked.

The lion tiger gritted his teeth and said, "what did you write?"

"This, this, this..."

The alien pirates hesitated.


The lion tiger shouted.


The alien pirate trembled and said, "tiger, brother tiger, it says... Free taste. Start with ten kilograms. Until you eat it, there is... A thousand... A thousand times left."


When the alien pirates said this, all the star pirates under Ji Chongxuan were shocked, and even the lion and tiger stared.

At this time, the alien waiter smiled and said, "I said it was sixteen words, but you have to say it was eight words. Do you believe it now?"

After a pause, the alien waiter continued: "besides, the rules of our family have always been the same. Who doesn't know that in the whole blood stripe City, the Xuan God level star beast meat can be tasted for free in the shizhixuan. It starts at 10 Jin and doesn't cost money after eating, but if it hasn't been eaten, it needs to be paid a thousand times the original price."

"Now the young master wants to leave before he has finished eating, so he can only bother you to settle the account at a thousand times the original price. If not, you won't be able to leave our shizhixuan today."


At this moment, Ji Chongxuan's star pirates, no matter how stupid they are, have clearly realized that they have been trapped.

Enjoy it for free and start with ten jin.

When you finish eating, there are a thousand times left.

This NIMA... Ten Jin Xuan God level star beast, and it is still ten jin per person. How can they eat it with their only God serving environment.

What if I can't eat?

A thousand times the original price.

A thousand times

There are almost three stars and beasts of Xuanshen and chongtian. According to the God crystal of 20million each, those three are 60million.

Sixtymillion, a thousand times more?

That's 60 billion.

What is the concept of 60 billion divine crystal?

Even if they sold all of them, they couldn't take out so many divine crystals.

This is clearly a black shop.

They are not only buying and selling, but also extorting.

This is so special

My group of people are the Pirates of the star sky, and they are engaged in the business of robbing families and houses in the star sky. Now it's good that zichenxing was robbed by a black shop when he first came here. Can you bear it?


In an instant, the menace of the land of lions and tigers erupted directly, fell on the alien waiter, glared at him, and said in a cold voice: "what if we don't give it?"

"Ha ha."

The waiter of the alien shop smiled and said, "so, are you going to eat the overlord meal?"


The calm response of the alien waiter made the lion tiger frown.

The authority of our own divine realm can't play any role on the other side. Doesn't that mean... This alien waiter is also a God?


Without waiting for the lion and the tiger to think about it, the smell of the alien waiter's Divine Land suddenly burst out. Then he shouted: "brothers, these boys want to eat a bully meal. What do you say


As soon as the voice of the alien second language fell, all the people in the lobby except yebufan and his party stood up. Their powerful breath surged out one after another. At the same time, they all shouted loudly: "kill!!"

In a sudden scene, the star pirates under Ji Chongxuan's command were shocked, shocked and angry

Especially, the so-called diners here are clearly with this alien waiter.

This is not only a pit, but also a game.

Needless to say, the blood elves who brought them here were also with them.

For a moment, the faces of the lions and tigers were extremely gloomy. In the lobby, the two sides were even more tense and ready to start at any time.

But at this time, Ji Chongxuan, who did not know when he had already sat back in his original position, held the white fox, looked at the alien waiter, and said with a smile: "so it seems that you are going to eat us?"

"What do you say?"

The alien waiter looked at Ji Chongxuan, smiled and said, "if you want to blame me, I'll blame you for your stupidity. I can't blame anyone else."

"Ha ha..."

Ji Chongxuan sneered, then disdained: "the demon clan and a group of waste people who don't know how to live or die, are you not afraid that your appetite is too big and you will die?"

"You don't have to worry about it. You will soon know whether to eat or not. Although there is no use of force in the blood stripe City, someone can take care of you."

"Da Da..."

As soon as the tone of the alien second language fell, a burst of dense footsteps came from outside the restaurant.

Later, an alien with a group of guards in black armor ran in, and the alien directly pointed to Ji Chongxuan and his party, saying: "Sir, it's the overlord meal they ate in our house.

what the fuck!!

Once the alien said this, the lion and tiger and other star pirates almost couldn't resist swearing.

As star pirates, they have seen shameless, but never so shameless.

We have a bully meal?

It's clear that you open a black shop to extort money.

Ji Chongxuan also frowned.

Obviously, these people in the restaurant intend to use the guard army of the Xingzhu mansion to deal with their own people.

Without waiting for Ji Chongxuan to think more, the guard army had come to them. A mysterious God headed by Ji Chongxuan glanced at the pirates in the starry sky, then looked at the alien waiter and said with a little dissatisfaction: "monkey three, don't go too far. You really think I can't cure you?"


When the captain of the guard army said this, the lion tiger and other star pirates were stunned. Even Ji Chongxuan couldn't help looking at each other.

Looking at the reaction of the other party, he and the group in the restaurant are not only not a group, but also... It seems that he is dissatisfied with them?

Without waiting for Ji Chongxuan and others to think about it, the alien waiter looked at him and said with a smile: "Captain Iron Eagle, what you said, I'm an honest business. Where did I go too far? Is it good for them to eat overlord food here? You have to decide for us."


The captain of the guard army snorted coldly and said, "be honest? You know what you are doing."

"Hehe, we don't have to worry about what we have done. Anyway, when we open the door of shizhixuan to do business, we always have a clear price. Now they have eaten 63.8 billion divine crystals and don't want to give money. As the captain of the guard army in this area, you can do it. It's really not good... Then I can only report to the star master's mansion."

The alien waiter said with a rogue face.


The captain of the guard army was in a hurry, but he said helplessly, "let them leave their belongings, but people... Must let them go."

"That's no good. 63.8 billion yuan is as much as it should be. If you don't have money, take your life. It happens that the blood striped insects in my territory haven't eaten for a long time. You can use them to satisfy your hunger."


As soon as the alien waiter said this, the guard army was in a bad mood.

They knew exactly what the alien waiter did, but it happened that everything the other guy did was within the rules of blood stripe City, which made people helpless.

The guard army is like this, but the star pirates are angry.

63.8 billion?

Take your life without money?

They didn't expect that the alien waiter would feed them to the blood worm.

This is simply outrageous.

They are the Pirates of the starry sky. At the moment, they can't bear it.

Unfortunately, before they could take action, Ji Chongxuan took the lead and said faintly, "you two, it's all because of us. Now you don't even ask us, is this... Not very good?"


As soon as Ji Chongxuan said this, both the alien waiter and the captain of the guard army could not help looking at him.

The same is true of the other aliens present.

The next second, the alien waiter sneered: "ask you? Ask you what to do? I have already said that none of you will leave today."

"Ha ha."

Ji Chongxuan smiled: "I just want to ask if... As long as we eat all these star beasts, we really don't have to pay for them?"


The alien waiter was stunned, and then said with a smile: "of course, when we open the door of shizhixuan to do business, we always have a clear price. As long as you eat, we will not charge you a divine crystal. All of them are free."

"Just finish it?"

"Just finish."

"Anyone can eat it?"

"Of course, but... It's only for you people."

"What if you don't have enough to eat?"

"If you don't have enough to eat..."

The alien waiter was stunned and said, "what do you mean?"

Ji Chongxuan: "I mean... If it's not enough, then... What should I do?"

"Not enough?"

The alien waiter laughed and said, "as long as you can eat, we will manage enough!!"

"What if you can't get more starbeasts for us to eat?"

"No way."

"I said just in case."

"Hum, if we don't have shizhixuan, we'll go out and buy it for you."

"What if it's not enough?"

"Are you finished?"

The alien waiter is furious.

Ji Chongxuan said lightly, "I'm just curious. If I can't finish eating, I have to pay a thousand times the original price. If I don't eat enough, should you also pay some price? If not, isn't it too unfair?"


Facing Ji Chongxuan's nonsense, the alien waiter became angry.

Originally, the angry lion tiger could not help looking at ye Bufan who had been sitting in his original position.

At the moment, yebufan was staring at the white cut star beast on the table in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the lion and the tiger smiled, and the original anger vanished without a trace.

Others don't know what Ji Chongxuan wants to do, but the lion tiger knows very well.

If they had met such a situation before ye Bufan, they would have no way at all, but now... It's just eating. With xiaofanzi, who is afraid of who, how much he can eat, and... Xiaofanzi can definitely eat you to waste your money and doubt your life.

Aren't you going to fuck us?

Then we'll return the courtesy to you once. I just don't know whether you can carry it or not.

The lion tiger thought in his heart, but Ji Chongxuan stroked the white fox in his arms, and said impatiently, "don't you, you and me, just say, if you don't have enough star beasts in your shop, what should you do?"


The alien waiter snorted coldly and said, "do you think this will scare me and let me let you go?"

"Tell you, you dream."

"Isn't it the star beast? I still say that as long as you can eat, I'll give it to you for free. If you finish eating the star beast in the shizhixuan, I'll buy it for you."

"In a word, I'll give you as much as you eat. If you can't afford it, we'll let you do whatever you want. If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want."

"However, if you can't even eat the three star beasts here, you can only pay a thousand times the original price. If you have no money, you can take your life."

"Very good."

Ji Chongxuan answered, then looked at the captain of the guard army and said, "did you hear what he said?"

Although the captain of the guard army didn't know what Ji Chongxuan wanted to do, he nodded.

Ji Chongxuan; "In that case, please make a witness. If they repent, have you suppressed them all?"

"No problem. I can ask the surrounding guards to reinforce me, but... It's better to make a written note first." Guard the army lane.

"Then make a note."

While talking, Ji Chongxuan looked at the alien waiter and said, "do you dare?"


The alien waiter snorted coldly and said, "if there's anything you dare not do, it's just to set up a written document. If you do, you'll be afraid."

"Somebody, get a pen and paper."

A moment later, Ji Chongxuan and the alien waiter set up a note in front of the captain of the guard army, and gave the note to the captain of the guard army for safekeeping.

After making the note, the alien waiter could not wait to look at Ji Chongxuan and said: "eat, you eat, a group of mole ants. I see what you can take to eat these three mysterious gods."

"Ha ha..."

Ji Chongxuan smiled cruelly, then looked at yebufan and said:

"Third, eat!"

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